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A note on the p-Parabolicity of Submanifolds

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 Added by Vicente Palmer
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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We give a geometric criterion which shows p-parabolicity of a class of submanifolds in a Riemannian manifold, with controlled second fundamental form, for p bigger or equal than 2.

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We give a set of sufficient and necessary conditions for parabolicity and hyperbolicity of a submanifold with controlled mean curvature in a Riemannian manifold with a pole and with sectional curvatures bounded from above or from below.
We use drifted Brownian motion in warped product model spaces as comparison constructions to show $p$-hyperbolicity of a large class of submanifolds for $pge 2$. The condition for $p$-hyperbolicity is expressed in terms of upper support functions for the radial sectional curvatures of the ambient space and for the radial convexity of the submanifold. In the process of showing $p$-hyperbolicity we also obtain explicit lower bounds on the $p$-capacity of finite annular domains of the submanifolds in terms of the drifted 2-capacity of the corresponding annuli in the respective comparison spaces.
77 - Siran Li 2020
We show that if $Omega$ is a connection $1$-form on a vector bundle $eta$ over a closed $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold $mathcal{M}$ with $L^p$-regularity ($p>n$) and smooth curvature $2$-form $mathscr{F}$, then it can be approximated in the $L^p$-norm by smooth connections of the same curvature, provided that $|Omega|_{L^p(mathcal{M})}$ is smaller than a uniform constant depending only on $p$ and $mathcal{M}$.
In this paper, we investigate geometric conditions for isometric immersions with positive index of relative nullity to be cylinders. There is an abundance of noncylindrical $n$-dimensional minimal submanifolds with index of relative nullity $n-2$, fully described by Dajczer and Florit cite{DF2} in terms of a certain class of elliptic surfaces. Opposed to this, we prove that nonminimal $n$-dimensional submanifolds in space forms of any codimension are locally cylinders provided that they carry a totally geodesic distribution of rank $n-2geq2,$ which is contained in the relative nullity distribution, such that the length of the mean curvature vector field is constant along each leaf. The case of dimension $n=3$ turns out to be special. We show that there exist elliptic three-dimensional submanifolds in spheres satisfying the above properties. In fact, we provide a parametrization of three-dimensional submanifolds as unit tangent bundles of minimal surfaces in the Euclidean space whose first curvature ellipse is nowhere a circle and its second one is everywhere a circle. Moreover, we provide several applications to submanifolds whose mean curvature vector field has constant length, a much weaker condition than being parallel.
We prove a converse to well-known results by E. Cartan and J. D. Moore. Let $fcolon M^n_ctoQ^{n+p}_{tilde c}$ be an isometric immersion of a Riemannian manifold with constant sectional curvature $c$ into a space form of curvature $tilde c$, and free of weak-umbilic points if $c>tilde{c}$. We show that the substantial codimension of $f$ is $p=n-1$ if, as shown by Cartan and Moore, the first normal bundle possesses the lowest possible rank $n-1$. These submanifolds are of a class that has been extensively studied due to their many properties. For instance, they are holonomic and admit B{a}cklund and Ribaucour transformations.
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