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A polynomial parametrization of torus knots

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 Publication date 2007
and research's language is English

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For every odd integer $N$ we give an explicit construction of a polynomial curve $cC(t) = (x(t), y (t))$, where $deg x = 3$, $deg y = N + 1 + 2pent N4$ that has exactly $N$ crossing points $cC(t_i)= cC(s_i)$ whose parameters satisfy $s_1 < ... < s_{N} < t_1 < ... < t_{N}$. Our proof makes use of the theory of Stieltjes series and Pade approximants. This allows us an explicit polynomial parametrization of the torus knot $K_{2,N}$.

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We show that no torus knot of type $(2,n)$, $n>3$ odd, can be obtained from a polynomial embedding $t mapsto (f(t), g(t), h(t))$ where $(deg(f),deg(g))leq (3,n+1) $. Eventually, we give explicit examples with minimal lexicographic degree.
136 - Sheng Bai 2021
Conway-normalized Alexander polynomial of ribbon knots depend only on their ribbon diagrams. Here ribbon diagram means a ribbon spanning the ribbon knot marked with the information of singularities. We further give an algorithm to calculate Alexander polynomials of ribbon knots from their ribbon diagrams.
We prove that the signature bound for the topological 4-genus of 3-strand torus knots is sharp, using McCoys twisting method. We also show that the bound is off by at most 1 for 4-strand and 6-strand torus knots, and improve the upper bound on the asymptotic ratio between the topological 4-genus and the Seifert genus of torus knots from 2/3 to 14/27.
Cohomological invariants of twisted wild character varieties as constructed by Boalch and Yamakawa are derived from enumerative Calabi-Yau geometry and refined Chern-Simons invariants of torus knots. Generalizing the untwisted case, the present approach is based on a spectral correspondence for meromorphic Higgs bundles with fixed conjugacy classes at the marked points. This construction is carried out for twisted wild character varieties associated to (l, kl-1) torus knots, providing a colored generalization of existing results of Hausel, Mereb and Wong as well as Shende, Treumann and Zaslow.
We recursively determine the homotopy type of the space of any irreducible framed link in the 3-sphere, modulo rotations. This leads us to the homotopy type of the space of any knot in the solid torus, thus answering a question posed by Arnold. We similarly study spaces of unframed links in the 3-sphere, modulo rotations, and spaces of knots in the thickened torus. The subgroup of meridional rotations splits as a direct factor of the fundamental group of the space of any framed link except the unknot. Its generators can be viewed as generalizations of the Gramain loop in the space of long knots. Taking the quotient by certain such rotations relates the spaces we study. All of our results generalize previous work of Hatcher and Budney. We provide many examples and explicitly describe generators of fundamental groups.
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