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Herschel FIR counterparts of selected Ly-alpha emitters at z~2.2. Fast evolution since z~3 or missed obscured AGNs?

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 Added by Angel Bongiovanni
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Ly-alpha emitters (LAEs) are seen everywhere in the redshift domain from local to z~7. Far-infrared (FIR) counterparts of LAEs at different epochs could provide direct clues on dust content, extinction, and spectral energy distribution (SED) for these galaxies. We search for FIR counterparts of LAEs that are optically detected in the GOODS-North field at redshift z~2.2 using data from the Herschel Space Telescope with the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS). The LAE candidates were isolated via color-magnitude diagram using the medium-band photometry from the ALHAMBRA Survey, ancillary data on GOODS-North, and stellar population models. According to the fitting of these spectral synthesis models and FIR/optical diagnostics, most of them seem to be obscured galaxies whose spectra are AGN-dominated. From the analysis of the optical data, we have observed a fraction of AGN or composite over source total number of ~0.75 in the LAE population at z~2.2, which is marginally consistent with the fraction previously observed at z=2.25 and even at low redshift (0.2<z<0.45), but significantly different from the one observed at redshift ~3, which could be compatible either with a scenario of rapid change in the AGN fraction between the epochs involved or with a non detection of obscured AGN in other z=2-3 LAE samples due to lack of deep FIR observations. We found three robust FIR (PACS) counterparts at z~2.2 in GOODS-North. This demonstrates the possibility of finding dust emission in LAEs even at higher redshifts.

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204 - P. Hibon 2009
The Ly-alpha luminosity function (LF) of high-redshift Ly-alpha emitters (LAEs) is one of the few observables of the re-ionization epoch accessible to date with 8-10 m class telescopes. The evolution with redshift allows one to constrain the evolution of LAEs and their role in re-ionizing the Universe at the end of the Dark Ages. We have performed a narrow-band imaging program at 1.06 microns at the CFHT, targeting Ly-alpha emitters at redshift z ~ 7.7 in the CFHT-LS D1 field. From these observations we have derived a photometric sample of 7 LAE candidates at z ~ 7.7. We derive luminosity functions for the full sample of seven objects and for sub-samples of four objects. If the brightest objects in our sample are real, we infer a luminosity function which would be difficult to reconcile with previous work at lower redshift. More definitive conclusions will require spectroscopic confirmation.
We present the results of a Lya profile analysis of 12 Lya emitters (LAEs) at z = 2.2 with high-resolution Lya spectra. We find that all 12 objects have a Lya profile with the main peak redward of the systemic redshift defined by nebular lines, and five have a weak, secondary peak blueward of the systemic redshift (blue bump). The average velocity offset of the red main peak (the blue bump, if any) with respect to the systemic redshift is Delta_v_Lya,r = 174+/- 19 km s-1 (Delta_v_Lya,b = -316+/-45 km s-1), which is smaller than (comparable to) that of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). The outflow velocities inferred from metal absorption lines in three individual and one stacked spectra are comparable to those of LBGs. The expanding shell model constructed by Verhamme et al. (2006) reproduces not only the Lya profiles but also other observed quantities including the outflow velocity and the FWHM of nebular lines for the non-blue bump objects. On the other hand, the model predicts too high FWHMs of nebular lines for the blue bump objects, although this discrepancy may disappear if we introduce additional Lya photons produced by gravitational cooling. We show that the small Delta_v_Lya,r values of our sample can be explained by low neutral-hydrogen column densities of log(NHI) = 18.9 cm-2 on average. This value is more than one order of magnitude lower than those of LBGs but is consistent with recent findings that LAEs have high ionization parameters and low Hi gas masses. This result suggests that low NHI values, giving reduced numbers of resonant scattering of Lya photons, are the key to the strong Lya emission of LAEs.
136 - E. Ibar , D. Sobral , P.N. Best 2013
We describe the far-infrared (FIR; rest-frame 8--1000mu m) properties of a sample of 443 Halpha-selected star-forming galaxies in the COSMOS and UDS fields detected by the HiZELS imaging survey. Sources are identified using narrow-band filters in combination with broad-band photometry to uniformly select Halpha (and [OII] if available) emitters in a narrow redshift slice at z = 1.47+/-0.02. We use a stacking approach in Spitzer, Herschel (from PEP and HerMES surveys) and AzTEC images to describe their typical FIR properties. We find that HiZELS galaxies with observed Halpha luminosities of ~ 10^{8.1-9.1} Lo have bolometric FIR luminosities of typical LIRGs, L_FIR ~ 10^{11.48+/-0.05} Lo. Combining the Halpha and FIR luminosities, we derive median SFR = 32+/-5 Mo/yr and Halpha extinctions of A(Halpha) = 1.0+/-0.2 mag. Perhaps surprisingly, little difference is seen in typical HiZELS extinction levels compared to local star-forming galaxies. We confirm previous empirical stellar mass (M*) to A(Halpha) relations and the little or no evolution up to z = 1.47. For HiZELS galaxies, we provide an empirical parametrisation of the SFR as a function of (u-z)_rest colours and 3.6mu m photometry. We find that the observed Halpha luminosity is a dominant SFR tracer when (u-z)_rest ~< 0.9 mag or when 3.6mu m photometry > 22 mag (Vega) or when M* < 10^9.7 Mo. We do not find any correlation between the [OII]/Halpha and FIR luminosity, suggesting that this emission line ratio does not trace the extinction of the most obscured star-forming regions. The luminosity-limited HiZELS sample tends to lie above of the so-called `main sequence for star-forming galaxies, especially at low M*. This work suggests that obscured star formation is linked to the assembly of M*, with deeper potential wells in massive galaxies providing dense, heavily obscured environments in which stars can form rapidly.
170 - Y. Matsuda 2010
We present results of a survey for giant Ly-alpha nebulae (LABs) at z=3 with Subaru/Suprime-Cam. We obtained Ly-alpha imaging at z=3.09+-0.03 around the SSA22 protocluster and in several blank fields. The total survey area is 2.1 square degrees, corresponding to a comoving volume of 1.6 x 10^6 Mpc^3. Using a uniform detection threshold of 1.4 x 10^{-18} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} arcsec^{-2} for the Ly-alpha images, we construct a sample of 14 LAB candidates with major-axis diameters larger than 100 kpc, including five previously known blobs and two known quasars. This survey triples the number of known LABs over 100 kpc. The giant LAB sample shows a possible morphology-density relation: filamentary LABs reside in average density environments as derived from compact Ly-alpha emitters, while circular LABs reside in both average density and overdense environments. Although it is hard to examine the formation mechanisms of LABs only from the Ly-alpha morphologies, more filamentary LABs may relate to cold gas accretion from the surrounding inter-galactic medium (IGM) and more circular LABs may relate to large-scale gas outflows, which are driven by intense starbursts and/or by AGN activities. Our survey highlights the potential usefulness of giant LABs to investigate the interactions between galaxies and the surrounding IGM from the field to overdense environments at high-redshift.
In order to understand the interactions between active galactic nuclei (AGN) and star formation during the evolution of galaxies, we investigate 142 galaxies detected in both X-ray and 70{mu}m observations in the COSMOS (Cosmic Evolution Survey) field. All of our data are obtained from the archive, X-ray point source catalogs from Chandra and XMM-Newton observations; far-infrared 70{mu}m point source catalog from Spitzer-MIPS observations. Although the IRAC [3.6{mu}m]-[4.5{mu}m] vs. [5.8{mu}m]-[8.0{mu}m] colours of our sample indicate that only ~63% of our sources would be classified as AGN, the ratio of the rest-frame 2-10 keV luminosity to the total infrared luminosity (8-1000{mu}m) shows that all of the sample has comparatively higher X-ray luminosity than that expected from pure star-forming galaxies, suggesting the presence of an AGN in all of our sources. From the analysis of the X-ray hardness ratio, we find that sources with both 70{mu}m and X-ray detection tend to have a higher hardness ratio relative to the whole X-ray selected source population, suggesting the presence of more X-ray absorption in the 70{mu}m detected sources. In addition, we find that the observed far-infrared colours of 70{mu}m detected sources with and without X-ray emission are similar, suggesting the far-infrared emission could be mainly powered by star formation.
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