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The Physical Scale of the Far-Infrared Emission in the Most Luminous Submillimeter Galaxies

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 Added by Joshua Younger
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present high resolution submillimeter interferometric imaging of two of the brightest high-redshift submillimeter galaxies known: GN20 and AzTEC1 at 0.8 and 0.3 arcsec resolution respectively. Our data - the highest resolution submillimeter imaging of high redshift sources accomplished to date - was collected in three different array configurations: compact, extended, and very extended. We derive angular sizes of 0.6 and 1.0 arcsec for GN20 and 0.3 and 0.4 arcsec for AzTEC1 from modeling their visibility functions as a Gaussian and elliptical disk respectively. Because both sources are B-band dropouts, they likely lie within a relatively narrow redshift window around z~4, which indicates their angular extent corresponds to physical scales of 4-8 and 1.5-3 kpc respectively for the starburst region. By way of a series of simple assumptions, we find preliminary evidence that these hyperluminous starbursts - with star formation rates >1000 $M_odot$ yr$^{-1}$ - are radiating at or close to their Eddington limit. Should future high resolution observations indicate that these two objects are typical of a population of high redshift Eddington-limited starbursts, this could have important consequences for models of star formation and feedback in extreme environments.

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162 - M. Rex , T. D. Rawle , E. Egami 2010
The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) takes advantage of gravitational lensing by massive galaxy clusters to sample a population of high-redshift galaxies which are too faint to be detected above the confusion limit of current far-infrared/submillimeter telescopes. Measurements from 100-500 micron bracket the peaks of the far-infrared spectral energy distributions of these galaxies, characterizing their infrared luminosities and star formation rates. We introduce initial results from our science demonstration phase observations, directed toward the Bullet cluster (1E0657-56). By combining our observations with LABOCA 870 micron and AzTEC 1.1 mm data we fully constrain the spectral energy distributions of 19 MIPS 24 micron selected galaxies which are located behind the cluster. We find that their colors are best fit using templates based on local galaxies with systematically lower infrared luminosities.This suggests that our sources are not like local ultra-luminous infrared galaxies in which vigorous star formation is contained in a compact highly dust-obscured region. Instead, they appear to be scaled
Massive Population II galaxies undergoing the first phase of vigorous star formation after the initial Population III stage should have high energy densities and silicate-rich interstellar dust. We have modeled the resulting far-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs), demonstrating that they are shifted substantially to bluer (`warmer) wavelengths relative to the best fitting ones at z ~ 3, and with strong outputs in the 10 - 40 micron range. When combined with a low level of emission by carbon dust, their SEDs match that of Haro 11, a local moderately-low-metallicity galaxy undergoing a very young and vigorous starburst that is likely to approximate the relevant conditions in young Population II galaxies. We expect to see similar SEDs at high redshifts (z >= 5) given the youth of galaxies at this epoch. In fact, we find a progression with redshift in observed galaxy SEDs, from those resembling local ones at 2 < z < 4 to a closer resemblance with Haro 11 at 5 < z < 7. In addition to the insight on conditions in high redshift galaxies, this result implies that estimates of the total infrared luminosities at z ~ 6 based on measurements near lambda ~ 1 mm can vary by factors of 2 - 4, depending on the SED template used. Currently popular modified blackbodies or local templates can result in significant underestimates compared with the preferred template based on the SED of Haro 11.
We present a method, based on Bayesian statistics, to fit the dust emission parameters in the far-infrared and submillimeter wavelengths. The method estimates the dust temperature and spectral emissivity index, plus their relationship, taking into account properly the statistical and systematic uncertainties. We test it on three sets of simulated sources detectable by the Herschel Space Observatory in the PACS and SPIRE spectral bands (70-500 micron), spanning over a wide range of dust temperatures. The simulated observations are a one-component Interstellar Medium, and two two-component sources, both warm (HII regions) and cold (cold clumps). We first define a procedure to identify the better model, then we recover the parameters of the model and measure their physical correlations by means of a Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm adopting multi-variate Gaussian priors. In this process we assess the reliability of the model recovery, and of parameters estimation. We conclude that the model and parameters are properly recovered only under certain circumstances, and that false models may be derived in some case. We applied the method to a set of 91 starless cold clumps in an inter-arm region of the Galactic Plane with low star formation activity, observed by Herschel in the Hi-GAL survey. Our results are consistent with a temperature independent spectral index.
We present an analysis of [OI]63, [OIII]88, [NII]122 and [CII]158 far-infrared (FIR) fine-structure line observations obtained with Herschel/PACS, for ~240 local luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) in the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS). We find pronounced declines -deficits- of line-to-FIR-continuum emission for [NII]122, [OI]63 and [CII]158 as a function of FIR color and infrared luminosity surface density, $Sigma_{rm IR}$. The median electron density of the ionized gas in LIRGs, based on the [NII]122/[NII]205 ratio, is $n_{rm e}$ = 41 cm$^{-3}$. We find that the dispersion in the [CII]158 deficit of LIRGs is attributed to a varying fractional contribution of photo-dissociation-regions (PDRs) to the observed [CII]158 emission, f([CII]PDR) = [CII]PDR/[CII], which increases from ~60% to ~95% in the warmest LIRGs. The [OI]63/[CII]158PDR ratio is tightly correlated with the PDR gas kinetic temperature in sources where [OI]63 is not optically-thick or self-absorbed. For each galaxy, we derive the average PDR hydrogen density, $n_{rm H}$, and intensity of the interstellar radiation field, in units of G$_0$, and find G$_0$/$n_{rm H}$ ratios ~0.1-50 cm$^3$, with ULIRGs populating the upper end of the distribution. There is a relation between G$_0$/$n_{rm H}$ and $Sigma_{rm IR}$, showing a critical break at $Sigma_{rm IR}^{star}$ ~ 5 x 10$^{10}$ Lsun/kpc$^2$. Below $Sigma_{rm IR}^{star}$, G$_0$/$n_{rm H}$ remains constant, ~0.32 cm$^3$, and variations in $Sigma_{rm IR}$ are driven by the number density of star-forming regions within a galaxy, with no change in their PDR properties. Above $Sigma_{rm IR}^{star}$, G$_0$/$n_{rm H}$ increases rapidly with $Sigma_{rm IR}$, signaling a departure from the typical PDR conditions found in normal star-forming galaxies towards more intense/harder radiation fields and compact geometries typical of starbursting sources.
50 - G. Miniutti 2006
We report the XMM-Newton detection of a moderately bright X-ray source superimposed on the outer arms of the inactive spiral galaxy MCG-03-34-63 (z=0.0213). It is clearly offset from the nucleus (by about 19) but well within the D25 ellipse of the galaxy, just along its bar axis. The field has also been observed with the HST enabling us to compute a lower limit of > 94 on the X-ray to optical flux ratio which, together with the X-ray spectrum of the source, argues against a background AGN. On the other hand, the detection of excess X-ray absorption and the lack of a bright optical counterpart argue against foreground contamination. Short-timescale variability is observed, ruling out the hypothesis of a particularly powerful supernova. If it is associated with the apparent host galaxy, the source is the most powerful ULX detected so far with a peak luminosity of 1.35x10^41 erg/s in the 0.5-7 keV band. If confirmed by future multi-wavelength observations, the inferred bolometric luminosity (about 3x10^41 erg/s) requires a rather extreme beaming factor (larger than 115) to accommodate accretion onto a stellar-mass black hole of 20 solar masses and the source could represent instead one of the best intermediate-mass black hole candidate so far. If beaming is excluded, the Eddington limit implies a mass of >2300 solar masses for the accreting compact object.
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