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Quantum dynamics in a camel-back potential of a dc SQUID

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 Added by Emile Hoskinson
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the quantum dynamics of a quadratic-quartic anharmonic oscillator formed by a potential well between two potential barriers. We realize this novel potential shape with a superconducting circuit comprised of a loop interrupted by two Josephson junctions, with near-zero current bias and flux bias near half a flux quantum. We investigate escape out of the central well, which can occur via tunneling through either of the two barriers, and find good agreement with a generalized double-path macroscopic quantum tunneling theory. We also demonstrate that this system exhibits an optimal line in current and flux bias space along which the oscillator, which can be operated as a phase qubit, is insensitive to decoherence due to low-frequency current fluctuations.

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Among some of the current uses of the DC Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs) are qubit-readouts and sensors for probing properties of quantum materials. We present a rather unique gradiometric niobium SQUID design with state-of-the-art sensitivity in the femto-Tesla range which can be easily tuned to specific readout requirements. The sensor is a next generation of the fractional SQUIDs with tightly optimized input coil and a combination of all measures known for restraining parasitic resonances and other detrimental effects. Our design combines the practical usefulness of well-defined pickup loops for superior imaging kernel and tunable-probing applications with the fractionalization approach to reduce undesired inductances. In addition, our modeling predicts small dimensions for these planar sensors. These features make them of high relevance for material studies and for detection of magnetic fields in small volumes, e.g. as part of a cryogenic scanning quantum imaging apparatus for efficient diagnostics and quantum device readouts. This manuscript will benefit scientists and engineers working on quantum computing technologies by clarifying potential general misconceptions about DC SQUID optimization alongside the introduction of the novel flexible compact DC SQUID design.
We analyze the behavior of a dc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) phase qubit in which one junction acts as a phase qubit and the rest of the device provides isolation from dissipation and noise in the bias leads. Ignoring dissipation, we find the two-dimensional Hamiltonian of the system and use numerical methods and a cubic approximation to solve Schrodingers equation for the eigenstates, energy levels, tunneling rates, and expectation value of the currents in the junctions. Using these results, we investigate how well this design provides isolation while preserving the characteristics of a phase qubit. In addition, we show that the expectation value of current flowing through the isolation junction depends on the state of the qubit and can be used for non-destructive read out of the qubit state.
We study the phase dynamics and IV--characteristics of DC--SQUIDs consisting of Josephson junctions with topologically nontrivial barriers, which cause the appearance of Majorana bound state. Its comparative analysis with the trivial case is performed. The influence of external electromagnetic radiation is considered and the analysis of the amplitude dependence of the Shapiro step widths is performed. We have shown that in nontrivial case the width of even harmonic of Shapiro step is larger than width of odd harmonic. In the presence of external dc magnetic field a beating state is realized in the DC--SQUID, which leads to a resonance branch in the IV--curve. We show that in the presence of resonance branch the maximum width of Shapiro step and periods of its amplitude dependence are decreased in comparison of situation without resonance in both trivial and nontrivial cases. We demonstrate that in the presence of the resonance branch the chaotic behavior of IV--curve is reduced.
We study self-sustained oscillations (SO) in a Nb superconducting stripline resonators (SSR) integrated with a DC superconducting quantum interface devices (SQUID). We find that both the power threshold where these oscillations start and the oscillations frequency are periodic in the applied magnetic flux threading the SQUID loop. A theoretical model which attributes the SO to a thermal instability in the DC-SQUID yields a good agreement with the experimental results. This flux dependant nonlinearity may be used for quantum state reading of a qubit-SSR integrated device.
We report measurements of Rabi oscillations and spectroscopic coherence times in an Al/AlOx/Al and three Nb/AlOx/Nb dc SQUID phase qubits. One junction of the SQUID acts as a phase qubit and the other junction acts as a current-controlled nonlinear isolating inductor, allowing us to change the coupling to the current bias leads in situ by an order of magnitude. We found that for the Al qubit a spectroscopic coherence time T2* varied from 3 to 7 ns and the decay envelope of Rabi oscillations had a time constant T = 25 ns on average at 80 mK. The three Nb devices also showed T2* in the range of 4 to 6 ns, but T was 9 to 15 ns, just about 1/2 the value we found in the Al device. For all the devices, the time constants were roughly independent of the isolation from the bias lines, implying that noise and dissipation from the bias leads were not the principal sources of dephasing and inhomogeneous broadening.
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