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It is well-known that in scenarios with direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking the messenger fields significantly affect the running of Standard Model couplings and introduce Landau poles which are difficult to avoid. This appears to remove any possibility of a meaningful unification prediction and is often viewed as a strong argument against direct mediation. We propose two ways that Seiberg duality can circumvent this problem. In the first, which we call deflected-unification, the SUSY-breaking hidden sector is a magnetic theory which undergoes a duality to an electric phase, with fewer elementary degrees of freedom coupled to the MSSM. This changes the beta-functions of the MSSM gauge couplings so as to push their Landau poles above the unification scale. We show that this scenario is realised for recently suggested models of gauge mediation based on a metastable SCQD-type hidden sector directly coupled to MSSM. The second possibility, which we call dual-unification, begins with the observation that, if the mediating fields fall into complete SU(5) multiplets, then the MSSM+messengers exhibits a fake unification at unphysical values of the gauge couplings. We show that, in known examples of electric/magnetic duals, such a fake unification in the magnetic theory reflects a real unification in the electric theory. We therefore propose that the Standard Model could itself be a magnetic dual of some unknown electric theory in which the true unification takes place. This scenario maintains the unification prediction (and unification scale) even in the presence of Landau poles in the magnetic theory below the GUT scale. We further note that this dual realization of grand unification can explain why Nature appears to unify, but the proton does not decay.
We explore the implications of t-b-tau (and b-tau) Yukawa coupling unification condition on the fundamental parameter space and sparticle spectroscopy in the minimal gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking (mGMSB) model. We find that this scenario prefers values of the CP-odd Higgs mass m_A > 1 TeV, with all colored sparticle masses above 3 TeV. These predictions will be hard to test at LHC13 but they may be testable at HE-LHC 33 TeV or a 100 TeV collider. Both t-b-tau and b-tau Yukawa coupling unifications prefer a relatively light gravitino with mass < 30 eV, which makes it a candidate hot dark matter particle. However, it cannot account for more than 15 % of the observed dark matter density.
The requirement of Yukawa coupling unification highly constrains the SUSY parameter space. In several SUSY breaking scenarios it is hard to reconcile Yukawa coupling unification with experimental constraints from B(b->s gamma) and the muon anomalous magnetic moment a_mu. We show that b-tau or even t-b-tau Yukawa unification can be satisfied simultaneously with b->s gamma and a_mu in the non-universal gaugino mediation scenario. Non-universal gaugino masses naturally appear in higher dimensional grand unified models in which gauge symmetry is broken by orbifold compactification. Relations between SUSY contributions to fermion masses, b->s gamma and a_mu which are typical for models with universal gaugino masses are relaxed. Consequently, these phenomenological constraints can be satisfied simultaneously with a relatively light SUSY spectrum, compared to models with universal gaugino masses.
Recently there has been much progress in building models of gauge mediation, often with predictions different than those of minimal gauge mediation. Meade, Seiberg, and Shih have characterized the most general spectrum which can arise in gauge mediated models. We discuss some of the challenges of building models of General Gauge Mediation, especially the problem of messenger parity and issues connected with R symmetry breaking and CP violation. We build a variety of viable, weakly coupled models which exhibit some or all of the possible low energy parameters.
Maxwells mature presentation of his equations emphasized the unity of electromagnetism and mechanics, subsuming both as dynamical systems. That intuition of unity has proved both fruitful, as a source of pregnant concepts, and broadly inspiring. A deep aspect of Maxwells work is its use of redundant potentials, and the associated requirement of gauge symmetry. Those concepts have become central to our present understanding of fundamental physics, but they can appear to be rather formal and esoteric. Here I discuss two things: The physical significance of gauge invariance, in broad terms; and some tantalizing prospects for further unification, building on that concept, that are visible on the horizon today. If those prospects are realized, Maxwells vision of the unity of field and substance will be brought to a new level.
We present a model of supersymmetry breaking in which the contributions from gravity/modulus, anomaly, and gauge mediation are all comparable. We term this scenario deflected mirage mediation, which is a generalization of the KKLT-motivated mirage mediation scenario to include gauge mediated contributions. These contributions deflect the gaugino mass unification scale and alter the pattern of soft parameters at low energies. In some cases, this results in a gluino LSP and light stops; in other regions of parameter space, the LSP can be a well-tempered neutralino. We demonstrate explicitly that competitive gauge-mediated terms can naturally appear within phenomenological models based on the KKLT setup by addressing the stabilization of the gauge singlet field which is responsible for the masses of the messenger fields. For viable stabilization mechanisms, the relation between the gauge and anomaly contributions is identical in most cases to that of deflected anomaly mediation, despite the presence of the Kahler modulus. Turning to TeV scale phenomenology, we analyze the renormalization group evolution of the supersymmetry breaking terms and the resulting low energy mass spectra. The approach sets the stage for studies of such mixed scenarios of supersymmetry breaking at the LHC.