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A Unified Framework for Dynamic Pari-Mutuel Information Market Design

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 Added by Shipra Agrawal
 Publication date 2009
  fields Financial
and research's language is English

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Recently, several new pari-mutuel mechanisms have been introduced to organize markets for contingent claims. Hanson introduced a market maker derived from the logarithmic scoring rule, and later Chen and Pennock developed a cost function formulation for the market maker. On the other hand, the SCPM model of Peters et al. is based on ideas from a call auction setting using a convex optimization model. In this work, we develop a unified framework that bridges these seemingly unrelated models for centrally organizing contingent claim markets. The framework, developed as a generalization of the SCPM, will support many desirable properties such as proper scoring, truthful bidding (in a myopic sense), efficient computation, and guarantees on worst case loss. In fact, our unified framework will allow us to express various proper scoring rules, existing or new, from classical utility functions in a convex optimization problem representing the market organizer. Additionally, we utilize concepts from duality to show that the market model is equivalent to a risk minimization problem where a convex risk measure is employed. This will allow us to more clearly understand the differences in the risk attitudes adopted by various mechanisms, and particularly deepen our intuition about popular mechanisms like Hansons market-maker. In aggregate, we believe this work advances our understanding of the objectives that the market organizer is optimizing in popular pari-mutuel mechanisms by recasting them into one unified framework.

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We consider the problem of designing a derivatives exchange aiming at addressing clients needs in terms of listed options and providing suitable liquidity. We proceed into two steps. First we use a quantization method to select the options that should be displayed by the exchange. Then, using a principal-agent approach, we design a make take fees contract between the exchange and the market maker. The role of this contract is to provide incentives to the market maker so that he offers small spreads for the whole range of listed options, hence attracting transactions and meeting the commercial requirements of the exchange.
Starting from the Avellaneda-Stoikov framework, we consider a market maker who wants to optimally set bid/ask quotes over a finite time horizon, to maximize her expected utility. The intensities of the orders she receives depend not only on the spreads she quotes, but also on unobservable factors modelled by a hidden Markov chain. We tackle this stochastic control problem under partial information with a model that unifies and generalizes many existing ones under full information, combining several risk metrics and constraints, and using general decreasing intensity functionals. We use stochastic filtering, control and piecewise-deterministic Markov processes theory, to reduce the dimensionality of the problem and characterize the reduced value function as the unique continuous viscosity solution of its dynamic programming equation. We then solve the analogous full information problem and compare the results numerically through a concrete example. We show that the optimal full information spreads are biased when the exact market regime is unknown, and the market maker needs to adjust for additional regime uncertainty in terms of P&L sensitivity and observed order flow volatility. This effect becomes higher, the longer the waiting time in between orders.
We consider trading against a hedge fund or large trader that must liquidate a large position in a risky asset if the market price of the asset crosses a certain threshold. Liquidation occurs in a disorderly manner and negatively impacts the market price of the asset. We consider the perspective of small investors whose trades do not induce market impact and who possess different levels of information about the liquidation trigger mechanism and the market impact. We classify these market participants into three types: fully informed, partially informed and uninformed investors. We consider the portfolio optimization problems and compare the optimal trading and wealth processes for the three classes of investors theoretically and by numerical illustrations.
The ultimate value of theories of the fundamental mechanisms comprising the asset price in financial systems will be reflected in the capacity of such theories to understand these systems. Although the models that explain the various states of financial markets offer substantial evidences from the fields of finance, mathematics, and even physics to explain states observed in the real financial markets, previous theories that attempt to fully explain the complexities of financial markets have been inadequate. In this study, we propose an artificial double auction market as an agent-based model approach to study the origin of complex states in the financial markets, characterizing important parameters with an investment strategy that can cover the dynamics of the financial market. The investment strategy of chartist traders after market information arrives should reduce market stability originating in the price fluctuations of risky assets. However, fundamentalist traders strategically submit orders with a fundamental value and, thereby stabilize the market. We construct a continuous double auction market and find that the market is controlled by a fraction of chartists, P_{c}. We show that mimicking real financial markets state, which emerges in real financial systems, is given between approximately P_{c} = 0.40 and P_{c} = 0.85, but that mimicking the efficient market hypothesis state can be generated in a range of less than P_{c} = 0.40. In particular, we observe that the mimicking market collapse state created in a value greater than P_{c} = 0.85, in which a liquidity shortage occurs, and the phase transition behavior is P_{c} = 0.85.
247 - Miquel Montero 2009
We present a dynamical model for the price evolution of financial assets. The model is based in a two level structure. In the first stage one finds an agent-based model that describes the present state of the investors beliefs, perspectives or strategies. The dynamics is inspired by a model for describing predator-prey population evolution: agents change their mind through self- or mutual interaction, and the decision is adopted on a random basis, with no direct influence of the price itself. One of the most appealing properties of such a system is the presence of large oscillations in the number of agents sharing the same perspective, what may be linked with the existence of bullish and bearish periods in financial markets. In the second stage one has the pricing mechanism, which will be driven by the relative population in the different investors groups. The price equation will depend on the specific nature of the species, and thus it may change from one market to the other: we will firstly present a simple model of excess demand, and subsequently consider a more elaborate liquidity model. The outcomes of both models are analysed and compared.
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