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Scanning Tunneling Microscopy studies on CeCoIn$_5$ and CeIrIn$_5$

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 Added by Steffen Wirth
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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High--quality single crystals of the heavy fermion superconductors CeCoIn$_5$ and CeIrIn$_5$ have been studied by means of low--temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Methods were established to facilitate textit{in-situ} sample cleaving. Spectroscopy in CeCoIn$_5$ reveals a gap which persists to above $T_c$, possibly evidencing a precursor state to SC. Atomically resolved topographs show a rearrangement of the atoms at the crystal surface. This modification at the surface might influence the surface properties as detected by tunneling spectroscopy.

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For any thorough investigation of complex physical properties, as encountered in strongly correlated electron systems, not only single crystals of highest quality but also a detailed knowledge of the structural properties of the material are pivotal prerequisites. Here, we combine physical and chemical investigations on the prototypical heavy fermion superconductors CeIrIn${_5}$ and CeCoIn${_5}$ on atomic and macroscopic length scale to gain insight into their precise structural properties. Our approach spans from enhanced resolution X-ray diffraction experiments to atomic resolution by means of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and reveal a certain type of local features (coexistence of minority and majority structural patterns) in the tetragonal HoCoGa$_5$-type structure of both compounds.
79 - A. Bianchi 2002
We investigated the magnetic field dependence of the superconducting phase transition in heavy fermion CeCoIn_5 (T_c = 2.3 K) using specific heat, magneto-caloric effect, and thermal expansion measurements. The superconducting transition becomes first order when the magnetic field is oriented along the 001 crystallographic direction with a strength greater that 4.7 T, and transition temperature below T_0 ~ 0.31 T_c. The change from second order at lower fields is reflected in strong sharpening of both specific heat and thermal expansion anomalies associated with the phase transition, a strong magnetocaloric effect, and a step-like change in the sample volume. The first order superconducting phase transition in CeCoIn_5 is caused by Pauli limiting in type-II superconductors, and was predicted theoretically in the mid 1960s. We do not see evidence for the inhomogeneous Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superconducting state (predicted by an alternative theory also dating back to mid-60s) in CeCoIn_5 with field H || [001].
To study the mutual interaction between unconventional superconductivity and magnetic order through an interface, we fabricate Kondo superlattices consisting of alternating layers of heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn$_5$ and antiferromagnetic (AFM) heavy-fermion metal CeIn$_3$. The strength of the AFM fluctuations is tuned by applying hydrostatic pressure to CeCoIn$_5(m)$/CeIn$_3(n)$ superlattices with $m$ and $n$ unit-cell-thick layers of CeCoIn$_5$ and CeIn$_3$, respectively. Superconductivity in CeCoIn$_5$ and AFM order in CeIn$_3$ coexist in spatially separated layers. At ambient pressure, N{e}el temperature $T_N$ of the CeIn$_3$ block layers (BLs) of CeCoIn$_5$(7)/CeIn$_3(n)$ shows little dependence on $n$, in contrast to CeIn$_3(n)$/LaIn$_3$(4) superlattices where $T_N$ is strongly suppressed with decreasing $n$. This suggests that each CeIn$_3$ BL is magnetically coupled by the RKKY interaction through the adjacent CeCoIn$_5$ BL and a 3D magnetic state is formed. With applying pressure to CeCoIn$_5$(7)/CeIn$_3$(13), $T_N$ of the CeIn$_3$ BLs is suppressed up to 2.4 GPa, showing a similar pressure dependence as CeIn$_3$ single crystals. An analysis of upper critical field reveals that the superconductivity in the CeCoIn$_5$ BLs is barely influenced by the AFM fluctuations in the CeIn$_3$ BLs, even when the CeIn$_3$ BLs are in the vicinity of the AFM quantum critical point. This is in stark contrast to CeCoIn$_5$/CeRhIn$_5$ superlattice where the superconductivity in the CeCoIn$_5$ BLs is profoundly affected by AFM fluctuations in the CeRhIn$_5$ BLs. The present results show that although AFM fluctuations are injected into the CeCoIn$_5$ BLs from the CeIn$_3$ BLs through the interface, they barely affect the force which binds superconducting electron pairs. These results demonstrate that 2D AFM fluctuations are essentially important for the pairing interactions in CeCoIn$_5$.
We report a high field investigation (up to 45 T) of the metamagnetic transition in CeIrIn$_5$ with resistivity and de-Haas-van-Alphen (dHvA) effect measurements in the temperature range 0.03-1 K. As the magnetic field is increased the resistivity increases, reaches a maximum at the metamagnetic critical field, and falls precipitously for fields just above the transition, while the amplitude of all measurable dHvA frequencies are significantly attenuated near the metamagnetic critical field. However, the dHvA frequencies and cyclotron masses are not substantially altered by the transition. In the low field state, the resistivity is observed to increase toward low temperatures in a singular fashion, a behavior that is rapidly suppressed above the transition. Instead, in the high field state, the resistivity monotonically increases with temperature with a dependence that is more singular than the iconic Fermi-liquid, temperature-squared, behavior. Both the damping of the dHvA amplitudes and the increased resistivity near the metamagnetic critical field indicate an increased scattering rate for charge carriers consistent with critical fluctuation scattering in proximity to a phase transition. The dHvA amplitudes do not uniformly recover above the critical field, with some hole-like orbits being entirely suppressed at high fields. These changes, taken as a whole, suggest that the metamagnetic transition in CeIrIn$_5$ is associated with the polarization and localization of the heaviest of quasiparticles on the hole-like Fermi surface.
The discovery of high temperature superconductivity in La[O1-xFx]FeAs at the beginning of this year [1] has generated much excitement and has led to the rapid discovery of similar compounds with as high as 55 K transition temperatures [2]. The high superconducting transition temperatures are seemingly incompatible with the electron-phonon driven pairing of conventional superconductors, resulting in wide speculation as to the mechanism and nature of the superconductivity in these materials. Here we report results of the first scanning tunneling microscopy study of the 32 K superconductor (Sr1-xKx)Fe2As2. We find two distinct topographic regions on the sample, one with no apparent atomic corrugation, and another marked by a stripe-like modulation at double the atomic periodicity. In the latter the stripes appear to modulate the local density of states, occasionally revealing a Delta = 10 mV gap with a shape consistent with unconventional (non-s wave) superconductivity.
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