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Thermal noises and noise compensation in high-reflection multilayer coating

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 Added by Michael Gorodetsky
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Thermal fluctuations of different origin in the substrate and in the coating of optical mirrors produce phase noise in the reflected wave. This noise determines the ultimate stabilization capability of high-Q cavities used as a reference system. In particular this noise is significant in interferometric laser gravitational wave antennas. It is shown that simple alteration of a mirror multilayer coating may provide suppression of phase noise produced by thermorefractive, thermoelastic, photothermal and thermoradiation induced fluctuations in the coating.

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168 - C. Rauch 2012
Acceptor-type defects in highly n-type InN are probed using positron annihilation spectroscopy. Results are compared to Hall effect measurements and calculated electron mobilities. Based on this, self-compensation in n-type InN is studied and the microscopic origin of compensating and scattering centers in irradiated and Si-doped InN is discussed. We find significant compensation through negatively charged indium vacancy complexes as well as additional acceptor-type defects with no or small effective open volume, which act as scattering centers in highly n-type InN samples.
The recent theoretical study on the multilayer-coating model published in Applied Physics Letters [1] is reviewed. Magnetic-field attenuation behavior in a multilayer coating model is different from a semi-infinite superconductor and a superconducting thin film. This difference causes that of the vortex-penetration field at which the Bean-Livingston surface barrier disappears. A material with smaller penetration depth, such as a pure Nb, is preferable as the substrate for pushing up the vortex-penetration field of the superconductor layer. The field limit of the whole structure of the multilayer coating model is limited not only by the vortex-penetration field of the superconductor layer, but also by that of the substrate. Appropriate thicknesses of superconductor and insulator layers can be extracted from contour plots of the field limit of the multilayer coating model given in Ref.[1].
A chiral bobber is a localized three-dimensional magnetization configuration, terminated by a singularity. Chiral bobbers coexist with magnetic skyrmions in chiral magnets, lending themselves to new types of skyrmion-complementary bits of information. However, the on-demand creation of bobbers, as well as their direct observation remained elusive. Here, we introduce a new mechanism for creating a stable chiral bobber lattice state via the proximity of two skyrmion species with comparable size. This effect is experimentally demonstrated in a Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$/[Ta/CoFeB/MgO]$_4$ heterostructure in which an exotic bobber lattice state emerges in the phase diagram of Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$. To unambiguously reveal the existence of the chiral bobber lattice state, we have developed a novel characterization technique, magnetic truncation rod analysis, which is based on resonant elastic x-ray scattering.
By sequential feeding of catalyst materials, it is revealed that the active growth sites are at the bottom of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and that catalyst particles are constantly encapsulated into nanotubes from the bottom. This gives a better insight into the mechanism of CNT formation and on ways to control the growth process. CNTs encapsulated with different materials should enable the study of their electronic or magnetic properties, with potential applications as building blocks for nanoelectronics and as fillers in composites for electromagenetic shielding.
Optical multilayer coatings of high-reflective mirrors significantly determine the properties of Fabry-Perot resonators. Thermal (Brownian) noise in these coatings produce excess phase noise which can seriously degrade the sensitivity of high-precision measurements with these cavities, in particular in laser gravitational-wave antennas (for example project LIGO), where at the current stage it is one of the main limiting factors. We present a method to calculate this effect accurately and analyze different strategies to diminish it by optimizing the coating. Traditionally this noise is calculated as if the beam is reflected from the surface of the mirror fluctuating due to the sums of the fluctuations of each layer. However the beam in fact penetrates a coating and Brownian expansion of the layers leads to dephasing of interference in the coating and consequently to additional change in reflected phase. Fluctuations in the thickness of a layer change the strain in the medium and hence due to photoelastic effect change the refractive index of this layer. This additional effect should be also considered. It is possible to make the noise smaller preserving the reflectivity by changing the total number of layers and thicknesses of high and low refractive ones. We show how this optimized coating may be constructed analytically rather then numerically as before. We also check the possibility to use internal resonant layers and optimized cap layer to decrease the thermal noise.
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