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The effect of screening long-range Coulomb interactions on the metallic behavior in two-dimensional hole systems

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 Added by Lap-hang Ho
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We have developed a technique utilizing a double quantum well heterostructure that allows us to study the effect of a nearby ground-plane on the metallic behavior in a GaAs two-dimensional hole system (2DHS) in a single sample and measurement cool-down, thereby maintaining a constant disorder potential. In contrast to recent measurements of the effect of ground-plane screening of the long-range Coulomb interaction in the insulating regime, we find surprisingly little effect on the metallic behavior when we change the distance between the 2DHS and the nearby ground-plane.

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The use of a nearby metallic ground-plane to limit the range of the Coulomb interactions between carriers is a useful approach in studying the physics of two-dimensional (2D) systems. This approach has been used to study Wigner crystallization of electrons on the surface of liquid helium, and most recently, the insulating and metallic states of semiconductor-based two-dimensional systems. In this paper, we perform calculations of the screening effect of one 2D system on another and show that a 2D system is at least as effective as a metal in screening Coulomb interactions. We also show that the recent observation of the reduced effect of the ground-plane when the 2D system is in the metallic regime is due to intralayer screening.
Exciton dissociation at heterojunctions in photovoltaic devices is not completely understood despite being fundamentally necessary to generate electrical current. One of the fundamental issues for ab initio calculations is that hybrid interfaces combining materials with Wannier-Mott excitons and those with Frenkel excitons can easily require thousands of atoms to encompass the exciton-wave function. The problem is further exacerbated by a large permittivity difference at the interface, which requires meso-scale boundary conditions to accurately predict electrostatic potentials. For these reasons, we have constructed a model of excited states at hybrid interfaces based on an effective mass Schroedinger equation. In this continuum model, carrier wave functions are represented by their envelope function rather than resolving the atomic scale variations. Electrostatic interactions are accounted for using the Poisson equation. For our model system, we use a pentacene/silicon interface. Because carrier mobility is low in pentacene relative to silicon, the hole is frozen such that it only interacts with the electron though an immobile positive charge density. The inputs to this model are as follows: dielectric permittivities, electron effective masses, interfacial width, band alignment, and the hole wave function. We find that the energetic favorability of charge transfer states relative to bulk excitons is most easily controlled by band alignment. However, when both states have similar energies, interface proximity and electrostatics become important secondary means of tuning the relative stability of these states.
303 - T. Kernreiter 2013
We have calculated the exchange-energy contribution to the total energy of quasi-two-dimensional hole systems realized by a hard-wall quantum-well confinement of valence-band states in typical semiconductors. The magnitude of the exchange energy turns out to be suppressed from the value expected for analogous conduction-band systems whenever the mixing between heavy-hole and light-hole components is strong. Our results are obtained using a very general formalism for calculating the exchange energy of many-particle systems where single-particle states are spinors. We have applied this formalism to obtain analytical results for spin-3/2 hole systems in limiting cases.
The electron self-energy for long-range Coulomb interactions plays a crucial role in understanding the many-body physics of interacting electron systems (e.g. in metals and semiconductors), and has been studied extensively for decades. In fact, it is among the oldest and the most-investigated many body problems in physics. However, there is a lack of an analytical expression for the self-energy $Re Sigma^{(R)}( varepsilon,T)$ when energy $varepsilon$ and temperature $k_{B} T$ are arbitrary with respect to each other (while both being still small compared with the Fermi energy). We revisit this problem and calculate analytically the self-energy on the mass shell for a two-dimensional electron system with Coulomb interactions in the high density limit $r_s ll 1$, for temperature $ r_s^{3/2} ll k_{B} T/ E_F ll r_s$ and energy $r_s^{3/2} ll |varepsilon |/E_F ll r_s$. We provide the exact high-density analytical expressions for the real and imaginary parts of the electron self-energy with arbitrary value of $varepsilon /k_{B} T$, to the leading order in the dimensionless Coulomb coupling constant $r_s$, and to several higher than leading orders in $k_{B} T/r_s E_F$ and $varepsilon /r_s E_F$. We also obtain the asymptotic behavior of the self-energy in the regimes $|varepsilon | ll k_{B} T$ and $|varepsilon | gg k_{B} T$. The higher-order terms have subtle and highly non-trivial compound logarithmic contributions from both $varepsilon $ and $T$, explaining why they have never before been calculated in spite of the importance of the subject matter.
Using Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analysis, the critical behavior of attractive rigid rods of length k (k-mers) on square lattices at intermediate density has been studied. A nematic phase, characterized by a big domain of parallel k-mers, was found. This ordered phase is separated from the isotropic state by a continuous transition occurring at a intermediate density theta_c, which increases linearly with the magnitude of the lateral interactions.
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