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This paper briefly highlights the features of the software tool [RadPat4W], named after Radiation Patterns for Windows but also compatible with the [Wine] environment of Linux. The tool is a stand-alone part of a freeware suite that is based on an alternative exposition of fundamental Antenna Theory and is under active development for many years now. Nevertheless, [RadPat4W] source code has been now released as FLOSS Free Libre Open Source Software and thus it may be freely used, copied, modified or redistributed, individually or cooperatively, by the interested user to suit her/his personal needs for reliable antenna applications from the simplest to the more complex.
This paper introduces the FLOSS Free Libre Open Source Software [VEMSA3D], a contraction of Visual Electromagnetic Simulator for 3D Antennas, which are geometrically modeled, either exactly or approximately, as thin wire polygonal structures; presents its GUI Graphical User Interface capabilities, in interactive mode and/or in handling suitable formed antenna data files; demonstrates the effectiveness of its use in a number of practical antenna applications, with direct comparison to experimental measurements and other freeware results; and provides the inexperienced user with a specific list of instructions to successfully build the given source code by using only freely available IDE Integrated Development Environment tools-including a cross-platform one. The unrestricted access to source code, beyond the ability for immediate software improvement, offers to independent users and volunteer groups an expandable, in any way, visual antenna simulator, for a genuine research and development work in the field of antennas, adaptable to their needs.
We present a new method for computing the Near-To-Far-Field (NTFF) transformation in FDTD simulations which has an overall scaling of $O(N^3)$ instead of the standard $O(N^4)$. By mapping the far field with a cartesian coordinate system the 2D surface integral can be split into two successive 1D integrals. For a near field spanned by $N_X times N_Y$ discrete sample points, and a far field spanned by $N_{theta} times N_{phi}$ points, the calculation can then be performed in $O(N_{theta}N_X N_Y) + O(N_{theta}N_{phi}N_Y)$ operations instead of $O(N_{theta}N_{phi}N_X N_Y)$.
In this work, we use the finite differences in time domain (FDTD) numerical method to compute and assess the validity of Hopf solutions, or hopfions, for the electromagnetic field equations. In these solutions, field lines form closed loops characterized by different knot topologies which are preserved during their time evolution. Hopfions have been studied extensively in the past from an analytical perspective but never, to the best of our knowledge, from a numerical approach. The implementation and validation of this technique eases the study of more complex cases of this phenomena; e.g. how these fields could interact with materials (e.g. anisotropic or non-linear), their coupling with other physical systems (e.g. plasmas), and also opens the path on their artificial generation by different means (e.g. antenna arrays or lasers).
It is generally accepted that the dynamics of relativistic particles in the lab frame can be described by taking into account the relativistic dependence of the particles momenta on the velocity, with no reference to Lorentz transformations. The electrodynamics problem can then be treated within a single inertial frame description. To evaluate radiation fields from moving charged particles we need their velocities and positions as a function of the lab frame time t. The relativistic motion of a particle in the lab frame is described by Newtons second law corrected for the relativistic dependence of the particle momentum on the velocity. In all standard derivations the trajectories in the source part of the usual Maxwells equations are identified with the trajectories $vec{x}(t)$ calculated by using the corrected Newtons second law. This way of coupling fields and particles is considered correct. We argue that this procedure needs to be changed by demonstrating a counterintuitive: the results of conventional theory of radiation by relativistically moving charges are not consistent with the principle of relativity. The trajectory of a particle in the lab frame consistent with the usual Maxwells equations, is found by solving the dynamics equation in manifestly covariant form, with the proper time $tau$ used to parameterize the particle world-line in space-time. We find a difference between the true particle trajectory $vec{x}(t)$ calculated or measured in the conventional way, and the covariant particle trajectory $vec{x}_{cov}(t)$ calculated by projecting the world-line to the lab frame and using t to parameterize the trajectory curve. The difference is due to a choice of convention, but only $vec{x}_{cov}(t)$ is consistent with the usual Maxwells equations: therefore, a correction of the conventional synchrotron-cyclotron radiation theory is required.
A lattice Boltzmann model was proposed to simulate electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD). The insulative vapor and the electrolyte liquid droplet were simulated by the lattice Boltzmann method respectively, and the linear property between cosine of contact angle and the electric field force confirms the reliability of this model. In the simulation of electrolyte flowing in a rough-wall channel under an external electric field, we found that a narrow channel is more sensitive than a broad channel and the flux decreases monotonously as the electric field increase, but may suddenly increase if the electric field is strong enough.