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Self-directed growth of AlGaAs core-shell nanowires for visible light applications

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 Added by Christophe Couteau
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Al(0.37)Ga(0.63)As nanowires (NWs) were grown in a molecular beam epitaxy system on GaAs(111)B substrates. Micro-photoluminescence measurements and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicated a core-shell structure and Al composition gradient along the NW axis, producing a potential minimum for carrier confinement. The core-shell structure formed during the growth as a consequence of the different Al and Ga adatom diffusion lengths.

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We study the optical properties of a single core-shell GaAs-AlGaAs nanowire (grown by VLS method) using the technique of micro-photoluminescence and spatially-resolved photoluminescence imaging. We observe large linear polarization anisotropy in emission and excitation of nanowires.
Quantum-dot-in-nanowire systems constitute building blocks for advanced photonics and sensing applications. The electronic symmetry of the emitters impacts their function capabilities. Here, we study the fine structure of gallium-rich quantum dots nested in the shell of GaAs-AlGaAs core-shell nanowires. We used optical spectroscopy to resolve the splitting resulting from the exchange terms and extract the main parameters of the emitters. Our results indicate that the quantum dots can host neutral as well as charges excitonic complexes and that the excitons exhibit a slightly elongated footprint, with the main axis tilted with respect to the growth axis. GaAs-AlGaAs emitters in a nanowire are particularly promising for overcoming the limitations set by strain in other systems, with the benefit of being integrated in a versatile photonic structure.
The combination of core/shell geometry and band gap engineering in nanowire heterostructures can be employed to realize systems with novel transport and optical properties. Here, we report on the growth of InAs/InP/GaAsSb core-dual-shell nanowires by catalyst-free chemical beam epitaxy on Si(111) substrates. Detailed morphological, structural, and compositional analyses of the nanowires as a function of growth parameters were carried out by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Furthermore, by combining the scanning transmission electron microscopy-Moire technique with geometric phase analysis, we studied the residual strain and the relaxation mechanisms in this system. We found that InP shell facets are well-developed along all the crystallographic directions only when the nominal thickness is above 1 nm, suggesting an island-growth mode. Moreover, the crystallographic analysis indicates that both InP and GaAsSb shells grow almost coherently to the InAs core along the 112 direction and elastically compressed along the 110 direction. For InP shell thickness above 8 nm, some dislocations and roughening occur at the interfaces. This study provides useful general guidelines for the fabrication of high-quality devices based on these core-dual-shell nanowires.
Sn-containing Si and Ge alloys belong to an emerging family of semiconductors with the potential to impact group IV semiconductor devices. Indeed, the ability to independently engineer both lattice parameter and band gap holds the premise to develop enhanced or novel photonic, optoelectronic, and electronic devices. With this perspective, we present detailed investigations of the influence of Ge1-y-xSixSny layers on the optical properties of Si- and Ge-based heterostructures and nanowires. We found that adding a thin Ge1-x-ySixSny capping layer on Si or Ge greatly enhances light absorption especially in the near IR range leading to an increase in short-circuit current density. For the Ge1-y-xSixSny structure at thicknesses below 30 nm, a 14-fold increase in the short-circuit current is predicted with respect to bare Si. This enhancement decreases by reducing the capping layer thickness. Conversely, decreasing the shell thickness was found to improve the short-circuit current in Si/Ge1-y-xSixSny and Ge/Ge1-y-xSixSny core/shell nanowires. The optical absorption becomes very important when increasing the Sn content. Moreover, by exploiting optical antenna effect, these nanowires show an extreme light absorption reaching an enhancement factor, with respect to Si or Ge nanowires, on the order of ~104 in Si/Ge0.84Si0.04Sn0.12 and ~12 in Ge/Ge0.84Si0.04Sn0.12 core/shell nanowires. Furthermore, we analyzed the optical response of the addition of a dielectric capping layer consisting of Si3N4 to the Si/Ge1-y-xSixSny core-shell nanowire and found about 50% increase in short-circuit current density for a dielectric layer thickness of 45 nm and a core radius and shell thickness superior to 40 nm. The core/shell optical antenna benefits from a multiplication of enhancements contributed by leaky mode resonances in the semiconductor part and antireflection effects in the dielectric part.
We model shell formation of core-shell noble metal nanoparticles. A recently developed kinetic Monte Carlo approach is utilized to reproduce growth morphologies realized in recent experiments on core-shell nanoparticle synthesis, which reported smooth epitaxially grown shells. Specifically, we identify growth regimes that yield such smooth shells, but also those that lead to the formation of shells made of small clusters. The developed modeling approach allows us to qualitatively study the effects of temperature and supply the shell-metal atoms on the resulting shell morphology, when grown on a pre-synthesized nanocrystal core.
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