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Dead Waters: Large amplitude interfacial waves generated by a boat in a stratified fluid

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 Added by Thierry Dauxois
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present fluid dynamics videos of the motion of a boat on a two-layer or three-layer fluid. Under certain specific conditions, this setup generates large amplitude interfacial waves, while no surface waves are visible. The boat is slowed down leading to a peristaltic effect and sometimes even stopped: this is the so-called dead water phenomenon.

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We present a theoretical and numerical framework -- which we dub the Direct Integration Method (DIM) -- for simple, efficient and accurate evaluation of surface wave models allowing presence of a current of arbitrary depth dependence, and where bathymetry and ambient currents may vary slowly in horizontal directions. On horizontally constant water depth and shear current the DIM numerically evaluates the dispersion relation of linear surface waves to arbitrary accuracy, and we argue that for this purpose it is superior to two existing numerical procedures: the piecewise-linear approximation and a method due to textit{Dong & Kirby} [2012]. The DIM moreover yields the full linearized flow field at little extra cost. We implement the DIM numerically with iterations of standard numerical methods. The wide applicability of the DIM in an oceanographic setting in four aspects is shown. Firstly, we show how the DIM allows practical implementation of the wave action conservation equation recently derived by textit{Quinn et al.} [2017]. Secondly, we demonstrate how the DIM handles with ease cases where existing methods struggle, i.e. velocity profiles $mathbf{U}(z)$ changing direction with vertical coordinate $z$, and strongly sheared profiles. Thirdly, we use the DIM to calculate and analyse the full linear flow field beneath a 2D ring wave upon a near--surface wind--driven exponential shear current, revealing striking qualitative differences compared to no shear. Finally we demonstrate that the DIM can be a real competitor to analytical dispersion relation approximations such as that of textit{Kirby & Chen} [1989] even for wave/ocean modelling.
This paper presents a theoretical and experimental study of the long-standing fluid mechanics problem involving the temporal resolution of a large, localised initial disturbance into a sequence of solitary waves. This problem is of fundamental importance in a range of applications including tsunami and internal ocean wave modelling. This study is performed in the context of the viscous fluid conduit system-the driven, cylindrical, free interface between two miscible Stokes fluids with high viscosity contrast. Due to buoyancy induced nonlinear self-steepening balanced by stress induced interfacial dispersion, the disturbance evolves into a slowly modulated wavetrain and further, into a sequence of solitary waves. An extension of Whitham modulation theory, termed the solitary wave resolution method, is used to resolve the fission of an initial disturbance into solitary waves. The developed theory predicts the relationship between the initial disturbances profile, the number of emergent solitary waves, and their amplitude distribution, quantifying an extension of the well-known soliton resolution conjecture from integrable systems to non-integrable systems that often provide a more accurate modelling of physical systems. The theoretical predictions for the fluid conduit system are confirmed both numerically and experimentally. The number of observed solitary waves is consistently within 1-2 waves of the prediction, and the amplitude distribution shows remarkable agreement. Universal properties of solitary wave fission in other fluid dynamics problems are identified.
We find an instability resulting in generation of large-scale vorticity in a fast rotating small-scale turbulence or turbulent convection with inhomogeneous fluid density along the rotational axis in anelastic approximation. The large-scale instability causes excitation of two modes: (i) the mode with dominant vertical vorticity and with the mean velocity being independent of the vertical coordinate; (ii) the mode with dominant horizontal vorticity and with the mean momentum being independent of the vertical coordinate. The mode with the dominant vertical vorticity can be excited in a fast rotating density stratified hydrodynamic turbulence or turbulent convection. For this mode, the mean entropy is depleted inside the cyclonic vortices, while it is enhanced inside the anti-cyclonic vortices. The mode with the dominant horizontal vorticity can be excited only in a fast rotating density stratified turbulent convection. The developed theory may be relevant for explanation of an origin of large spots observed as immense storms in great planets, e.g., the Great Red Spot in Jupiter and large spots in Saturn. It may be also useful for explanation of an origin of high-latitude spots in rapidly rotating late-type stars.
The results of experimental and theoretical studies of the parametric decay instability of capillary waves on the surface of superfluid helium He-II are reported. It is demonstrated that in a system of turbulent capillary waves low-frequency waves are generated along with the direct Kolmogorov-Zakharov cascade of capillary turbulence. The effects of low-frequency damping and the discreteness of the wave spectrum are discussed.
Imbibition, the displacement of a nonwetting fluid by a wetting fluid, plays a central role in diverse energy, environmental, and industrial processes. While this process is typically studied in homogeneous porous media with uniform permeabilities, in many cases, the media have multiple parallel strata of different permeabilities. How such stratification impacts the fluid dynamics of imbibition, as well as the fluid saturation after the wetting fluid breaks through to the end of a given medium, is poorly understood. We address this gap in knowledge by developing an analytical model of imbibition in a porous medium with two parallel strata, combined with a pore network model that explicitly describes fluid crossflow between the strata. By numerically solving these models, we examine the fluid dynamics and fluid saturation left after breakthrough. We find that the breakthrough saturation of nonwetting fluid is minimized when the imposed capillary number Ca is tuned to a value Ca$^*$ that depends on both the structure of the medium and the viscosity ratio between the two fluids. Our results thus provide quantitative guidelines for predicting and controlling flow in stratified porous media, with implications for water remediation, oil/gas recovery, and applications requiring moisture management in diverse materials.
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