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The Statistical Multifragmentation Model with Skyrme Effective Interactions

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 Added by Sergio Souza
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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The Statistical Multifragmentation Model is modified to incorporate the Helmholtz free energies calculated in the finite temperature Thomas-Fermi approximation using Skyrme effective interactions. In this formulation, the density of the fragments at the freeze-out configuration corresponds to the equilibrium value obtained in the Thomas-Fermi approximation at the given temperature. The behavior of the nuclear caloric curve at constant volume is investigated in the micro-canonical ensemble and a plateau is observed for excitation energies between 8 and 10 MeV per nucleon. A kink in the caloric curve is found at the onset of this gas transition, indicating the existence of a small excitation energy region with negative heat capacity. In contrast to previous statistical calculations, this situation takes place even in this case in which the system is constrained to fixed volume. The observed phase transition takes place at approximately constant entropy. The charge distribution and other observables also turn out to be sensitive to the treatment employed in the calculation of the free energies and the fragments volumes at finite temperature, specially at high excitation energies. The isotopic distribution is also affected by this treatment, which suggests that this prescription may help to obtain information on the nuclear equation of state.

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253 - C.B.Das , S.Das Gupta , W.G.Lynch 2004
A great many observables seen in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions can be explained on the basis of statistical equilibrium. Calculations based on statistical equilibrium can be implemented in microcanonical ensemble (energy and number of particles in the system are kept fixed), canonical ensemble (temperature and number of particles are kept fixed) or grand canonical ensemble (fixed temperature and a variable number of particles but with an assigned average). This paper deals with calculations with canonical ensembles. A recursive relation developed recently allows calculations with arbitrary precision for many nuclear problems. Calculations are done to study the nature of phase transition in intermediate energy heavy ion collision, to study the caloric curves for nuclei and to explore the possibility of negative specific heat because of the finiteness of nuclear systems. The model can also be used for detailed calculations of other observables not connected with phase transitions, such as populations of selected isotopes in a heavy ion collision. The model also serves a pedagogical purpose. For the problems at hand, both the canonical and grand canonical solutions are obtainable with arbitrary accuracy hence we can compare the values of observables obtained from the canonical calculations with those from the grand canonical. Sometimes, very interesting discrepancies are found. To illustrate the predictive power of the model, calculated observables are com$data from the central collisions of Sn isotopes.
On the basis of morphological thermodynamics we develop an exactly solvable version of statistical mutifragmentation model for the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition. It is shown that the hard-core repulsion between spherical nuclei generates only the bulk (volume), surface and curvature parts of the free energy of the nucleus, while the Gaussian curvature one does not appear in the derivation. The phase diagram of nuclear liquid-gas phase transition is studied for a truncated version of the developed model.
The Generalized Fermi Breakup recently demonstrated to be formally equivalent to the Statistical Multifragmentation Model, if the contribution of excited states are included in the state densities of the former, is implemented. Since this treatment requires the application of the Statistical Multifragmentation Model repeatedly on the hot fragments until they have decayed to their ground states, it becomes extremely computational demanding, making its application to the systems of interest extremely difficult. Based on exact recursion formulae previously developed by Chase and Mekjian to calculate the statistical weights very efficiently, we present an implementation which is efficient enough to allow it to be applied to large systems at high excitation energies. Comparison with the GEMINI++ sequential decay code shows that the predictions obtained with our treatment are fairly similar to those obtained with this more traditional model.
The statistical multifragmentation model (SMM) has been widely used to explain experimental data of intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. A later entrant in the field is the canonical thermodynamic model (CTM) which is also being used to fit experimental data. The basic physics of both the models is the same, namely that fragments are produced according to their statistical weights in the available phase space. However, they are based on different statistical ensembles, and the methods of calculation are different: while the SMM uses Monte-Carlo simulations, the CTM solves recursion relations. In this paper we compare the predictions of the two models for a few representative cases.
181 - G. R. Jansen , J. Engel , G. Hagen 2014
We derive and compute effective valence-space shell-model interactions from ab-initio coupled-cluster theory and apply them to open-shell and neutron-rich oxygen and carbon isotopes. Our shell-model interactions are based on nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon forces from chiral effective-field theory. We compute the energies of ground and low-lying states, and find good agreement with experiment. In particular our calculations are consistent with the N=14, 16 shell closures in oxygen-22 and oxygen-24, while for carbon-20 the corresponding N=14 closure is weaker. We find good agreement between our coupled-cluster effective-interaction results with those obtained from standard single-reference coupled-cluster calculations for up to eight valence neutrons.
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