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The Poisson Channel at Low Input Powers

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 Added by Ligong Wang
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is English

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The asymptotic capacity at low input powers of an average-power limited or an average- and peak-power limited discrete-time Poisson channel is considered. For a Poisson channel whose dark current is zero or decays to zero linearly with its average input power $E$, capacity scales like $Elogfrac{1}{E}$ for small $E$. For a Poisson channel whose dark current is a nonzero constant, capacity scales, to within a constant, like $Eloglogfrac{1}{E}$ for small $E$.

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We consider a channel-independent decoder which is for i.i.d. random codes what the maximum mutual-information decoder is for constant composition codes. We show that this decoder results in exactly the same i.i.d. random coding error exponent and almost the same correct-decoding exponent for a given codebook distribution as the maximum-likelihood decoder. We propose an algorithm for computation of the optimal correct-decoding exponent which operates on the corresponding expression for the channel-independent decoder. The proposed algorithm comes in t
We study communication systems over band-limited Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channels in which the transmitter output is constrained to be symmetric binary (bi-polar). In this work we improve the original Ozarov-Wyner-Ziv (OWZ) lower bound on capacity by introducing a new achievability scheme with two advantages over the studied OWZ scheme which is based on peak-power constrained pulse-amplitude modulation. Our scheme achieves a moderately improved information rate and it does so with much less sign transitions of the binary signal. The gap between the known upper-bound based on spectral constrains of bi-polar signals and our achievable lower bound is reduced to 0.86 bits per Nyquist interval at high SNR.
We propose a technique to design finite-length irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes over the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel with good performance in both the waterfall and the error floor region. The design process starts from a protograph which embodies a desirable degree distribution. This protograph is then lifted cyclically to a certain block length of interest. The lift is designed carefully to satisfy a certain approximate cycle extrinsic message degree (ACE) spectrum. The target ACE spectrum is one with extremal properties, implying a good error floor performance for the designed code. The proposed construction results in quasi-cyclic codes which are attractive in practice due to simple encoder and decoder implementation. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed construction in comparison with similar existing constructions.
This work considers a Poisson noise channel with an amplitude constraint. It is well-known that the capacity-achieving input distribution for this channel is discrete with finitely many points. We sharpen this result by introducing upper and lower bounds on the number of mass points. Concretely, an upper bound of order $mathsf{A} log^2(mathsf{A})$ and a lower bound of order $sqrt{mathsf{A}}$ are established where $mathsf{A}$ is the constraint on the input amplitude. In addition, along the way, we show several other properties of the capacity and capacity-achieving distribution. For example, it is shown that the capacity is equal to $ - log P_{Y^star}(0)$ where $P_{Y^star}$ is the optimal output distribution. Moreover, an upper bound on the values of the probability masses of the capacity-achieving distribution and a lower bound on the probability of the largest mass point are established. Furthermore, on the per-symbol basis, a nonvanishing lower bound on the probability of error for detecting the capacity-achieving distribution is established under the maximum a posteriori rule.
77 - S. Li , A. Mirani , M. Karlsson 2021
Voronoi constellations (VCs) are finite sets of vectors of a coding lattice enclosed by the translated Voronoi region of a shaping lattice, which is a sublattice of the coding lattice. In conventional VCs, the shaping lattice is a scaled-up version of the coding lattice. In this paper, we design low-complexity VCs with a cubic coding lattice of up to 32 dimensions, in which pseudo-Gray labeling is applied to minimize the bit error rate. The designed VCs have considerable shaping gains of up to 1.03 dB and finer choices of spectral efficiencies in practice. A mutual information estimation method and a log-likelihood approximation method based on importance sampling for very large constellations are proposed and applied to the designed VCs. With error-control coding, the proposed VCs can have higher achievable information rates than the conventional scaled VCs because of their inherently good pseudo-Gray labeling feature, with a lower decoding complexity.
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