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TASI Lectures on a Holographic View of Beyond the Standard Model Physics

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 Added by Tony Gherghetta
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is English

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We provide an introduction to the physics of a warped extra dimension and the AdS/CFT correspondence. An AdS/CFT dictionary is given which leads to a 4D holographic view of the 5th dimension. With a particular emphasis on beyond the standard model physics, this provides a window into the strong dynamics associated with either electroweak symmetry breaking or supersymmetry breaking. In this way hierarchies associated with either the electroweak or supersymmetry breaking scale, together with the fermion mass spectrum, can be addressed in a consistent framework.

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119 - Ayres Freitas 2020
This write-up of lectures given at TASI 2020 provides an introduction into precision tests of the electroweak Standard Model. The lecture notes begin with a hands-on review of the (on-shell) renormalization procedure, and subsequently highlight a few subtleties that occur in the renormalization of a theory with electroweak symmetry breaking and massive gauge bosons. After that a set of typical electroweak precision observables is introduced, as well as a range of input parameter measurements that are needed for making predictions within the Standard Model. Finally, it is discussed how comparisons of the electroweak precision observables between experiment and theory can be used to stress-test the Standard Model and probe new physics.
183 - B.C. Allanach 2016
We cover some current topics in Beyond the Standard Model phenomenology, with an emphasis on collider (particularly Large Hadron Collider) phenomenology. We begin with a review of the Standard Model and some unresolved mysteries that it leaves. Then, we shall heuristically introduce supersymmetry, grand unified theories and extra dimensions as paradigms for expanding the Standard Model. The collider phenomenology of such models is too rich and complex to review, but we give some key examples of how the new states associated with the models might be inferred in Large Hadron Collider events. Before concluding, we finish with a brief description of a quantum field theory approximation that can be used in some cases to reduce model dependence: effective field theory. We show how this can be employed to explain recent measurements of decays of $B$ mesons, which disagree with Standard Model predictions.
186 - Laura Reina 2012
In these lectures I briefly review the Higgs mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking and focus on the most relevant aspects of the phenomenology of the Standard Model Higgs boson at hadron colliders, namely the Tevatron and the Large Hadron Collider. Emphasis is put in particular on the Higgs-physics program of both LHC experiments and on the theoretical activity that has entailed from the the need of providing accurate predictions for both signal and background in Higgs-boson searches.
168 - Jean Iliopoulos 2008
We review our expectations in the last year before the LHC commissioning.
69 - R. Rattazzi 2006
I review recent theoretical work on electroweak symmetry breaking.
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