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Restoring the Suzaku Source Position Accuracy and Point-Spread Function

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 Added by Yasunobu Uchiyama
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present an empirical correction of sky coordinates of X-ray photons obtained with the XIS aboard the Suzaku satellite to improve the source position accuracy and restore the point-spread function (PSF). The XIS images are known to have an uncertainty in position of up to 1 arcmin, and to show considerable degradations of the PSF. These problems are caused by a drifting of the satellite attitude due to thermal distortion of the side panel 7, where the attitude control system is mounted. We found that the position error averaged over a pointing observation can be largely reduced by using the relation between the deviation of the source position in the DETX direction and the ecliptic latitude of the pointing target. We parameterized the wobbling of the source position synchronized with the satellite orbital period with temperatures of onboard radiators and elapsed time since the night-day transition of the spacecraft. We developed software, aeattcor, to correct the image drift using these parameters, and applied it to 27 point-source images. We show that the radius of the 90% error circle of the source position was reduced to 19 arcsec and the PSF was sharpened. These improvements have enhanced the scientific capability of the Suzaku XIS.

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96 - A. Gros 2003
The imager on board INTEGRAL (IBIS) presently provides the most detailed sky images ever obtained at energies above 30 keV. The telescope is based on a coded aperture imaging system which allows to obtain sky images in a large field of view 29deg x 29deg with an angular resolution of 12. The System Point Spread Function of the telescope and its detailed characteristics are here described along with the specific analysis algorithms used to derive the accurate point-like source locations. The derived location accuracy is studied using the first in-flight calibration data on strong sources for the IBIS/ISGRI system. The dependence of the calibrated location accuracy with the signal to noise ratio of the sources is presented. These preliminary studies demonstrate that the IBIS/ISGRI telescope and the standard scientific analysis software allow source localizations with accuracy at 90% confidence level better than 1 for sources with signal to noise ratios > 30 over the whole field of view, in agreement with the expected performances of the instrument.
We describe the time- and position-dependent point spread function (PSF) variation of the Wide Field Channel (WFC) of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) with the principal component analysis (PCA) technique. The time-dependent change is caused by the temporal variation of the $HST$ focus whereas the position-dependent PSF variation in ACS/WFC at a given focus is mainly the result of changes in aberrations and charge diffusion across the detector, which appear as position-dependent changes in elongation of the astigmatic core and blurring of the PSF, respectively. Using >400 archival images of star cluster fields, we construct a ACS PSF library covering diverse environments of the $HST$ observations (e.g., focus values). We find that interpolation of a small number ($sim20$) of principal components or ``eigen-PSFs per exposure can robustly reproduce the observed variation of the ellipticity and size of the PSF. Our primary interest in this investigation is the application of this PSF library to precision weak-lensing analyses, where accurate knowledge of the instruments PSF is crucial. However, the high-fidelity of the model judged from the nice agreement with observed PSFs suggests that the model is potentially also useful in other applications such as crowded field stellar photometry, galaxy profile fitting, AGN studies, etc., which similarly demand a fair knowledge of the PSFs at objects locations. Our PSF models, applicable to any WFC image rectified with the Lanczos3 kernel, are publicly available.
The SDSS-IV Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) program has been operating from 2014-2020, and has now observed a sample of 9,269 galaxies in the low redshift universe (z ~ 0.05) with integral-field spectroscopy. With rest-optical (lambdalambda 0.36 - 1.0 um) spectral resolution R ~ 2000 the instrumental spectral line-spread function (LSF) typically has 1sigma width of about 70 km/s, which poses a challenge for the study of the typically 20-30 km/s velocity dispersion of the ionized gas in present-day disk galaxies. In this contribution, we present a major revision of the MaNGA data pipeline architecture, focusing particularly on a variety of factors impacting the effective LSF (e.g., undersampling, spectral rectification, and data cube construction). Through comparison with external assessments of the MaNGA data provided by substantially higher-resolution R ~ 10,000 instruments we demonstrate that the revised MPL-10 pipeline measures the instrumental line spread function sufficiently accurately (<= 0.6% systematic, 2% random around the wavelength of Halpha) that it enables reliable measurements of astrophysical velocity dispersions sigma_Halpha ~ 20 km/s for spaxels with emission lines detected at SNR > 50. Velocity dispersions derived from [O II], Hbeta, [O III], [N II], and [S II] are consistent with those derived from Halpha to within about 2% at sigma_Halpha > 30 km/s. Although the impact of these changes to the estimated LSF will be minimal at velocity dispersions greater than about 100 km/s, scientific results from previous data releases that are based on dispersions far below the instrumental resolution should be reevaulated.
324 - Y.S. Wang , S.M. Jia , Y. Chen 2009
We present a new method for the analysis of Abell 1835 observed by XMM-Newton. The method is a combination of the Direct Demodulation technique and deprojection. We eliminate the effects of the point spread function (PSF) with the Direct Demodulation technique. We then use a traditional depro-jection technique to study the properties of Abell 1835. Compared to that of deprojection method only, the central electron density derived from this method increases by 30%, while the temperature profile is similar.
97 - Eric Gendron 2006
Context. The knowledge of the point-spread function compensated by adaptive optics is of prime importance in several image restoration techniques such as deconvolution and astrometric/photometric algorithms. Wavefront-related data from the adaptive optics real-time computer can be used to accurately estimate the point-spread function in adaptive optics observations. The only point-spread function reconstruction algorithm implemented on astronomical adaptive optics system makes use of particular functions, named $U_{ij}$. These $U_{ij}$ functions are derived from the mirror modes, and their number is proportional to the square number of these mirror modes. Aims. We present here two new algorithms for point-spread function reconstruction that aim at suppressing the use of these $U_{ij}$ functions to avoid the storage of a large amount of data and to shorten the computation time of this PSF reconstruction. Methods. Both algorithms take advantage of the eigen decomposition of the residual parallel phase covariance matrix. In the first algorithm, the use of a basis in which the latter matrix is diagonal reduces the number of $U_{ij}$ functions to the number of mirror modes. In the second algorithm, this eigen decomposition is used to compute phase screens that follow the same statistics as the residual parallel phase covariance matrix, and thus suppress the need for these $U_{ij}$ functions. Results. Our algorithms dramatically reduce the number of $U_{ij}$ functions to be computed for the point-spread function reconstruction. Adaptive optics simulations show the good accuracy of both algorithms to reconstruct the point-spread function.
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