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A prescription for the conditional mass function of dark matter haloes

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 Added by J. A. Rubino-Martin
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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[ABRIDGED] The unconditional mass function (UMF) of dark matter haloes has been determined accurately in the literature, showing excellent agreement with high resolution numerical simulations. However, this is not the case for the conditional mass function (CMF). We propose a simple analytical procedure to derive the CMF by rescaling the UMF to the constrained environment using the appropriate mean and variance of the density field at the constrained point. This method introduces two major modifications with respect to the standard re-scaling procedure. First of all, rather than using in the scaling procedure the properties of the environment averaged over all the conditioning region, we implement the re-scaling locally. We show that for high masses this modification may lead to substantially different results. Secondly, we modify the (local) standard re-scaling procedure in such a manner as to force normalisation, in the sense that when one integrates the CMF over all possible values of the constraint multiplied by their corresponding probability distribution, the UMF is recovered. In practise, we do this by replacing in the standard procedure the value delta_c (the linear density contrast for collapse) by certain adjustable effective parameter delta_eff. In order to test the method, we compare our prescription with the results obtained from numerical simulations in voids (Gottlober et al. 2003), finding a very good agreement. Based on these results, we finally present a very accurate analytical fit to the (accumulated) conditional mass function obtained with our procedure, which may be useful for any theoretical treatment of the large scale structure.

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63 - Darren Reed 2003
We use a high resolution $Lambda$CDM numerical simulation to calculate the mass function of dark matter haloes down to the scale of dwarf galaxies, back to a redshift of fifteen, in a 50 $h^{-1}$Mpc volume containing 80 million particles. Our low redshift results allow us to probe low $sigma$ density fluctuations significantly beyond the range of previous cosmological simulations. The Sheth and Tormen mass function provides an excellent match to all of our data except for redshifts of ten and higher, where it overpredicts halo numbers increasingly with redshift, reaching roughly 50 percent for the $10^{10}-10^{11} msun$ haloes sampled at redshift 15. Our results confirm previous findings that the simulated halo mass function can be described solely by the variance of the mass distribution, and thus has no explicit redshift dependence. We provide an empirical fit to our data that corrects for the overprediction of extremely rare objects by the Sheth and Tormen mass function. This overprediction has implications for studies that use the number densities of similarly rare objects as cosmological probes. For example, the number density of high redshift (z $simeq$ 6) QSOs, which are thought to be hosted by haloes at 5$sigma$ peaks in the fluctuation field, are likely to be overpredicted by at least a factor of 50%. We test the sensitivity of our results to force accuracy, starting redshift, and halo finding algorithm.
119 - R. Seppi , J. Comparat , K. Nandra 2020
Galaxy clusters are luminous tracers of the most massive dark matter haloes in the Universe. To use them as a cosmological probe, a detailed description of the properties of dark matter haloes is required. We characterize how the dynamical state of haloes impacts the halo mass function at the high-mass end. We used the dark matter-only MultiDark suite of simulations and the high-mass objects M > 2.7e13 M/h therein. We measured mean relations of concentration, offset, and spin as a function of halo mass and redshift. We investigated the distributions around the mean relations. We measured the halo mass function as a function of offset, spin, and redshift. We formulated a generalized mass function framework that accounts for the dynamical state of the dark matter haloes. We confirm the discovery of the concentration upturn at high masses and provide a model that predicts the concentration for different values of mass and redshift with one single equation. We model the distributions around the mean concentration, offset, and spin with modified Schechter functions. The concentration of low-mass haloes shows a faster redshift evolution compared to high-mass haloes, especially in the high-concentration regime. The offset parameter is smaller at low redshift, in agreement with the relaxation of structures at recent times. The peak of its distribution shifts by a factor of 1.5 from z = 1.4 to z = 0. The individual models are combined into a comprehensive mass function model, as a function of spin and offset. Our model recovers the fiducial mass function with 3% accuracy at redshift 0 and accounts for redshift evolution up to z = 1.5. This approach accounts for the dynamical state of the halo when measuring the halo mass function. It offers a connection with dynamical selection effects in galaxy cluster observations. This is key toward precision cosmology using cluster counts as a probe.
Virial mass is used as an estimator for the mass of a dark matter halo. However, the commonly used constant overdensity criterion does not reflect the dynamical structure of haloes. Here we analyze dark matter cosmological simulations in order to obtain properties of haloes of different masses focusing on the size of the region with zero mean radial velocity. Dark matter inside this region is stationary, and thus the mass of this region is a much better approximation for the virial mass.
We study the empirical relation between an astronomical objects angular momentum $J$ and mass $M$, $J=beta M^alpha$, the $J-M$ relation, using N-body simulations. In particular, we investigate the time evolution of the $J-M$ relation to study how the initial power spectrum and cosmological model affect this relation, and to test two popular models of its origin - mechanical equilibrium and tidal torque theory. We find that in the $Lambda$CDM model, $alpha$ starts with a value of $sim 1.5$ at high redshift $z$, increases monotonically, and finally reaches $5/3$ near $z=0$, whereas $beta$ evolves linearly with time in the beginning, reaches a maximum and decreases, and stabilizes finally. A three-regime scheme is proposed to understand this newly observed picture. We show that the tidal torque theory accounts for this time evolution behaviour in the linear regime, whereas $alpha=5/3$ comes from the virial equilibrium of haloes. The $J-M$ relation in the linear regime contains the information of the power spectrum and cosmological model. The $J-M$ relations for haloes in different environments and with different merging histories are also investigated to study the effects of a halos non-linear evolution. An updated and more complete understanding of the $J-M$ relation is thus obtained.
We compare the predicted conditional mass function (CMF) of dark matter halos from two theoretical prescriptions against numerical N-body simulations, both in overdense and underdense regions and at different Eulerian scales ranging from $5$ to $30,h^{-1},$Mpc. In particular, we consider in detail a locally-implemented rescaling of the unconditional mass function (UMF) already discussed in the literature, and also a generalization of the standard rescaling method described in the extended Press-Schechter formalism. First, we test the consistency of these two rescalings by verifying the normalization of the CMF at different scales, and showing that none of the proposed cases provides a normalized CMF. In order to satisfy the normalization condition, we include a modification in the rescaling procedure. After this modification, the resulting CMF generally provides a better description of numerical results. We finally present an analytical fit to the ratio between the CMF and the UMF (also known as the matter-to-halo bias function) in underdense regions, which could be of special interest to speed-up the computation of the halo abundance when studying void statistics. In this case, the CMF prescription based on the locally-implemented rescaling provides a slightly better description of the numerical results when compared to the standard rescaling.
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