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The Origin and Evolution of the Halo PN BoBn 1: From a Viewpoint of Chemical Abundances Based on Multiwavelength Spectra

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 Added by Masaaki Otsuka
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors M. Otsuka

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We have performed a comprehensive chemical abundance analysis of the extremely metal-poor ([Ar/H]<-2) halo planetary nebula (PN) BoBn 1 based on IUE archive data, Subaru/HDS spectra, VLT/UVES archive data, and Spitzer/IRS spectra. We have detected over 600 lines in total and calculated ionic and elemental abundances of 13 elements using detected optical recombination lines (ORLs) and collisionally excited lines (CELs). The estimations of C, N, O, and Ne abundances from the ORLs and Kr, Xe, and Ba from the CELs are done the first for this nebula, empirically and theoretically. The C, N, O, and Ne abundances from ORLs are systematically larger than those from CELs. The abundance discrepancies apart from O could be explained by a temperature fluctuation model, and that of O might be by a hydrogen deficient cold component model. We have detected 5 fluorine and several s-process elements. The amounts of [F/H], [Kr/H], and [Xe/H] suggest that BoBn 1 is the most F-rich among F detected PNe and is a heavy s-process element rich PN. We have confirmed dust in the nebula that is composed of amorphous carbon and PAHs with a total mass of 5.8 x 10^-6 Msun. The photo-ionization models built with non-LTE theoretical stellar atmospheres indicate that the progenitor was a 1-1.5 Msun star that would evolve into a white dwarf with an ~0.62 Msun core mass and ~0.09 Msun ionized nebula. The derived elemental abundances have been reviewed from the standpoint of theoretical nucleosynthesis models. It is likely that the elemental abundances except N could be explained either by a 1.5 Msun single star model or by a binary model composed of 0.75 Msun + 1.5 Msun stars. Careful examination implies that BoBn 1 has evolved from a 0.75 Msun + 1.5 Msun binary and experienced coalescence during the evolution to become a visible PN, similar to the other extremely metal-poor halo PN, K 648 in M 15.

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We report an investigation of the extremely metal-poor and C-rich planetary nebula (PN) K648 in the globular cluster M15 using the UV to far-IR data obtained using the Subaru, HST, FUSE, Spitzer, and Herschel. We determined the nebular abundances of ten elements. The enhancement of F ([F/H]=+0.96) is comparable to that of the halo PN BoBn1. The central stellar abundances of seven elements are determined. The stellar C/O ratio is similar to the nebular C/O ratios from recombination line and from collisionally excited line (CEL) within error, and the stellar Ne/O ratio is also close to the nebular CEL Ne/O ratio. We found evidence of carbonaceous dust grains and molecules including Class B 6-9 um and 11.3 um polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the broad 11 um feature. The profiles of these bands are similar to those of the C-rich halo PNe H4-1 and BoBn1. Based on the theoretical model, we determined the physical conditions of the gas and dust and their masses, i.e., 0.048 Msun and 4.95x10^{-7} Msun, respectively. The observed chemical abundances and gas mass are in good agreement with an asymptotic giant branch nucleosynthesis model prediction for stars with an initial 1.25 Msun plus a 2.0x10^{-3} Msun partial mixing zone (PMZ) and stars with an initial mass of 1.5 Msun without a PMZ. The core-mass of the central star is approximately 0.61-0.63 Msun. K648 is therefore likely to have evolved from a progenitor that experienced coalescence or tidal disruption during the early stages of evolution, and became a ~1.25-1.5 Msun blue straggler.
We combine asteroseismology, optical high-resolution spectroscopy, and kinematic analysis for 26 halo red giant branch stars in the textit{Kepler} field in the range of $-2.5<[mathrm{{Fe}/{H}}]<-0.6$. After applying theoretically motivated corrections to the seismic scaling relations, we obtain an average mass of $0.97pm 0.03,mathrm{M_{odot}}$ for our sample of halo stars. Although this maps into an age of $sim 7,mathrm{Gyr}$, significantly younger than independent age estimates of the Milky Way stellar halo, we considerer this apparently young age is due to the overestimation of stellar mass in the scaling relations. There is no significant mass dispersion among lower red giant branch stars ($log g>2$), which constrains a relative age dispersion to $<18%$, corresponding to $<2,mathrm{Gyr}$. The precise chemical abundances allow us to separate the stars with [{Fe}/{H}]$>-1.7$ into two [{Mg}/{Fe}] groups. While [$alpha$/{Fe}] and [{Eu}/{Mg}] ratios are different between the two subsamples, [$s$/Eu], where $s$ stands for Ba, La, Ce, and Nd, does not show a significant difference. These abundance ratios suggest that the chemical evolution of the low-Mg population is contributed by type~Ia supernovae, but not by low-to-intermediate mass asymptotic giant branch stars, providing a constraint on its star formation timescale as $100,mathrm{Myr}<tau<300,mathrm{Myr}$. We also do not detect any significant mass difference between the two [{Mg}/{Fe}] groups, thus suggesting that their formation epochs are not separated by more than 1.5 Gyr.
Based on high resolution, high signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio spectra from Keck/HIRES, we have determined abundances of 20 elements for 18 Ba candidates. The parameter space of these stars are in the range of 4880 $leq$ $rm{T_{eff}}$ $leq$ 6050 K, 2.56 $leq$ log $g$ $leq$ 4.53 dex and -0.27 $leq$ [Fe/H] $leq$ 0.09 dex. It is found that four of them can be identified as Ba stars with [s/Fe] $>$ 0.25 dex (s: Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce and Nd), and three of them are newly discovered, which includes two Ba giants (HD 16178 and HD 22233) and one Ba subgiant (HD 2946). Our results show that the abundances of $alpha$, odd and iron-peak elements (O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, Mn, Ni and Cu) for our program stars are similar to those of the thin disk, while the distribution of [hs/ls] (hs: Ba, La, Ce and Nd, ls: Sr, Y and Zr) ratios of our Ba stars is similar to those of the known Ba objects. None of the four Ba stars show clear enhancement in carbon including the known CH subgiant HD 4395. It is found that three of the Ba stars present clear evidences of hosting stellar or sub-stellar companions from the radial velocity data.
125 - Masaaki Otsuka 2013
We performed detailed chemical abundance analysis of the extremely metal-poor ([Ar/H]-2) halo planetary nebula H4-1 based on the multi-wavelength spectra from Subaru/HDS, GALEX, SDSS, and Spitzer/IRS and determined the abundances of 10 elements. The C and O abundances were derived from collisionally excited lines (CELs) and are almost consistent with abundances from recombination lines (RLs). We demonstrated that the large discrepancy in the C abundance between CEL and RL in H4-1 can be solved using the temperature fluctuation model. We reported the first detection of the [Xe III]5846 A line in H4-1 and determination of its elemental abundance ([Xe/H]>+0.48). H4-1 is the most Xe-rich PN among the Xe-detected PNe. The observed abundances are close to the theoretical prediction by a ~2.0 Msun single star model with initially r-process element rich ([r/Fe]=+2.0 dex). The observed Xe abundance would be a product of the r-process in primordial SNe. The [C/O]-[Ba/(Eu or Xe)] diagram suggests that the progenitor of H4-1 shares the evolution with two types of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars (CEMP), CEMP-r/s and CEMP-no stars. The progenitor of H4-1 is a presumably binary formed in an r-process rich environment.
92 - Masaaki Otsuka 2017
We have carried out a detailed analysis of the interesting and important very young planetary nebula (PN) Hen3-1357 (Stingray Nebula) based on a unique dataset of optical to far-IR spectra and photometric images. We calculated the abundances of nine elements using collisionally excited lines (CELs) and recombination lines (RLs). The RL C/O ratio indicates that this PN is O-rich, which is also supported by the detection of the broad 9/18 um bands from amorphous silicate grain. The observed elemental abundances can be explained by asymptotic giant branch (AGB) nucleosynthesis models for initially 1-1.5 Msun stars with Z = 0.008. The Ne overabundance might be due to the enhancement of 22Ne isotope in the He-rich intershell. By using the spectrum of the central star synthesized by Tlusty as the ionization/heating source of the PN, we constructed the self-consistent photoionization model with Cloudy to the observed quantities, and we derived the gas and dust masses, dust-to-gas mass ratio, and core-mass of the central star. About 80 % of the total dust mass is from warm-cold dust component beyond ionization front. Comparison with other Galactic PNe indicates that Hen3-1357 is an ordinary amorphous silicate rich and O-rich gas PN. Among other studied PNe, IC4846 shows many similarities in properties of the PN to Hen3-1357, although their post-AGB evolution is quite different from each other. Further monitoring observations and comparisons with other PNe such as IC4846 are necessary to understand the evolution of Hen3-1357.
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