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Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms on the One-Dimensional Spin Glass with Power-Law Interactions

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 Added by Martin Pelikan
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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This paper provides an in-depth empirical analysis of several evolutionary algorithms on the one-dimensional spin glass model with power-law interactions. The considered spin glass model provides a mechanism for tuning the effective range of interactions, what makes the problem interesting as an algorithm benchmark. As algorithms, the paper considers the genetic algorithm (GA) with twopoint and uniform crossover, and the hierarchical Bayesian optimization algorithm (hBOA). hBOA is shown to outperform both variants of GA, whereas GA with uniform crossover is shown to perform worst. The differences between the compared algorithms become more significant as the problem size grows and as the range of interactions decreases. Unlike for GA with uniform crossover, for hBOA and GA with twopoint crossover, instances with short-range interactions are shown to be easier. The paper also points out interesting avenues for future research.

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145 - X. Deng , S. Ray , S. Sinha 2018
One-dimensional quasi-periodic systems with power-law hopping, $1/r^a$, differ from both the standard Aubry-Azbel-Harper (AAH) model and from power-law systems with uncorrelated disorder. Whereas in the AAH model all single-particle states undergo a transition from ergodic to localized at a critical quasi-disorder strength, short-range power-law hops with $a>1$ can result in mobility edges. Interestingly, there is no localization for long-range hops with $aleq 1$, in contrast to the case of uncorrelated disorder. Systems with long-range hops are rather characterized by ergodic-to-multifractal edges and a phase transition from ergodic to multifractal (extended but non ergodic) states. We show that both mobility and ergodic-to-multifractal edges may be clearly revealed in experiments on expansion dynamics.
We test for the presence or absence of the de Almeida-Thouless line using one-dimensional power-law diluted Heisenberg spin glass model, in which the rms strength of the interactions decays with distance, r as 1/r^{sigma}. It is argued that varying the power sigma is analogous to varying the space dimension d in a short-range model. For sigma=0.6, which is in the mean field regime regime, we find clear evidence for an AT line. For sigma = 0.85, which is in the non-mean-field regime and corresponds to a space dimension of close to 3, we find no AT line, though we cannot rule one out for very small fields. Finally for sigma=0.75, which is in the non-mean-field regime but closer to the mean-field boundary, the evidence suggests that there is an AT line, though the possibility that even larger sizes are needed to see the asymptotic behavior can not be ruled out.
We test for the existence of a spin-glass phase transition, the de Almeida-Thouless line, in an externally-applied (random) magnetic field by performing Monte Carlo simulations on a power-law diluted one-dimensional Ising spin glass for very large system sizes. We find that an Almeida-Thouless line only occurs in the mean field regime, which corresponds, for a short-range spin glass, to dimension d larger than 6.
The transport of excitations between pinned particles in many physical systems may be mapped to single-particle models with power-law hopping, $1/r^a$. For randomly spaced particles, these models present an effective peculiar disorder that leads to surprising localization properties. We show that in one-dimensional systems almost all eigenstates (except for a few states close to the ground state) are power-law localized for any value of $a>0$. Moreover, we show that our model is an example of a new universality class of models with power-law hopping, characterized by a duality between systems with long-range hops ($a<1$) and short-range hops ($a>1$) in which the wave function amplitude falls off algebraically with the same power $gamma$ from the localization center.
We have investigated the phase transition in the Heisenberg spin glass using massive numerical simulations to study larger sizes, 48x48x48, than have been attempted before at a spin glass phase transition. A finite-size scaling analysis indicates that the data is compatible with the most economical scenario: a common transition temperature for spins and chiralities.
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