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MOST photometry of the roAp star 10 Aql

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 Added by Thomas Kallinger
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Context: We present 31.2 days of nearly continuous MOST photometry of the roAp star 10Aql. Aims:The goal was to provide an unambiguous frequency identification for this little studied star, as well as to discuss the detected frequencies in the context of magnetic models and analyze the influence of the magnetic field on the pulsation. Methods: Using traditional Fourier analysis techniques on three independent data reductions, intrinsic frequencies for the star are identified. Theoretical non-adiabatic axisymmetric modes influenced by a magnetic field having polar field strengths Bp = 0-5kG were computed to compare the observations to theory. Results: The high-precision data allow us to identify three definite intrinsic pulsation frequencies and two other candidate frequencies with low S/N. Considering the observed spacings, only one (50.95microHz) is consistent with the main sequence nature of roAp stars. The comparison with theoretical models yields a best fit for a 1.95Msun model having solar metallicity, suppressed envelope convection, and homogenous helium abundance. Furthermore, our analysis confirms the suspected slow rotation of the star and sets new lower limits to the rotation period (Prot>1 month) and inclination (i>30pm10deg.). Conclusions:The observed frequency spectrum is not rich enough to unambiguously identify a model. On the other hand, the models hardly represent roAp stars in detail due to the approximations needed to describe the interactions of the magnetic field with stellar structure and pulsation. Consequently, errors in the model frequencies needed for the fitting procedure can only be estimated. Nevertheless, it is encouraging that models which suppress convection and include solar metallicity, in agreement with current concepts of roAp stars, fit the observations best.

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Aims. Despite photometry and spectroscopy of its oscillations obtained over the past 25 years, the pulsation frequency spectrum of the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star gamma Equ has remained poorly understood. Better time-series photometry, combined with recent advances to incorporate interior magnetic field geometry into pulsational models, enable us to perform improved asteroseismology of this roAp star. Methods. We obtained 19 days of continuous high-precision photometry of gamma Equ with the MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of STars) satellite. The data were reduced with two different reduction techniques and significant frequencies were identified. Those frequencies were fitted by interpolating a grid of pulsation models that include dipole magnetic fields of various polar strengths. Results. We identify 7 frequencies in gamma Equ that we associate with 5 high-overtone p-modes and 1st and 2nd harmonics of the dominant p-mode. One of the modes and both harmonics are new discoveries for this star. Our best model solution (1.8 M_sun, log T_eff ~ 3.882; polar field strength ~8.1 kG) leads to unique mode identifications for these frequencies (ell = 0, 1, 2 and 4). This is the first purely asteroseismic fit to a grid of magnetic models. We measure amplitude and phase modulation of the primary frequency due to beating with a closely spaced frequency which had never been resolved. This casts doubts on theories that such modulation - unrelated to the rotation of the star - is due to a stochastic excitation mechanism.
We present an in-depth photometric study of the 2013 superoutburst of the recently discovered cataclysmic variable V1838 Aql and subsequent photometry near its quiescent state. A careful examination of the development of the superhumps is presented. Our best determination of the orbital period is Porb = 0.05698(9) days, based on the periodicity of early superhumps. Comparing the superhump periods at stages A and B with the early superhump value we derive a period excess of {epsilon} = 0.024(2) and a mass ratio of q = 0.10(1). We suggest that V1838 Aql is approaching the orbital period minimum and thus has a low-mass star as a donor instead of a sub-stellar object.
We present a detailed study of the pulsation of alpha Circini, the brightest of the rapidly oscillating Ap stars. We have obtained 84 days of high-precision photometry from four runs with the star tracker on the WIRE satellite. Simultaneously, we collected ground-based Johnson B observations on 16 nights at the South African Astronomical Observatory. In addition to the dominant oscillation mode at 2442 microHz, we detect two new modes that lie symmetrically around the principal mode to form a triplet. The average separation between these modes is 30.173+-0.004 microHz and they are nearly equidistant with the separations differing by only 3.9 nHz. We compare the observed frequencies with theoretical pulsation models based on constraints from the recently determined interferometric radius and effective temperature, and the recently updated Hipparcos parallax. We show that the theoretical large separations for models of alpha Cir with global parameters within the 1-sigma observational uncertainties vary between 59 and 65 microHz. This is consistent with the large separation being twice the observed value, indicating that the three main modes are of alternating even and odd degrees. The frequency differences in the triplet are significantly smaller than those predicted from our models, for all possible combinations of mode degrees, and may indicate that the effects of magnetic perturbations need to be taken into account. The WIRE light curves are modulated by a double wave with a period of 4.479 days, and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 4 mmag. This variation is due to the rotation of the star and is a new discovery, made possible by the high precision of the WIRE photometry. The rotational modulation confirms an earlier indirect determination of the rotation period.
No eclipse has been found in 15 days of almost continuous photometry of Alpha Leo with accuracy of about 0.0005 mag.
Physical processes working in the stellar interiors as well as the evolution of stars depend on some fundamental stellar properties, such as mass, radius, luminosity, and chemical abundances. A classical way to test stellar interior models is to compare the predicted and observed location of a star on theoretical evolutionary tracks in a H-R diagram. This requires the best possible determinations of stellar mass, radius, luminosity and abundances. To derive its fundamental parameters, we observed the well-known rapidly oscillating Ap star, $gamma$ Equ, using the visible spectro-interferometer VEGA installed on the optical CHARA array. We computed the calibrated squared visibility and derived the limb-darkened diameter. We used the whole energy flux distribution, the parallax and this angular diameter to determine the luminosity and the effective temperature of the star. We obtained a limb-darkened angular diameter of 0.564~$pm$~0.017~mas and deduced a radius of $R$~=~2.20~$pm$~0.12~${rm R_{odot}}$. Without considering the multiple nature of the system, we derived a bolometric flux of $(3.12pm 0.21)times 10^{-7}$ erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$ and an effective temperature of 7364~$pm$~235~K, which is below the effective temperature that has been previously determined. Under the same conditions we found a luminosity of $L$~=~12.8~$pm$~1.4~${rm L_{odot}}$. When the contribution of the closest companion to the bolometric flux is considered, we found that the effective temperature and luminosity of the primary star can be, respectively, up to $sim$~100~K and up to $sim$~0.8~L$_odot$ smaller than the values mentioned above.These new values of the radius and effective temperature should bring further constraints on the asteroseismic modelling of the star.
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