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Recherche De Correlations Temporelles Des Muons Cosmiques Avec Macro Et Perte DEnergie Des Nuclearites

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 Added by Miriam Giorgini
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors A. Moussa

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The first parts of the thesis recalls the main features of the large MACRO experiment at the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory. It then describes the atmospheric muons measured by the experiment and the selection criteria to obtain and analyze a large sample of cosmic muons. The time series of MACRO muons was analyzed with two complementary approaches: search for the occurrence of bursts of muon events and search for periodicities in the muon time distribution. The Scan Statistics method was used in the first case and the Lomb-Scargle spectral analysis in the second case. The two techniques complete early analyses performed with folding methods. It is confirmed that the seasonal variation is the dominant periodic variation, and one also confirms the solar diurnal and sidereal modulations. A separate study concerns the analysis of the energy losses of the hypothetical Nuclearites in different materials and detectors; their importance for the searches performed by the MACRO and the SLIM experiments is discussed.

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Bitmap indexes are frequently used to index multidimensional data. They rely mostly on sequential input/output. Bitmaps can be compressed to reduce input/output costs and minimize CPU usage. The most efficient compression techniques are based on run-length encoding (RLE), such as Word-Aligned Hybrid (WAH) compression. This type of compression accelerates logical operations (AND, OR) over the bitmaps. However, run-length encoding is sensitive to the order of the facts. Thus, we propose to sort the fact tables. We review lexicographic, Gray-code, and block-wise sorting. We found that a lexicographic sort improves compression--sometimes generating indexes twice as small--and make indexes several times faster. While sorting takes time, this is partially offset by the fact that it is faster to index a sorted table. Column order is significant: it is generally preferable to put the columns having more distinct values at the beginning. A block-wise sort is much less efficient than a full sort. Moreover, we found that Gray-code sorting is not better than lexicographic sorting when using word-aligned compression.
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