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Test of the Equivalence Principle Using a Rotating Torsion Balance

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 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We used a continuously rotating torsion balance instrument to measure the acceleration difference of beryllium and titanium test bodies towards sources at a variety of distances. Our result Delta a=(0.6+/-3.1)x10^-15 m/s^2 improves limits on equivalence-principle violations with ranges from 1 m to infinity by an order of magnitude. The Eoetvoes parameter is eta=(0.3+/-1.8)x10^-13. By analyzing our data for accelerations towards the center of the Milky Way we find equal attractions of Be and Ti towards galactic dark matter, yielding eta=(-4 +/- 7)x10^-5. Space-fixed differential accelerations in any direction are limited to less than 8.8x10^-15 m/s^2 with 95% confidence.

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We briefly summarize motivations for testing the weak equivalence principle and then review recent torsion-balance results that compare the differential accelerations of beryllium-aluminum and beryllium-titanium test body pairs with precisions at the part in $10^{13}$ level. We discuss some implications of these results for the gravitational properties of antimatter and dark matter, and speculate about the prospects for further improvements in experimental sensitivity.
We report here the results of operation of a torsion balance with a period of $sim 1.27 times 10^4$ s. The analysis of data collected over a period of $sim$115 days shows that the difference in the accelerations towards the Galactic Center of test bodies made of aluminum and quartz was $(0.61 pm 1.27) times 10^{-15} , mathrm{ m , s}^{-2}$. This sets a bound on the violation of the equivalence principle by forces exerted by Galactic dark matter which is expressed by the Eotvos parameter $eta_{DM} = (1.32 pm 2.68) times 10^{-5}$, a significant improvement upon earlier bounds.
We propose an experiment to test the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) with a test mass consisting of two entangled atoms of different species. In the proposed experiment, a coherent measurement of the differential gravity acceleration between the two atomic species is considered, by entangling two atom interferometers operating on the two species. The entanglement between the two atoms is heralded at the initial beam splitter of the interferometers through the detection of a single photon emitted by either of the atoms, together with the impossibility of distinguishing which atom emitted the photon. In contrast to current and proposed tests of the WEP, our proposal explores the validity of the WEP in a regime where the two particles involved in the differential gravity acceleration measurement are not classically independent, but entangled. We propose an experimental implementation using $^{85}$Rb and $^{87}$Rb atoms entangled by a vacuum stimulated rapid adiabatic passage protocol implemented in a high finesse optical cavity. We show that an accuracy below $10^{-7}$ on the Eotvos parameter can be achieved.
Einstein equivalence principle (EEP), as one of the foundations of general relativity, is a fundamental test of gravity theories. In this paper, we propose a new method to test the EEP of electromagnetic interactions through observations of black hole photon rings, which naturally extends the scale of Newtonian and post-Newtoian gravity where the EEP violation through a variable fine structure constant has been well constrained to that of stronger gravity. We start from a general form of Lagrangian that violates EEP, where a specific EEP violation model could be regarded as one of the cases of this Lagrangian. Within the geometrical optical approximation, we find that the dispersion relation of photons is modified: for photons moving in circular orbit, the dispersion relation simplifies, and behaves such that photons with different linear polarizations perceive different gravitational potentials. This makes the size of black hole photon ring depend on polarization. Further assuming that the EEP violation is small, we derive an approximate analytic expression for spherical black holes showing that the change in size of the photon ring is proportional to the violation parameters. We also discuss several cases of this analytic expression for specific models. Finally, we explore the effects of black hole rotation and derive a modified proportionality relation between the change in size of photon ring and the violation parameters. The numerical and analytic results show that the influence of black hole rotation on the constraints of EEP violation is relatively weak for small magnitude of EEP violation and small rotation speed of black holes.
MICROSCOPEs space test of the weak equivalence principle (WEP) is based on the minute measurement of the difference of accelerations experienced by two test masses as they orbit the Earth. A detection of a violation of the WEP would appear at a well-known frequency $f_{rm EP}$ depending on the satellites orbital and spinning frequencies. Consequently, the experiment was optimised to miminise systematic errors at $f_{rm EP}$. Glitches are short-lived events visible in the test masses measured acceleration, most likely originating in cracks of the satellites coating. In this paper, we characterise their shape and time distribution. Although intrinsically random, their time of arrival distribution is modulated by the orbital and spinning periods. They have an impact on the WEP test that must be quantified. However, the data available prevents us from unequivocally tackling this task. We show that glitches affect the test of the WEP, up to an a priori unknown level. Discarding the perturbed data is thus the best way to reduce their effect.
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