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Multi-hadron operators with all-to-all quark propagators

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 Added by Keisuke Jimmy Juge
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is English

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Hadron spectroscopy on dynamical configurations are faced with the difficulties of dealing with the mixing of single particle states and multi-hadron states (for large spatial volumes and light dynamical quarks masses). It is conceivable that explicit multi-hadron interpolating operators will be necessary for obtaining sufficiently good overlap onto multi-hadron states in order to extract the low-lying excitation spectrum. We explore here the feasibility of using four noise diluted all-to-all quark propagators in the construction of explicit two-hadron operators on quenched, anisotropic lattices. Our longer term goal is to use these operators on large anisotropic, dynamical configurations for hadron spectroscopy.

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We describe a method to construct irreducible baryon operators using all-to-all quark propagators. It was demonstrated earlier that a large basis of extended baryon operators on anisotropic, quenched lattices can be used to reliably extract the masses of 5 or more excited states in the nucleon channel. All-to-all quark propagators are expected to be needed when studying these excited states on light, dynamical configurations because contributions from multi-particle states are expected to be significant. The dilution method is used to approximate the all-to-all quark propagators. Low-lying eigenmodes can also be used if necessary. For efficient computation of matrix elements of the interpolating operators, the algorithms should exploit the fact that many extended baryon operators can be obtained from the different linear combinations of three-quark colour-singlet operators. The sparseness of the diluted noise vectors also afford several computation simplifications. Some preliminary results are presented for nucleon effective masses.
67 - J. Peisa , C. Michael 1997
We measure the ground and excited states for B mesons in the static limit using maximally variance reduced estimators for light quark propagators. Because of the large number of propagators we are able to measure accurately also orbitally excited P, D and F states. We also present some results for Lambda_b.
We present a study of gauge invariant density-density correlators. Density-density correlators probe hadron wave functions and thus can be used to study hadron deformation. Their zero momentum projection requires the computation of all-to-all propagators, which are evaluated with the standard stochastic technique, the dilution method and the stochastic sequential technique. We compare the results to a previous analysis that did not employ the zero momentum projection.
We report on our calculation of the pion electromagnetic form factor with two-flavors of dynamical overlap quarks. Gauge configurations are generated using the Iwasaki gauge action on a 16^3 times 32 lattice at the lattice spacing of 0.12fm with sea quark masses down to m_s/6, where m_s is the physical strange quark mass. We describe our setup to measure the form factor through all-to-all quark propagators and present preliminary results.
In this paper, we perform the first application of the hybrid method (exact low modes plus stochastically estimated high modes) for all-to-all propagators to the HAL QCD method. We calculate the HAL QCD potentials in the $I=2$ $pipi$ scattering in order to see how statistical fluctuations of the potential behave under the hybrid method. All of the calculations are performed with the 2+1 flavor gauge configurations on $16^3 times 32$ lattice at the lattice spacing $a approx 0.12$ fm and $m_{pi} approx 870$ MeV. It is revealed that statistical errors for the potential are enhanced by stochastic noises introduced by the hybrid method, which, however, are shown to be reduced by increasing the level of dilutions, in particular, that of space dilutions. From systematic studies, we obtain a guiding principle for a choice of dilution types/levels and a number of eigenvectors to reduce noise contaminations to the potential while keeping numerical costs reasonable. We also confirm that we can obtain the scattering phase shifts for the $I=2$ $pipi$ system by the hybrid method within a reasonable numerical cost, which are consistent with the result obtained with the conventional method. The knowledge we obtain in this study will become useful to investigate hadron resonances which require quark annihilation diagrams such as the $rho$ meson by the HAL QCD potential with the hybrid method.
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