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Relevance of ultra-soft gluons and kt resummation for total cross-sections

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 Added by Andrea Achilli
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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Inclusion of down to zero-momentum gluons and their k_t resummation is shown to quench the too fast rise of the mini jet cross section and thereby obtain realistic total cross-sections.

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135 - A. Grau 2009
We discuss the infrared limit for soft gluon kt-resummation and relate it to physical observables such as the intrinsic transverse momentum and the high energy limit of total cross-sections.
154 - A. Achilli 2008
We describe a QCD motivated model for total cross-sections which uses the eikonal representation and incorporates QCD mini-jets to drive the rise with energy of the cross-section, while the impact parameter distribution is obtained through the Fourier transform of the transverse momentum distribution of soft gluons emitted in the parton-parton interactions giving rise to mini-jets in the final state. A singular but integral expression for the running coupling constant in the infrared region is part of this model.
122 - A. Grau 2009
We study soft gluon kt-resummation and the relevance of zero momentum gluons for the energy dependence of total hadronic cross-sections. We discuss a model in which consistency of the energy dependence of the cross-section with the limitation of the Froissart bound, is directly related to the behaviour of the strong coupling constant in the infrared region. Our predictions for the asymptotic behaviour are shown to be related to the ansatz that the infrared behaviour of the QCD strong coupling constant follows an inverse power law.
We discuss a model for soft gluon re-summation based on a statistical description of independent emissions during inelastic collisions. The model is applied to estimate Survival Probabilities at the LHC. A comparison with other models and experimental data is presented.
The Bloch-Nordsieck model for the parton distribution of hadrons in impact parameter space, constructed using soft gluon summation, is investigated in detail. Its dependence upon the infrared structure of the strong coupling constant $alpha_s$ is discussed, both for finite as well as singular, but integrable, $alpha_s$. The formalism is applied to the prediction of total proton-proton and proton-antiproton cross-sections, where screening, due to soft gluon emission from the initial valence quarks, becomes evident.
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