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Various parameters of a trapped collection of cold and ultracold atoms can be determined non--destructively by measuring the phase shift of an off--resonant probe beam, caused by the state dependent index of refraction of the atoms. The dispersive light--atom interaction, however, gives rise to a differential light shift (AC Stark shift) between the atomic states which, for a nonuniform probe intensity distribution, causes an inhomogeneous dephasing between the atoms. In this paper, we investigate the effects of this inhomogeneous light shift in non--destructive measurement schemes. We interpret our experimental data on dispersively probed Rabi oscillations and Ramsey fringes in terms of a simple light shift model which is shown to describe the observed behavior well. Furthermore, we show that by using spin echo techniques, the inhomogeneous phase shift distribution between the two clock levels can be reversed.
Since the birth of quantum optics, the measurement of quantum states of nonclassical light has been of tremendous importance for advancement in the field. To date, conventional detectors such as photomultipliers, avalanche photodiodes, and superconducting nanowires, all rely at their core on linear excitation of bound electrons with light, posing fundamental restrictions on the detection. In contrast, the interaction of free electrons with light in the context of quantum optics is highly nonlinear and offers exciting possibilities. The first experiments that promoted this direction appeared over the past decade as part of photon-induced nearfield electron microscopy (PINEM), wherein free electrons are capable of high-order multi-photon absorption and emission. Here we propose using free electrons for quantum-optical detection of the complete quantum state of light. We show how the precise control of the electron before and after its interaction with quantum light enables to extract the photon statistics and implement full quantum state tomography using PINEM. This technique can reach sub-attosecond time resolutions, measure temporal coherence of any degree (e.g., g(1), g(2)), and simultaneously detect large numbers of photons with each electron. Importantly, the interaction of the electron with light is non-destructive, thereby leaving the photonic state (modified by the interaction) intact, which is conceptually different from conventional detectors. By using a pulse of multiple electrons, we envision how PINEM quantum detectors could achieve a single-shot measurement of the complete state of quantum light, even for non-reproducible emission events. Altogether, our work paves the way to novel kinds of photodetectors that utilize the ultrafast duration, high nonlinearity, and non-destructive nature of electron-light interactions.
Non-destructive detection of photonic qubits will enable important applications in photonic quantum information processing and quantum communications. Here, we present an approach based on a solid-state cavity containing an ensemble of rare-earth ions. First a probe pulse containing many photons is stored in the ensemble. Then a single signal photon, which represents a time-bin qubit, imprints a phase on the ensemble that is due to the AC Stark effect. This phase does not depend on the exact timing of the signal photon, which makes the detection insensitive to the time-bin qubit state. Then the probe pulse is retrieved and its phase is detected via homodyne detection. We show that the cavity leads to a dependence of the imprinted phase on the {it probe} photon number, which leads to a spreading of the probe phase, in contrast to the simple shift that occurs in the absence of a cavity. However, we show that this scenario still allows non-destructive detection of the signal. We discuss potential implementations of the scheme, showing that high success probability and low loss should be simultaneously achievable.
We identify significant quantum many-body effects, robust to position fluctuations and strong dipole--dipole interactions, in the forward light scattering from planar arrays and uniform-density disks of cold atoms, by comparing stochastic electrodynamics simulations of a quantum master equation and of a semiclassical model that neglects quantum fluctuations. Quantum effects are pronounced at high atomic densities, light close to saturation intensity, and around subradiant resonances. We show that such conditions also maximize spin--spin correlations and entanglement of formation for the atoms, revealing the microscopic origin of light-induced quantum effects. In several regimes of interest, an enhanced semiclassical model with a single-atom quantum description reproduces light transmission remarkably well, and permits analysis of otherwise numerically inaccessible large ensembles, in which we observe collective many-body analogues of resonance power broadening, vacuum Rabi splitting, and significant suppression in cooperative reflection from atomic arrays.
We calculate interspecies Rydberg-Rydberg interaction strengths for the heavy alkalis Rb and Cs. The presence of strong Forster resonances makes interspecies coupling a promising approach for long range entanglement generation. We also provide an overview of the strongest Forster resonances for Rb-Rb and Cs-Cs using different principal quantum numbers for the two atoms. We show how interspecies coupling can be used for high fidelity quantum non demolition state measurements with low crosstalk in qubit arrays.
Tomography of a quantum state is usually based on positive operator-valued measure (POVM) and on their experimental statistics. Among the available reconstructions, the maximum-likelihood (MaxLike) technique is an efficient one. We propose an extension of this technique when the measurement process cannot be simply described by an instantaneous POVM. Instead, the tomography relies on a set of quantum trajectories and their measurement records. This model includes the fact that, in practice, each measurement could be corrupted by imperfections and decoherence, and could also be associated with the record of continuous-time signals over a finite amount of time. The goal is then to retrieve the quantum state that was present at the start of this measurement process. The proposed extension relies on an explicit expression of the likelihood function via the effective matrices appearing in quantum smoothing and solutions of the adjoint quantum filter. It allows to retrieve the initial quantum state as in standard MaxLike tomography, but where the traditional POVM operators are replaced by more general ones that depend on the measurement record of each trajectory. It also provides, aside the MaxLike estimate of the quantum state, confidence intervals for any observable. Such confidence intervals are derived, as the MaxLike estimate, from an asymptotic expansion of multi-dimensional Laplace integrals appearing in Bayesian Mean estimation. A validation is performed on two sets of experimental data: photon(s) trapped in a microwave cavity subject to quantum non-demolition measurements relying on Rydberg atoms; heterodyne fluorescence measurements of a superconducting qubit.