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1RXSJ173021.5-055933: a cataclysmic variable with a fast-spinning magnetic white dwarf

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 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present the first X-ray observations with the XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL satellites of the recently discovered cataclysmic variable 1RXSJ173021.5-055933, together with simultaneous UV and coordinated optical photometry aiming at characterising its broad-band temporal and spectral properties and classifying this system as a magnetic one. We find that the X-ray light curve is dominated by the 128s spin period of the accreting white dwarf in contrast to the far-UV range, which turns out to be unmodulated at a 3sigma level. Near-UV and optical pulses are instead detected at twice the spin frequency. We identify the contributions from two accreting poles that imply a moderately inclined dipole field allowing, one pole to dominate at energies at least up to 10keV, and a secondary that instead is negligible above 5keV. X-ray spectral analysis reveals the presence of multiple emission components consisting of optically thin plasma with temperatures ranging from 0.17keV to 60keV and a hot blackbody at ~90eV. The spectrum is also strongly affected by peculiar absorption components consisting of two high-density (~3x10^(21)cm^(-2) and ~2x10^(23)cm^(-2)) intervening columns, plus a warm absorber. The last is detected from an OVII absorption edge at 0.74keV, which suggests that photoionization of pre-shock material is also occurring in this system. The observed properties indicate that the accretor in 1RXSJ173021.5-055933 is a white dwarf with a likely weak magnetic field, thus confirming this cataclysmic variable as an intermediate polar (IP) with one of the most extreme spin-to-orbit period ratios. This system also joins the small group of IPs showing a soft X-ray reprocessed component, suggesting that this characteristics is not uncommon in these systems.

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We present time-resolved optical and ultraviolet spectroscopy and photometry of V1460~Her, an eclipsing cataclysmic variable with a 4.99,h orbital period and an overluminous K5-type donor star. The optical spectra show emission lines from an accretion disc along with absorption lines from the donor. We use these to measure radial velocities, which, together with constraints upon the orbital inclination from photometry, imply masses of $M_1=0.869pm0.006,mathrm{M}_odot$ and $M_2=0.295pm0.004,mathrm{M}_odot$ for the white dwarf and the donor. The radius of the donor, $R_2=0.43pm0.002,mathrm{R}_odot$, is $approx 50$ per cent larger than expected given its mass, while its spectral type is much earlier than the M3.5 type that would be expected from a main sequence star with a similar mass. HST spectra show strong $mathrm{N{small V}}$ 1240 A emission but no $mathrm{C{small IV}}$ 1550 A emission, evidence for CNO-processed material. The donor is therefore a bloated, over-luminous remnant of a thermal-timescale stage of high mass transfer and has yet to re-establish thermal equilibrium. Remarkably, the HST ultraviolet data also show a strong 30 per cent peak-to-peak, $38.9,$s pulsation that we explain as being due to the spin of the white dwarf, potentially putting V1460 Her in a similar category to the propeller system AE Aqr in terms of its spin frequency and evolutionary path. AE Aqr also features a post-thermal timescale mass donor, and V1460 Her may therefore be its weak magnetic field analogue since the accretion disc is still present, with the white dwarf spin-up a result of a recent high accretion rate.
We present optical photometry of the cataclysmic variable LAMOST J024048.51+195226.9 taken with the high-speed, five-band CCD camera HiPERCAM on the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC). We detect pulsations originating from the spin of its white dwarf, finding a spin period of 24.9328(38)s. The pulse amplitude is of the order of 0.2% in the g-band, below the detection limits of previous searches. This detection establishes LAMOST J024048.51+195226.9 as only the second white dwarf magnetic propeller system, a twin of its long-known predecessor, AE Aquarii. At 24.93s, the white dwarf in LAMOST J024048.51+195226.9 has the shortest known spin period of any cataclysmic variable star. The white dwarf must have a mass of at least 0.7MSun to sustain so short a period. The observed faintest u-band magnitude sets an upper limit on the white dwarfs temperature of ~25000K. The pulsation amplitudes measured in the five HiPERCAM filters are consistent with an accretion spot of ~30000K covering ~2% of the white dwarfs visible area, although much hotter and smaller spots cannot be ruled out.
We present a binary evolution study of cataclysmic variables (CVs) and related systems with white dwarf accretors, including for example, AM CVn systems, classical novae, supersoft X-ray sources, and systems with giant donor stars. Our approach intentionally avoids the complications associated with population synthesis algorithms thereby allowing us to present the first truly comprehensive exploration of all of the subsequent binary evolution pathways that ZACVs might follow (assuming fully non-conservative, Roche-lobe overflow onto an accreting WD) using the sophisticated binary stellar evolution code MESA. The grid consists of 56,000 initial models, including 14 white dwarf accretor masses, 43 donor-star masses ($0.1-4.7$ $M_{odot}$), and 100 orbital periods. We explore evolution tracks in the orbital period and donor-mass ($P_{rm orb}-M_{rm don}$) plane in terms of evolution dwell times, masses of the white dwarf accretor, accretion rate, and chemical composition of the center and surface of the donor star. We report on the differences among the standard CV tracks, those with giant donor stars, and ultrashort period systems. We show where in parameter space one can expect to find supersoft X-ray sources, present a diagnostic to distinguish among different evolutionary paths to forming AM CVn binaries, quantify how the minimum orbital period in CVs depends on the chemical composition of the donor star, and update the $P_{rm orb}(M_{rm wd})$ relation for binaries containing white dwarfs whose progenitors lost their envelopes via stable Roche-lobe overflow. Finally, we indicate where in the $P_{rm orb}-M_{rm don}$ the accretion disks will tend to be stable against the thermal-viscous instability, and where gravitational radiation signatures may be found with LISA.
G183$-$35 is an unusual white dwarf that shows an H$alpha$ line split into five components, instead of the usual three components seen in strongly magnetic white dwarfs. Potential explanations for the unusual set of lines includes a double degenerate system containing two magnetic white dwarfs and/or rotational modulation of a complex magnetic field structure. Here we present time-resolved spectroscopy of G183$-$35 obtained at the Gemini Observatory. These data reveal two sets of absorption lines that appear and disappear over a period of about 4 hours. We also detect low-level (0.2%) variability in optical photometry at the same period. We demonstrate that the spectroscopic and photometric variability can be explained by the presence of spots on the surface of the white dwarf and a change in the average field strength from about 4.6 MG to 6.2 MG. The observed variability is clearly due to G183$-$35s relatively short spin period. However, rotational modulation of a complex magnetic field by itself cannot explain the changes seen in the central H$alpha$ component. An additional source of variability in the line profiles, most likely due to a chemically inhomogeneous surface composition, is also needed. We propose further observations of similar objects to test this scenario.
66 - C. Moran , 1998
We have discovered that the white dwarf PG 2329+267 is magnetic, and assuming a centered dipole structure, has a dipole magnetic field strength of approximately 2.3MG. This makes it one of only approximately 4% of isolated white dwarfs with a detectable magnetic field. Linear Zeeman splitting as well as quadratic Zeeman shifts are evident in the hydrogen Balmer sequence and circular spectropolarimetry reveals 10% circular polarisation in the two displaced sigma components of Halpha. We suggest from comparison with spectra of white dwarfs of known mass that PG 2329+267 is more massive than typical isolated white dwarfs, in agreement with the hypothesis that magnetic white dwarfs evolve from magnetic chemically peculiar Ap and Bp type main sequence stars.
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