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Asymmetric transmission of linearly polarized light at optical metamaterials

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 Added by Christoph Menzel
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We experimentally demonstrate a three-dimensional chiral optical metamaterial that exhibits an asymmetric transmission for forwardly and backwardly propagating linearly polarized light. The observation of this novel effect requires a metamaterial composed of three-dimensional chiral metaatoms without any rotational symmetry. Our analysis is supported by a systematic investigation of the transmission matrices for arbitrarily complex, lossy media that allows deriving a simple criterion for asymmetric transmission in an arbitrary polarization base. Contrary to physical intuition, in general the polarization eigenstates in such three-dimensional and low-symmetry metamaterials do not obey fxed relations and the associated transmission matrices cannot be symmetrized.

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We formulate a quantitative description of backscattered linearly polarized light using an extended photon diffusion formalism taking explicitly into account the scattering anisotropy parameter g of the medium. From diffusing wave spectroscopy measurements the characteristic depolarization length for linearly polarized light is deduced. We investigate the dependance of this length on the scattering anisotropy parameter g spanning an extended range from -1 (backscattering) to 1 (forward scattering). Good agreement is found with Monte Carlo simulations of multiply scattered light.
We study the optical properties of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers under the influence of strong out-of-plane magnetic fields, using the effective massive Dirac model. We pay attention to the role of spin-orbit coupling effects, doping level and electron-electron interactions, treated at the Hartree-Fock level. We find that optically-induced valley and spin imbalance, commonly attained with circularly polarized light, can also be obtained with linearly polarized light in the doped regime. Additionally, we explore an exchange-driven mechanism to enhance the spin-orbit splitting of the conduction band, in n-doped systems, controlling both the carrier density and the intensity of the applied magnetic field.
278 - Zheng-Gao Dong , Hui Liu , Tao Li 2008
We demonstrate that left-handed resonance transmission from metallic metamaterial, composed of periodically arranged double rings, can be extended to visible spectrum by introducing an active medium layer as the substrate. The severe ohmic loss inside metals at optical frequencies is compensated by stimulated emission of radiation in this active system. Due to the resonance amplification mechanism of recently proposed lasing spaser, the left-handed transmission band can be restored up to 610 nm wavelength, in dependence on the gain coefficient of the active layer. Additionally, threshold gains for different scaling levels of the double-ring unit are investigated to evaluate the gain requirement of left-handed transmission restoration at different frequency ranges.
We propose novel quantum antennas and metamaterials with strong magnetic response at optical frequencies. Our design is based on the arrangement of natural atoms with only electric dipole transition moments at distances smaller than a wavelength of light but much larger than their physical size. In particular, we show that an atomic dimer can serve as a magnetic antenna at its antisymmetric mode to enhance the decay rate of a magnetic transition in its vicinity by several orders of magnitude. Furthermore, we study metasurfaces composed of atomic bilayers with and without cavities and show that they can fully reflect the electric and magnetic fields of light, thus, forming nearly perfect electric/magnetic mirrors. The proposed quantum metamaterials can be fabricated with available state-of-the-art technologies and promise several applications both in classical optics and quantum engineering.
We study the properties of a tunable nonlinear metamaterial operating at microwave frequencies. We fabricate the nonlinear metamaterial composed of double split-ring resonators and wires where a varactor diode is introduced into each resonator so that the magnetic resonance can be tuned dynamically by varying the input power. We show that at higher powers the transmission of the metamaterial becomes power dependent, and we demonstrate experimentally power-dependent transmission properties and selective generation of higher harmonics.
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