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Optimisation of multifractal analysis using box-size scaling

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 Added by Louella Vasquez
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study various box-size scaling techniques to obtain the multifractal properties, in terms of the singularity spectrum f(alpha), of the critical eigenstates at the metal-insulator transition within the 3-D Anderson model of localisation. The typical and ensemble averaged scaling laws of the generalised inverse participation ratios are considered. In pursuit of a numerical optimisation of the box-scaling technique we discuss different box-partitioning schemes including cubic and non-cubic boxes, use of periodic boundary conditions to enlarge the system and single and multiple origins for the partitioning grid are also implemented. We show that the numerically most reliable method is to divide a system of linear size L equally into cubic boxes of size l for which L/l is an integer. This method is the least numerically expensive while having a good reliability.

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We describe a new multifractal finite size scaling (MFSS) procedure and its application to the Anderson localization-delocalization transition. MFSS permits the simultaneous estimation of the critical parameters and the multifractal exponents. Simulations of system sizes up to L^3=120^3 and involving nearly 10^6 independent wavefunctions have yielded unprecedented precision for the critical disorder W_c=16.530 (16.524,16.536) and the critical exponent nu=1.590 (1.579,1.602). We find that the multifractal exponents Delta_q exhibit a previously predicted symmetry relation and we confirm the non-parabolic nature of their spectrum. We explain in detail the MFSS procedure first introduced in our Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 046403 (2010)] and, in addition, we show how to take account of correlations in the simulation data. The MFSS procedure is applicable to any continuous phase transition exhibiting multifractal fluctuations in the vicinity of the critical point.
We use multifractal finite-size scaling to perform a high-precision numerical study of the critical properties of the Anderson localization-delocalization transition in the unitary symmetry class, considering the Anderson model including a random magnetic flux. We demonstrate the scale invariance of the distribution of wavefunction intensities at the critical point and study its behavior across the transition. Our analysis, involving more than $4times10^6$ independently generated wavefunctions of system sizes up to $L^3=150^3$, yields accurate estimates for the critical exponent of the localization length, $ u=1.446 (1.440,1.452)$, the critical value of the disorder strength and the multifractal exponents.
Many real-world complex systems have small-world topology characterized by the high clustering of nodes and short path lengths.It is well-known that higher clustering drives localization while shorter path length supports delocalization of the eigenvectors of networks. Using multifractals technique, we investigate localization properties of the eigenvectors of the adjacency matrices of small-world networks constructed using Watts-Strogatz algorithm. We find that the central part of the eigenvalue spectrum is characterized by strong multifractality whereas the tail part of the spectrum have Dq->1. Before the onset of the small-world transition, an increase in the random connections leads to an enhancement in the eigenvectors localization, whereas just after the onset, the eigenvectors show a gradual decrease in the localization. We have verified an existence of sharp change in the correlation dimension at the localization-delocalization transition
Using the results of large scale numerical simulations we study the probability distribution of the pseudo critical temperature for the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass and for the fully connected Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. We find that the behavior of our data is nicely described by straightforward finite-size scaling relations.
We have investigated the phase transition in the Heisenberg spin glass using massive numerical simulations to study larger sizes, 48x48x48, than have been attempted before at a spin glass phase transition. A finite-size scaling analysis indicates that the data is compatible with the most economical scenario: a common transition temperature for spins and chiralities.
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