We report results of 75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on a self-flux grown single crystal of BaFe2As2. A first-order antiferromagnetic (AF) transition near 135 K was detected by the splitting of NMR lines, which is accompanied by simultaneous structural transition as evidenced by a sudden large change of the electric field gradient tensor at the As site. The NMR results lead almost uniquely to the stripe spin structure in the AF phase. The data of spin-lattice relaxation rate indicate development of anisotropic spin fluctuations of the stripe-type with decreasing temperature in the paramagnetic phase.
We report results of 75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on a self-flux grown high-quality single crystal of SrFe2As2. The NMR spectra clearly show sharp first-order antiferromagnetic (AF) and structural transitions occurring simultaneously. The behavior in the vicinity of the transition is compared with our previous study on BaFe2As2. No significant difference was observed in the temperature dependence of the static quantities such as the AF splitting and electric quadrupole splitting. However, the results of the NMR relaxation rate revealed difference in the dynamical spin fluctuations. The stripe-type AF fluctuations in the paramagnetic state appear to be more anisotropic in BaFe2As2 than in SrFe2As2.
We report results of 23Na and 75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on a self-flux grown high-quality single crystal of stoichiometric NaFeAs. The NMR spectra revealed a tetragonal to twinned-orthorhombic structural phase transition at T_O = 57 K and an antiferromagnetic (AF) transition at T_AF = 45 K. The divergent behavior of nuclear relaxation rate near T_AF shows significant anisotropy, indicating that the critical slowing down of stripe-type AF fluctuations are strongly anisotropic in spin space. The NMR spectra at low enough temperatures consist of sharp peaks showing a commensurate stripe AF order with a small moment sim 0.3 muB. However, the spectra just below T_AF exhibits highly asymmetric broadening pointing to an incommensurate modulation. The commensurate-incommensurate crossover in NaFeAs shows a certain similarity to the behavior of SrFe2As2 under high pressure.
Neutron diffraction experiments have been carried out on a Sn-flux grown BaFe2As2 single crystal, the parent compound of the A-122 family of FeAs-based high-Tc superconductors. A tetragonal to orthorhombic structural phase transition and a three dimensional long-range antiferromagnetic ordering of the iron moment, with a unique magnetic propagation wavevector k = (1, 0, 1), have been found to take place at ~90 K. The magnetic moments of iron are aligned along the long a axis in the low temperature orthorhombic phase (Fmmm with b<a<c). Our results thus demonstrate that the magnetic structure of BaFe2As2 single crystal is the same as those in other A-122 iron pnictides compounds. We argue that the tin incorporation in the lattice is responsible for a smaller orthorhombic splitting and lower Neel temperature T_N observed in the experiment.
75As-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) on an iron-based superconductor LaFeAsO1-xFx (x=0.14) was performed under a pressure of 3GPa. Enhancement of superconducting transition temperature Tc was confirmed from the relaxation rate 1/T1; Tc goes up to 40K by applying pressure up to 3GPa. 1/T1T, which is temperature independent just above Tc and gives a measure of the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi energy, enhances by applying pressure. These facts suggest that the increase of the DOS leads to the enhancement of Tc. On the other hand, anomalous behavior of 1/T1T observed at high temperatures is suppressed by applying pressure.
We report mainly the heat capacity and Mossbauer study of self flux grown FeTe single crystal, which is ground state compound of the Fe chalcogenides superconducting series, i.e., FeTe1-x(Se/S)x. The as grown FeTe single crystal is large enough to the tune of few cm and the same crystallizes in tetragonal structure having space group of P4/nmm. FeTe shows the structural/magnetic phase transition at 70K in both magnetic and resistivity measurements. Heat capacity measurement also confirms the coupled structural/magnetic transition at the same temperature. The Debye model fitting of low temperature (below 70K) heat capacity exhibited Debye temperature to be 324K. MOssbauer spectra are performed at 300K and 5K. The 300K spectra showed two paramagnetic doublets and the 5K spectra exhibited hyperfine magnetic sextet with an average hyperfine field of 10.6Tesla matching with the results of Yoshikazu Mizuguchi et al.