We investigate the quantum ratchet effect under the influence of weak dissipation which we treat within a Floquet-Markov master equation approach. A ratchet current emerges when all relevant symmetries are violated. Using time-reversal symmetric driving we predict a purely dissipation-induced quantum ratchet current. This directed quantum transport results from bath-induced superpositions of non-transporting Floquet states.
We discuss dissipative chaos showing symmetries in the phase space and nonclassical statistics for a parametrically driven nonlinear Kerr resonator (PDNR). In this system an oscillatory mode is created in the process of degenerate down-conversion of photons under interaction with a train of external Gaussian pulses. For chaotic regime we demonstrate, that the Poincare section showing a strange attractor, as well as the resonator mode contour plots of the Wigner functions display two-fold symmetry in the phase space. We show that quantum-to-classical correspondence is strongly violated for some chaotic regimes of the PDNR. Considering the second-order correlation function we show that the high-level of photons correlation leading to squeezing in the regular regime strongly decreases if the system transits to the chaotic regime. Thus, observation of the photon-number correlation allows to extract information about the chaotic regime.
We investigate directed motion in non-adiabatically rocked ratchet systems sustaining few bands below the barrier. Upon restricting the dynamics to the lowest M bands, the total system-plus-bath Hamiltonian is mapped onto a discrete tight-binding model containing all the information both on the intra- and inter-well tunneling motion. A closed form for the current in the incoherent tunneling regime is obtained. In effective single-band ratchets, no current rectification occurs. We apply our theory to describe rectification effects in vortex quantum ratchets devices. Current reversals upon variation of the ac-field amplitude or frequency are predicted.
Brownian motors, or ratchets, are devices which rectify Brownian motion, i.e. they can generate a current of particles out of unbiased fluctuations. The ratchet effect is a very general phenomenon which applies to a wide range of physical systems, and indeed ratchets have been realized with a variety of solid state devices, with optical trap setups as well as with synthetic molecules and granular gases. The present article reviews recent experimental realizations of ac driven ratchets with cold atoms in driven optical lattices. This is quite an unusual system for a Brownian motor as there is no a real thermal bath, and both the periodic potential for the atoms and the fluctuations are determined by laser fields. Such a system allowed us to realize experimentally rocking and gating ratchets, and to precisely investigate the relationship between symmetry and transport in these ratchets, both for the case of periodic and quasiperiodic driving.
A duality relation between the long-time dynamics of a quantum Brownian particle in a tilted ratchet potential and a driven dissipative tight-binding model is reported. It relates a situation of weak dissipation in one model to strong dissipation in the other one, and vice versa. We apply this duality relation to investigate transport and rectification in ratchet potentials: From the linear mobility we infer ground-state delocalization for weak dissipation. We report reversals induced by adiabatic driving and temperature in the ratchet current and its dependence on the potential shape.
We statistically study vortex reconnections in quantum fluids by evolving different realizations of vortex Hopf links using the Gross--Pitaevskii model. Despite the time-reversibility of the model, we report a clear evidence that the dynamics of the reconnection process is time-irreversible, as reconnecting vortices tend to separate faster than they approach. Thanks to a matching theory devised concurrently in Proment and Krstulovic (arXiv:2005.02047), we quantitatively relate the origin of this asymmetry to the generation of a sound pulse after the reconnection event. Our results have the prospect of being tested in several quantum fluid experiments and, theoretically, may shed new light on the energy transfer mechanisms in both classical and quantum turbulent fluids.