Spin-entanglement of two electrons occupying two spatial regions -- domains -- is expressed in a compact form in terms of spin-spin correlation functions. The power of the formalism is demonstrated on several examples ranging from generation of entanglement by scattering of two electrons to the entanglement of a pair of qubits represented by a double quantum dot coupled to leads. In the latter case the collapse of entanglement due to the Kondo effect is analyzed.
The conductance threshold of a clean nearly straight quantum wire in which a single electron is bound is studied. This exhibits spin-dependent conductance anomalies on the rising edge to the first conductance plateau, near G=0.25(2e^{2}/h) and G=0.7(2e^{2}/h), related to a singlet and triplet resonances respectively. We show that the problem may be mapped on to an Anderson-type of Hamiltonian and calculate the energy dependence of the energy parameters in the resulting model.
We show that a Rabi-splitting of the states of strongly interacting electrons in parallel quantum dots embedded in a short quantum wire placed in a photon cavity can be produced by either the para- or the dia-magnetic electron-photon interactions when the geometry of the system is properly accounted for and the photon field is tuned close to a resonance with the electron system. We use these two resonances to explore the electroluminescence caused by the transport of electrons through the one- and two-electron ground states of the system and their corresponding conventional and vacuum electroluminescense as the central system is opened up by coupling it to external leads acting as electron reservoirs. Our analysis indicates that high-order electron-photon processes are necessary to adequately construct the cavity-photon dressed electron states needed to describe both types of electroluminescence.
We observe a low-lying sharp spin mode of three interacting electrons in an array of nanofabricated AlGaAs/GaAs quantum dots by means of resonant inelastic light scattering. The finding is enabled by a suppression of the inhomogeneous contribution to the excitation spectra obtained by reducing the number of optically-probed quantum dots. Supported by configuration-interaction calculations we argue that the observed spin mode offers a direct probe of Stoner ferromagnetism in the simplest case of three interacting spin one-half fermions.
The entanglement transfer from electrons localized in a pair of quantum dots to circularly polarized photons is governed by optical selection rules, enforced by conservation of angular momentum. We point out that the transfer can not be achieved by means of unitary evolution unless the angular momentum of the two initial qubit states differs by 2 units. In particular, for spin-entangled electrons the difference in angular momentum is 1 unit -- so the transfer fails. Nevertheless, the transfer can be successfully completed if the unitary evolution is followed by a measurement of the angular momentum of each quantum dot and post-processing of the photons using the measured values as input.
We investigate the entanglement spectra arising from sharp real-space partitions of the system for quantum Hall states. These partitions differ from the previously utilized orbital and particle partitions and reveal complementary aspects of the physics of these topologically ordered systems. We show, by constructing one to one maps to the particle partition entanglement spectra, that the counting of the real-space entanglement spectra levels for different particle number sectors versus their angular momentum along the spatial partition boundary is equal to the counting of states for the system with a number of (unpinned) bulk quasiholes excitations corresponding to the same particle and flux numbers. This proves that, for an ideal model state described by a conformal field theory, the real-space entanglement spectra level counting is bounded by the counting of the conformal field theory edge modes. This bound is known to be saturated in the thermodynamic limit (and at finite sizes for certain states). Numerically analyzing several ideal model states, we find that the real-space entanglement spectra indeed display the edge modes dispersion relations expected from their corresponding conformal field theories. We also numerically find that the real-space entanglement spectra of Coulomb interaction ground states exhibit a series of branches, which we relate to the model state and (above an entanglement gap) to its quasiparticle-quasihole excitations. We also numerically compute the entanglement entropy for the nu=1 integer quantum Hall state with real-space partitions and compare against the analytic prediction. We find that the entanglement entropy indeed scales linearly with the boundary length for large enough systems, but that the attainable system sizes are still too small to provide a reliable extraction of the sub-leading topological entanglement entropy term.