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Probing Nano-Mechanical QED Effects

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 Added by Yb Gao
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose and study an intrinsic probing approach, without introducing any external detector, to mimic cavity QED effects in a qubit-nanomechanical resonator system. This metallic nanomechanical resonator can act as an intrinsic detector when a weak driving current passes through it. The nanomechanical resonator acts as both the cavity and the detector. A cavity QED-like effect is demonstrated by the correlation spectrum of the electromotive force between the two ends of the nanomechanical resonator. Using the quantum regression theorem and perturbation theory, we analytically calculate the correlation spectrum. In the weak driving limit, we study the effect on the vacuum Rabi splitting of both the strength of the driving as well as the frequency-detuning between the charge qubit and the nanomechanical resonator. Numerical calculations confirm the validity of our intrinsic probing approach.

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Phenomenological models aiming to join gravity and quantum mechanics often predict effects that are potentially measurable in refined low-energy experiments. For instance, modified commutation relations between position and momentum, that accounts for a minimal scale length, yield a dynamics that can be codified in additional Hamiltonian terms. When applied to the paradigmatic case of a mechanical oscillator, such terms, at the lowest order in the deformation parameter, introduce a weak intrinsic nonlinearity and, consequently, deviations from the classical trajectory. This point of view has stimulated several experimental proposals and realizations, leading to meaningful upper limits to the deformation parameter. All such experiments are based on classical mechanical oscillators, i.e., excited from a thermal state. We remark indeed that decoherence, that plays a major role in distinguishing the classical from the quantum behavior of (macroscopic) systems, is not usually included in phenomenological quantum gravity models. However, it would not be surprising if peculiar features that are predicted by considering the joined roles of gravity and quantum physics should manifest themselves just on purely quantum objects. On the base of this consideration, we propose experiments aiming to observe possible quantum gravity effects on macroscopic mechanical oscillators that are preliminary prepared in a high purity state, and we report on the status of their realization.
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This paper is concerned with quantum dynamics of a system coupled to a critical reservoir. In this context, we employ the Dicke model which is known to exhibit a super radiant quantum phase transition (QPT) and we allow one of the mirrors to move under a linear restoring force. The electromagnetic field couples to the movable mirror though radiation pressure just like in typical optomechanical setups. We show that, in the thermodynamical limit, the super-radiant phase induces a classical driving force on the mirror without causing decoherence.
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