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Threshold for Extended Emission in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts

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 Added by Jay Norris
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The initial pulse complex (IPC) in short gamma-ray bursts is sometimes accompanied by a softer, low-intensity extended emission (EE) component. In cases where such a component is not observed, it is not clear if it is present but below the detection threshold. Using Bayesian Block (BB) methods, we measure the EE component and show that it is present in one quarter of a Swift/BAT sample of 51 short bursts, as was found for the Compton/BATSE sample. We simulate bursts with EE to calibrate the BAT threshold for EE detection and show that this component would have been detected in nearly half of BAT short bursts if it were present, to intensities ~ 10^-2 counts cm^-2 s^-1, a factor of five lower than actually observed in short bursts. In the BAT sample the ratio of average EE intensity to IPC peak intensity, Rint, ranges over a factor of 25, Rint ~ 3 x 10^-3 to 8 x 10^-2. In comparison, for the average of the 39 bursts without an EE component, the 2-sigma upper limit is Rint < 8 x 10^-4. These results suggest that a physical threshold effect operates near Rint ~ few x 10^-3, below which the EE component is not manifest.

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Preliminary results of our analysis on the extended emission of short/medium duration GRBs observed with Swift/BAT are presented. The Bayesian blocks algorithm is used to analyze the burst durations and the temporal structure of the lightcurves in different energy bands. We show here the results of three bursts (GRBs 050724, 061006 and 070714B) that have a prominent soft extended emission component in our sample. The extended emission of these bursts is a continuous, flickering-liked component, lasting $sim 100$ seconds post the GRB trigger at 15-25 keV bands. Without considering this component, the three bursts are classified as short GRBs, with $T_{90}=2sim 3$ seconds. GRB 060614 has an emission component similar to the extended emission, but this component has pulse-liked structure, possibly indicating that this emission component is different from that observed in GRBs 050724, 061006, and 070714B. Further analysis on the spectral evolution behavior of the extended emission component is on going.
The recent association of several short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with early type galaxies with low star formation rate demonstrates that short bursts arise from a different progenitor mechanism than long bursts. However, since the duration distributions of the two classes overlap, membership is not always easily established. The picture is complicated by the occasional presence of softer, extended emission lasting tens of seconds after the initial spike-like emission. We show that the fundamental defining characteristic of the short burst class is that the initial spike exhibits negligible spectral evolution at energies above ~ 25 keV. This behavior is nearly ubiquitous for the 260 bursts with T90 < 2 s, where the BATSE TTE data completely included the initial spike. The same signature obtains for one HETE-2 and six Swift/BAT short bursts. Analysis of a small sample of short BATSE bursts with the most intense extended emission shows that the same lack of evolution on the pulse timescale obtains for the extended emission. The dynamic range in the ratio of peak intensities, spike : extended, is ~ 10^4. For some bursts, the extended emission is only a factor of 2-5 less intense. A high Lorentz factor, ~ 500-1000, might explain the negligible lags observed in short bursts.
Extended emission is a mystery in short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs). By making time resolved spectral analyses of brightest nine events observed by ${it Swift}$ XRT, we obviously classify the early X-ray emission of SGRBs into two types. One is the extended emission with exponentially rapid decay, which shows significant spectral softening during hundreds seconds since the SGRB trigger and is also detected by ${it Swift}$-BAT. The other is a dim afterglow only showing power-law decay over $10^4$ s. The correlations between the temporal decay and spectral indices of the extended emissions are inconsistent with the $alpha$-$beta$ correlation expected for the high-latitude curvature emission from a uniform jet. The observed too-rapid decay suggests the emission from a photosphere or a patchy surface, and manifests the stopping central engine via such as magnetic reconnection at the black hole.
We consider some general implications of bright gamma-ray counterparts to fast radio bursts (FRBs). We show that even if these manifest in only a fraction of FRBs, gamma-ray detections with current satellites (including Swift) can provide stringent constraints on cosmological FRB models. If the energy is drawn from the magnetic energy of a compact object such as a magnetized neutron star, the sources should be nearby and be very rare. If the intergalactic medium is responsible for the observed dispersion measure, the required gamma-ray energy is comparable to that of the early afterglow or extended emission of short gamma-ray bursts. While this can be reconciled with the rotation energy of compact objects, as expected in many merger scenarios, the prompt outflow that yields the gamma-rays is too dense for radio waves to escape. Highly relativistic winds launched in a precursor phase, and forming a wind bubble, may avoid the scattering and absorption limits and could yield FRB emission. Largely independent of source models, we show that detectable radio afterglow emission from gamma-ray bright FRBs can reasonably be anticipated. Gravitational wave searches can also be expected to provide useful tests.
Some short GRBs are followed by longer extended emission, lasting anywhere from ~10 to ~100 s. These short GRBs with extended emission (EE) can possess observational characteristics of both short and long GRBs (as represented by GRB 060614), and the traditional classification based on the observed duration places some of them in the long GRB class. While GRBs with EE pose a challenge to the compact binary merger scenario, they may therefore provide an important link between short and long duration events. To identify the population of GRBs with EE regardless of their initial classifications, we performed a systematic search of short GRBs with EE using all available data (up to February 2013) of both Swift/BAT and Fermi/GBM. The search identified 16 BAT and 14 GBM detected GRBs with EE, several of which are common events observed with both detectors. We investigated their spectral and temporal properties for both the spikes and the EE, and examined correlations among these parameters. Here we present the results of the systematic search as well as the properties of the identified events. Finally, their properties are also compared with short GRBs with EE observed with BATSE, identified through our previous search effort. We found several strong correlations among parameters, especially when all of the samples were combined. Based on our results, a possible progenitor scenario of two-component jet is discussed.
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