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We make predictions of the detectability of low-frequency p modes. Estimates of the powers and damping times of these low-frequency modes are found by extrapolating the observed powers and widths of higher-frequency modes with large observed signal-to-noise ratios. The extrapolations predict that the low-frequency modes will have small signal-to-noise ratios and narrow widths in a frequency-power spectrum. Monte Carlo simulations were then performed where timeseries containing mode signals and normally distributed Gaussian noise were produced. The mode signals were simulated to have the powers and damping times predicted by the extrapolations. Various statistical tests were then performed on the frequency-amplitude spectra formed from these timeseries to investigate the fraction of spectra in which the modes could be detected. The results of these simulations were then compared to the number of p-modes candidates observed in real Sun-as-a-star data at low frequencies. The fraction of simulated spectra in which modes were detected decreases rapidly as the frequency of modes decreases and so the fraction of simulations in which the low-frequency modes were detected was very small. However, increasing the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the low-frequency modes by a factor of 2 above the extrapolated values led to significantly more detections. Therefore efforts should continue to further improve the quality of solar data that is currently available.
The problem of solar chromospheric heating remains a challenging one with wider implications for stellar physics. Several studies in the recent past have shown that small-scale inclined magnetic field elements channel copious amount of energetic low-frequency acoustic waves, that are normally trapped below the photosphere. These magneto-acoustic waves are expected to shock at chromospheric heights contributing to chromospheric heating. In this work, exploiting simultaneous photospheric vector magnetic field, Doppler, continuum and line-core intensity (of FeI 6173 {AA}) observations from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) and lower-atmospheric UV emission maps in the 1700 {AA} and 1600 {AA} channels of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA), both onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) of NASA, we revisit the relationships between magnetic field properties (inclination and strength) and the acoustic wave propagation (phase travel time). We find that the flux of acoustic energy, in the 2 - 5 mHz frequency range, between the upper photosphere and lower chromosphere is in the range of 2.25 - 2.6 kW m$^{-2}$, which is about twice the previous estimates. We identify that the relatively less-inclined magnetic field elements in the quiet-Sun channel a significant amount of waves of frequency lower than the theoretical minimum for acoustic cut-off frequency due to magnetic inclination. We also derive indications that these waves steepen and start to dissipate within the heights ranges probed, while those let out due to inclined magnetic fields pass through. We explore connections with existing theoretical and numerical results that could explain the origin of these waves.
We numerically study the evolution of the vibrational density of states $D(omega)$ of zero-temperature glasses when their kinetic stability is varied over an extremely broad range, ranging from poorly annealed glasses obtained by instantaneous quenches from above the onset temperature, to ultrastable glasses obtained by quenching systems thermalised below the experimental glass temperature. The low-frequency part of the density of states splits between extended and quasi-localized modes. Extended modes exhibit a boson peak crossing over to Debye behaviour ($D(omega) sim omega^2$) at low-frequency, with a strong correlation between the two regimes. Quasi-localized modes instead obey $D(omega) sim omega^4$, irrespective of the glass stability. However, the prefactor of this quartic law becomes smaller in more stable glasses, and the corresponding modes become more localized and sparser. Our work is the first numerical observation of quasi-localized modes in a regime relevant to experiments, and it establishes a direct connection between glass stability and soft vibrational motion in amorphous solids.
We introduce a multi-coiled acoustic metasurface providing a quasi-perfect absorption (reaching 99.99% in experiments) at extremely low-frequency of 50 Hz, and simultaneously featuring an ultrathin thickness down to {lambda}/527 (1.3 cm). In contrast to the state of the art, this original conceived multi-coiled metasurface offers additional degrees of freedom capable to tune the acoustic impedance effectively without increasing the total thickness. We provide analytical derivation, numerical simulation and experimental demonstrations for this unique absorber concept, and discuss its physical mechanism which breaks the quarter-wavelength resonator theory. Furthermore, based on the same conceptual approach, we propose a broadband lowfrequency metasurface absorber by coupling unit cells exhibiting different properties.
A broadband sound absorption attained by a deep-subwavelength structure is of great interest to the noise control community especially for extremely low frequencies (20-100 Hz) in room acoustics. Coupling multiple different resonant unit cells has been an effective strategy to achieve a broadband sound absorption. In this paper, we report on an analytical, numerical and experimental study of a low-frequency broadband (50-63 Hz, one third octave band), high absorption (average absorption coefficient around 93%), near-omnidirectional (0{deg}-75{deg}) acoustic metasurface absorber composed of 4 coupled unit cells at a thickness of 15.4 cm (1/45 of the wavelength at 50 Hz). The absorption by such a deep-subwavelength structure occurs due to a strong coupling between unit cells, which is realized by carefully engineering geometric parameters of each unit cell, especially the judicious assignment of lateral size to each unit cell. To further broaden the bandwidth (50-100 Hz, one octave band), a design with 19 unit cells coupled in a supercell is analytically studied to achieve an average absorption coefficient of 85% for a wide angle range (0{deg}-75{deg}) at a thickness of 20 cm (1/34 of wavelength at 50 Hz). Two additional degrees of freedom, the lateral size of supercell and the number of unit cells in the supercell, are demonstrated to facilitate such a causally optimal design which is close to the ideally causal optimality. The proposed design methodology may solve the long-standing issue for low frequency absorption in room acoustics.
Low frequency imaging radio arrays such as MWA, LWA and LOFAR have been recently commissioned, and significantly more advanced and flexible arrays are planned for the near term. These powerful instruments offer new opportunities for direct solar imaging at high time and frequency resolution. They can also probe large volumes of the heliosphere simultaneously, by virtue of very large fields of view. They allow highly detailed, spatially resolved study of solar and heliospheric radio bursts, which are complemented by heliospheric propagation studies using both background astronomical radio emissions as well as the bursts themselves. In this paper, the state of the art in such wide field solar and heliospheric radio studies is summarized, including recent results from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). The prospects for major advances in observational capabilities in the near future are reviewed, with particular emphasis on the RAPID system developed at Haystack Observatory