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Theoretical topics in spacetime-symmetry violations

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 Added by Ralf Lehnert
 Publication date 2007
and research's language is English
 Authors Ralf Lehnert

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The Lorentz- and CPT-violating Chern-Simons extension of electrodynamics is considered. In the context of N=4 supergravity in four spacetime dimensions, it is argued that cosmological solutions can generate this extension. Within Chern-Simons electrodynamics, theoretical and phenomenological topics are reviewed that concern the number of the remaining spacetime symmetries and the vacuum Cherenkov effect, respectively.

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249 - Ralf Lehnert 2014
An important open question in fundamental physics concerns the nature of spacetime at distance scales associated with the Planck length. The widespread belief that probing such distances necessitates Planck-energy particles has impeded phenomenological and experimental research in this context. However, it has been realized that various theoretical approaches to underlying physics can accommodate Planck-scale violations of spacetime symmetries. This talk surveys the motivations for spacetime-symmetry research, the SME test framework, and experimental efforts in this field.
107 - Ralf Lehnert 2006
The violation of spacetime symmetries provides a promising candidate signal for underlying physics, possibly arising at the Planck scale. This talk gives an overview over various aspects in the field, including some mechanisms for Lorentz breakdown, the SME test framework, and phenomenological signatures for such effects.
Ladder operators can be useful constructs, allowing for unique insight and intuition. In fact, they have played a special role in the development of quantum mechanics and field theory. Here, we introduce a novel type of ladder operators, which map a scalar field onto another massive scalar field. We construct such operators, in arbitrary dimensions, from closed conformal Killing vector fields, eigenvectors of the Ricci tensor. As an example, we explicitly construct these objects in anti-de Sitter spacetime (AdS) and show that they exist for masses above the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound. Starting from a regular seed solution of the massive Klein-Gordon equation (KGE), mass ladder operators in AdS allow one to build a variety of regular solutions with varying boundary condition at spatial infinity. We also discuss mass ladder operator in the context of spherical harmonics, and the relation between supersymmetric quantum mechanics and so-called Aretakis constants in an extremal black hole.
In this paper we study the Penrose limit of AdS_5 orbifolds. The orbifold can be either in the pure spatial directions or space and time directions. For the AdS_5/Gammatimes S^5 spatial orbifold we observe that after the Penrose limit we obtain the same result as the Penrose limit of AdS_5times S^5/Gamma. We identify the corresponding BMN operators in terms of operators of the gauge theory on Rtimes S^3/Gamma. The semi-classical description of rotating strings in these backgrounds have also been studied. For the spatial AdS orbifold we show that in the quadratic order the obtained action for the fluctuations is the same as that in S^5 orbifold, however, the higher loop correction can distinguish between two cases.
We will investigate numerically a seesaw model with $A_4$ flavor symmetry to find allowed regions satisfying the current experimental neutrino oscillation data, then use them to predict physical consequences. Namely, the lightest active neutrino mass has order of $mathcal{O}(10^{-2})$ eV. The effective neutrino mass $|langle mrangle|$ associated with neutrinoless double beta decay is in the range of $[0.002 ;mathrm{eV},0.038;mathrm{eV}]$ and $[0.048;mathrm{eV},0.058;mathrm{eV}]$ corresponding to the normal and the inverted hierarchy schemes. Other relations among relevant physical quantities are shown, so that they can be determined if some of them are confirmed experimentally. The recent data of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe ($eta_B$) can be explained via leptogenesis caused by the effect of the renormalization group evolution on the Dirac Yukawa couplings, provided the right handed neutrino mass scale $M_0$ is ranging from $mathcal{O}(10^8)$ GeV to $mathcal{O}(10^{12})$ GeV for $tanbeta =3$. This allowed $M_0$ range distinguishes with the scale of $mathcal{O}(10^{13})$ GeV concerned by other effects that also generate the consistent $eta_B$ from leptogenesis. The branching ratio of the decay $ mu rightarrow,egamma$ may reach the future experimental sensitivity in the very light values of $M_0$. Hence, it will be inconsistent with the $M_0$ range predicted from the $eta_B$ data whenever this decay is detected experimentally.
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