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Quantum Blockades and Loop Currents in Graphene with Topological Defects

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 Added by Yanyang Zhang
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the effect of topological defects on the transport properties of a narrow ballistic ribbon of graphene with zigzag edges. Our results show that the longitudinal conductance vanishes at several discrete Fermi energies where the system develops loop orbital electric currents with certain chirality. The chirality depends on the direction of the applied bias voltage and the sign of the local curvature created by the topological defects. This novel quantum blockade phenomenon provides a new way to generate a magnetic moment by an external electric field, which can prove useful in carbon electronics.

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Topological materials may exhibit Hall-like currents flowing transversely to the applied electric field even in the absence of a magnetic field. In graphene superlattices, which have broken inversion symmetry, topological currents originating from graphenes two valleys are predicted to flow in opposite directions and combine to produce long-range charge neutral flow. We observe this effect as a nonlocal voltage at zero magnetic field in a narrow energy range near Dirac points at distances as large as several microns away from the nominal current path. Locally, topological currents are comparable in strength to the applied current, indicating large valley-Hall angles. The long-range character of topological currents and their transistor-like control by gate voltage can be exploited for information processing based on the valley degrees of freedom.
We report on the possibility of valley number fractionalization in graphene with a topological defect that is accounted for in Dirac equation by a pseudomagnetic field. The valley number fractionalization is attributable to an imbalance on the number of one particle states in one of the two Dirac points with respect to the other and it is related to the flux of the pseudomagnetic field. We also discuss the analog effect the topological defect might lead in the induced spin polarization of the charge carriers in graphene.
Tailoring electron transfer dynamics across solid-liquid interfaces is fundamental to the interconversion of electrical and chemical energy. Stacking atomically thin layers with a very small azimuthal misorientation to produce moire superlattices enables the controlled engineering of electronic band structures and the formation of extremely flat electronic bands. Here, we report a strong twist angle dependence of heterogeneous charge transfer kinetics at twisted bilayer graphene electrodes with the greatest enhancement observed near the magic angle (~1.1 degrees). This effect is driven by the angle-dependent tuning of moire-derived flat bands that modulate electron transfer processes with the solution-phase redox couple. Combined experimental and computational analysis reveals that the variation in electrochemical activity with moire angle is controlled by atomic reconstruction of the moire superlattice at twist angles <2 degrees, and topological defect AA stacking regions produce a large anomalous local electrochemical enhancement that cannot be accounted for by the elevated local density of states alone. Our results introduce moire flat band materials as a distinctively tunable paradigm for mediating electrochemical transformations.
Graphene is a model system for the study of electrons confined to a strictly two-dimensional layer1 and a large number of electronic phenomena have been demonstrated in graphene, from the fractional2, 3 quantum Hall effect to superconductivity4. However, the coupling of conduction electrons to local magnetic moments5, 6, a central problem of condensed matter physics, has not been realized in graphene, and, given carbons lack of d or f electrons, magnetism in graphene would seem unlikely. Nonetheless, magnetism in graphitic carbon in the absence of transition-metal elements has been reported7-10, with explanations ranging from lattice defects11 to edge structures12, 13 to negative curvature regions of the graphene sheet14. Recent experiments suggest that correlated defects in highly-ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) induced by proton irradiation9 or native to grain boundaries7, can give rise to ferromagnetism. Here we show that point defects (vacancies) in graphene15 are local moments which interact strongly with the conduction electrons through the Kondo effect6, 16-18 providing strong evidence that defects in graphene are indeed magnetic. The Kondo temperature TK is tunable with carrier density from 30-90 K; the high TK is a direct consequence of strong coupling of defects to conduction electrons in a Dirac material18. The results indicate that defect engineering in graphene could be used to generate and control carrier-mediated magnetism, and realize all-carbon spintronic devices. Furthermore, graphene should be an ideal system in which to probe Kondo physics in a widely tunable electron system.
In this work, we investigate the spectra in an Aharonov-Bohm quantum-ring interferometer forming a Josephson junction between two topological superconductors (TSC) nanowires. The TSCs host Majorana bound states at their edges, and both the magnetic flux and the superconducting phase difference between the TSCs are used as control parameters. We use a tight-binding approach to model the quantum ring coupled to both TSCs, described by the Kitaev effective Hamiltonian. We solve the problem by means of exact numerical diagonalization of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) Hamiltonian and obtain the spectra for two sizes of the quantum ring as a function of the magnetic flux and the phase difference between the TSCs. Depending on the size of the quantum ring and the coupling, the spectra display several patterns. Those are denoted as line, point and undulated nodes, together with flat bands, which are topologically protected. The first three patterns can be possibly detected by means of persistent and Josephson currents. Hence, our results could be useful to understand the spectra and their relation with the behavior of the current signals.
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