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Spiral Growth and Step Edge Barriers

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 Added by Joachim Krug
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The growth of spiral mounds containing a screw dislocation is compared to the growth of wedding cakes by two-dimensional nucleation. Using phase field simulations and homoepitaxial growth experiments on the Pt(111) surface we show that both structures attain the same characteristic large scale shape when a significant step edge barrier suppresses interlayer transport. The higher vertical growth rate observed for the spiral mounds on Pt(111) reflects the different incorporation mechanisms for atoms in the top region and can be formally represented by an enhanced apparent step edge barrier.

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Borophene, a monoatomic layer of boron atoms, stands out among two-dimensional (2D) materials, with its versatile properties of polymorphism, metallicity, plasmonics, superconductivity, tantalizing for physics exploration and next-generation devices. Yet its phases are all synthesized on and stay bound to metal substrates, hampering both characterization and use. The growth on the inert insulator would allow post-synthesis exfoliation of borophene, but its weak adhesion to such substrate results in a very high 2D-nucleation barrier preventing clean borophene growth. This challenge can be circumvented in a devised and demonstrated here, with ab initio calculations, strategy. Naturally present 1D-defects, the step-edges on h-BN substrate surface, enable boron epitaxial assembly, reduce the nucleation dimensionality and lower the barrier by an order of magnitude (to 1.1 eV or less), yielding v1/9 phase. Weak borophene adhesion to the insulator makes it readily accessible for comprehensive property tests or transfer into the device setting.
The interest in Fe-chalcogenide unconventional superconductors is intense after the critical temperature of FeSe was reported enhanced by more than one order of magnitude in the monolayer limit at the interface to an insulating oxide substrate. In heterostructures comprising interfaces of FeSe with topological insulators, additional interesting physical phenomena is predicted to arise e.g. in form of {it topological superconductivity}. So far superconductive properties of Fe-chalcogenide monolayers were mostly studied by local scanning tunneling spectroscopy experiments, which can detect pseudo-gaps in the density of states as an indicator for Cooper pairing. Direct macroscopic transport properties which can prove or falsify a superconducting phase were rarely reported due to the difficulty to grow films with homogeneous material properties. Here we report on a promising growth method to fabricate continuous carpets of monolayer thick FeSe on molecular beam epitaxy grown Bi$_2$Se$_3$ topological insulator thin films. In contrast to previous works using atomically flat cleaved bulk Bi$_2$Se$_3$ crystal surfaces we observe a strong influence of the high step-edge density (terrace width about 10~nm) on MBE-grown Bi$_2$Se$_3$ substrates, which significantly promotes the growth of coalescing FeSe domains with small tetragonal crystal distortion without compromising the underlying Bi$_2$Se$_3$ crystal structure.
For more than three decades, measurement of terrace width distributions (TWDs) of vicinal crystal surfaces have been recognized as arguably the best way to determine the dimensionless strength $tilde{A}$ of the elastic repulsion between steps. For sufficiently strong repulsions, the TWD is expected to be Gaussian, with $tilde{A}$ varying inversely with the squared variance. However, there has been a controversy over the proportionality constant. From another perspective the TWD can be described as a continuous generalized Wigner distribution (CGWD) essentially no more complicated than a Gaussian but a much better approximation at the few calibration points where exact solutions exist. This paper combines concisely the experimentally most useful results from several earlier papers on this subject and describes some advancements that are in progress regarding numerical tests and in using Schrodinger-equation formalism to give greater understanding of the origin of the CGWD and to give hope of extensions to more general interaction potentials between steps. There are many implications for future experiments.
Deposition/removal of metal atoms on the hex reconstructed (100) surface of Au, Pt and Ir should present intriguing aspects, since a new island implies hex -> square deconstruction of the substrate, and a new crater the square -> hex reconstruction of the uncovered layer. To obtain a microscopic understanding of how islands/craters form in these conditions, we have conducted simulations of island and crater growth on Au(100), whose atomistic behavior, including the hex reconstruction on top of the square substrate, is well described by mean s of classical many-body forces. By increasing/decreasing the Au coverage on Au(100), we find that island/craters will not grow unless they exceed a critical size of about 8-10 atoms. This value is close to that which explains the nonlinear coverage dependence observed in molecular adsorption on the closely related surface Pt (100). This threshold size is rationalized in terms of a transverse step correlation length, measuring the spatial extent where reconstruction of a given plane is disturbed by the nearby step.
143 - Ali Kerrache 2008
The melting and crystallization of Al50Ni50} are studied by means of molecular dynamics computer simulations, using a potential of the embedded atom type to model the interactions between the particles. Systems in a slab geometry are simulated where the B2 phase of AlNi in the middle of an elongated simulation box is separated by two planar interfaces from the liquid phase, thereby considering the (100) crystal orientation. By determining the temperature dependence of the interface velocity, an accurate estimate of the melting temperature is provided. The value k=0.0025 m/s/K for the kinetic growth coefficient is found. This value is about two orders of magnitude smaller than that found in recent simulation studies of one-component metals. The classical Wilson-Frenkel model is not able to describe the crystal growth kinetics on a quantitative level. We argue that this is due to the neglect of diffusion processes in the liquid-crystal interface.
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