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Coupling of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond to a GaP waveguide

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 Added by Kai-Mei C. Fu
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The optical coupling of guided modes in a GaP waveguide to nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond is demonstrated. The electric field penetration into diamond and the loss of the guided mode are measured. The results indicate that the GaP-diamond system could be useful for realizing coupled microcavity-NV devices for quantum information processing in diamond.

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We present an S-band tunable loop gap resonator (LGR) providing strong, homogeneous, and directionally uniform broadband microwave (MW) drive for nitrogen-vacancy (NV) ensembles. With 42 dBm of input power, the composite device provides drive field amplitudes approaching 5 G over a circular area $gtrsim!50$ mm$^2$ or cylindrical volume $gtrsim!250$ mm$^3$. The wide 80 MHz device bandwidth allows driving all eight NV Zeeman resonances for bias magnetic fields below 20 G. For pulsed applications the device realizes percent-scale microwave drive inhomogeneity; we measure a fractional root-mean-square inhomogeneity $sigma_text{rms}!=! 1.6%$ and a peak-to-peak variation $sigma_text{pp}!=! 3%$ over a circular area of 11 mm$^2$, and $sigma_text{rms} !=! 3.2%$ and $sigma_text{pp}! =! 10.5%$ over a larger 32 mm$^2$ circular area. We demonstrate incident MW power coupling to the LGR using multiple methodologies: a PCB-fabricated exciter antenna for deployed compact bulk sensors and an inductive coupling coil suitable for microscope-style imaging. The inductive coupling coil allows for approximately $2pi$ steradian combined optical access above and below the device, ideal for envisioned and existing NV imaging and bulk sensing applications.
The zero-phonon transition rate of a nitrogen-vacancy center is enhanced by a factor of ~70 by coupling to a photonic crystal resonator fabricated in monocrystalline diamond using standard semiconductor fabrication techniques. Photon correlation measurements on the spectrally filtered zero-phonon line show antibunching, a signature that the collected photoluminescence is emitted primarily by a single nitrogen-vacancy center. The linewidth of the coupled nitrogen-vacancy center and the spectral diffusion are characterized using high-resolution photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy.
Hybrid quantum devices, in which disparate quantum elements are combined in order to achieve enhanced functionality, have received much attention in recent years due to their exciting potential to address key problems in quantum information processing, communication, and control. Specifically, significant progress has been made in the field of hybrid mechanical devices, in which a qubit is coupled to a mechanical oscillator. Strong coupling in such devices has been demonstrated with superconducting qubits, and coupling defect qubits to mechanical elements via crystal strain has enabled novel methods of qubit measurement and control. In this paper we demonstrate the fabrication of diamond optomechanical crystals with embedded nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, a preliminary step toward reaching the quantum regime with defect qubit hybrid mechanical devices. We measure optical and mechanical resonances of diamond optomechanical crystals as well as the spin coherence of single embedded NV centers. We find that the spin has long coherence times $T_2^* = 1.5 mu s$ and $T_2 = 72 mu s$ despite its proximity to nanofabricated surfaces. Finally, we discuss potential improvements of these devices and prospects for future experiments in the quantum regime.
We present a procedure that makes use of group theory to analyze and predict the main properties of the negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond. We focus on the relatively low temperatures limit where both the spin-spin and spin-orbit effects are important to consider. We demonstrate that group theory may be used to clarify several aspects of the NV structure, such as ordering of the singlets in the ($e^2$) electronic configuration, the spin-spin and the spin-orbit interactions in the ($ae$) electronic configuration. We also discuss how the optical selection rules and the response of the center to electric field can be used for spin-photon entanglement schemes. Our general formalism is applicable to a broad class of local defects in solids. The present results have important implications for applications in quantum information science and nanomagnetometry.
Efficient polarization of organic molecules is of extraordinary relevance when performing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and imaging. Commercially available routes to dynamical nuclear polarization (DNP) work at extremely low-temperatures, thus bringing the molecules out of their ambient thermal conditions and relying on the solidification of organic samples. In this work we investigate polarization transfer from optically-pumped nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond to external molecules at room temperature. This polarization transfer is described by both an extensive analytical analysis and numerical simulations based on spin bath bosonization and is supported by experimental data in excellent agreement. These results set the route to hyperpolarization of diffusive molecules in different scenarios and consequently, due to increased signal, to high-resolution NMR.
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