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Ergodic Theory: Nonsingular Transformations

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 Added by Alexandre Danilenko
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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This survey is an update of the 2008 version, with recent developments and new references.

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We survey the impact of the Poincare recurrence principle in ergodic theory, especially as pertains to the field of ergodic Ramsey theory.
188 - J.-R. Chazottes , G. Keller 2020
Our goal is to present the basic results on one-dimensional Gibbs and equilibrium states viewed as special invariant measures on symbolic dynamical systems, and then to describe without technicalities a sample of results they allowed to obtain for certain differentiable dynamical systems. We hope that this contribution will illustrate the symbiotic relationship between ergodic theory and statistical mechanics, and also information theory.
98 - Wen Huang , Zeng Lian , Xiao Ma 2019
In this article, we consider the weighted ergodic optimization problem Axiom A attractors of a $C^2$ flow on a compact smooth manifold. The main result obtained in this paper is that for a generic observable from function space $mc C^{0,a}$ ($ain(0,1]$) or $mc C^1$ the minimizing measure is unique and is supported on a periodic orbit.
88 - Wen Huang , Zeng Lian , Xiao Ma 2019
In this article, we consider the weighted ergodic optimization problem of a class of dynamical systems $T:Xto X$ where $X$ is a compact metric space and $T$ is Lipschitz continuous. We show that once $T:Xto X$ satisfies both the {em Anosov shadowing property }({bf ASP}) and the {em Ma~ne-Conze-Guivarch-Bousch property }({bf MCGBP}), the minimizing measures of generic Holder observables are unique and supported on a periodic orbit. Moreover, if $T:Xto X$ is a subsystem of a dynamical system $f:Mto M$ (i.e. $Xsubset M$ and $f|_X=T$) where $M$ is a compact smooth manifold, the above conclusion holds for $C^1$ observables. Note that a broad class of classical dynamical systems satisfies both ASP and MCGBP, which includes {em Axiom A attractors, Anosov diffeomorphisms }and {em uniformly expanding maps}. Therefore, the open problem proposed by Yuan and Hunt in cite{YH} for $C^1$-observables is solved consequentially.
We determine the Krieger type of nonsingular Bernoulli actions $G curvearrowright prod_{g in G} ({0,1},mu_g)$. When $G$ is abelian, we do this for arbitrary marginal measures $mu_g$. We prove in particular that the action is never of type II$_infty$ if $G$ is abelian and not locally finite, answering Krengels question for $G = mathbb{Z}$. When $G$ is locally finite, we prove that type II$_infty$ does arise. For arbitrary countable groups, we assume that the marginal measures stay away from $0$ and $1$. When $G$ has only one end, we prove that the Krieger type is always I, II$_1$ or III$_1$. When $G$ has more than one end, we show that other types always arise. Finally, we solve the conjecture of [VW17] by proving that a group $G$ admits a Bernoulli action of type III$_1$ if and only if $G$ has nontrivial first $L^2$-cohomology.
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