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Reconstruction of nuclear charged fragment trajectories from a large gap sweeper magnet

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 Added by Michael Thoennessen
 Publication date 2007
and research's language is English

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A new method to reconstruct charged fragment four-momentum vectors from measured trajectories behind an open, large gap, magnetic dispersion element (a sweeper magnet) has been developed. In addition to the position and angle behind the magnet it includes the position measurement in the dispersive direction at the target. The method improves the energy and angle resolution of the reconstruction significantly for experiments with fast rare isotopes, where the beam size at the target position is large.

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For the first time primary hot isotope distributions are experimentally reconstructed in intermediate heavy ion collisions and used with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) calculations to determine density, temperature and symmetry energy coefficient in a self-consistent manner. A kinematical focusing method is employed to reconstruct the primary hot fragment yield distributions for multifragmentation events observed in the reaction system $^{64}$Zn + $^{112}$Sn at 40 MeV/nucleon. The reconstructed yield distributions are in good agreement with the primary isotope distributions of AMD simulations. The experimentally extracted values of the symmetry energy coefficient relative to the temperature, $a_{sym}/T$, are compared with those of the AMD simulations with different density dependence of the symmetry energy term. The calculated $a_{sym}/T$ values changes according to the different interactions. By comparison of the experimental values of $a_{sym}/T$ with those of calculations, the density of the source at fragment formation was determined to be $rho /rho_{0} = (0.63 pm 0.03 )$. Using this density, the symmetry energy coefficient and the temperature are determined in a self-consistent manner as $a_{sym} = (24.7 pm 1.9) MeV$ and $T=(4.9 pm 0.2)$ MeV
137 - A. Ray , A. De , A. Chatterjee 2013
The extreme back-angle evaporation spectra of alpha, lithium, beryllium, boron and carbon from different compound nuclei near A=100 (EX=76-210 MeV) have been compared with the predictions of standard statistical model codes such as CASCADE and GEMINI. It was found that the shapes of the alpha spectra agree well with the predictions of the statistical models. However the spectra of lithium, beryllium, boron and carbon show significantly gentler slopes implying higher temperature of the residual nuclei, even though the spectra satisfy all other empirical criteria of statistical emissions. The observed slope anomaly was found to be largest for lithium and decreases at higher excitation energy. These results could not be understood by adjusting the parameters of the statistical models or from reaction dynamics and might require examining the statistical model from a quantum mechanical perspective.
The critical phenomena of the liquid-gas phase transition has been investigated in the reactions 78,86Kr+58,64Ni at beam energy of 35 MeV/nucleon using the Landau free energy approach with isospin asymmetry as an order parameter. Fits to the free energy of fragments showed three minima suggesting the system to be in the regime of a first order phase transition. The relation m =-{partial}F/{partial}H, which defines the order parameter and its conjugate field H, has been experimentally verified from the linear dependence of the mirror nuclei yield ratio data, on the isospin asymmetry of the source. The slope parameter, which is a measure of the distance from a critical temperature, showed a systematic decrease with increasing excitation energy of the source. Within the framework of the Landau free energy approach, isoscaling provided similar results as obtained from the analysis of mirror nuclei yield ratio data. We show that the external field is primarily related to the minimum of the free energy, which implies a modification of the source concentration Delta used in isospin studies.
313 - D. Gruyer 2012
Distributions of the largest fragment charge, Zmax, in multifragmentation reactions around the Fermi energy can be decomposed into a sum of a Gaussian and a Gumbel distribution, whereas at much higher or lower energies one or the other distribution is asymptotically dominant. We demonstrate the same generic behavior for the largest cluster size in critical aggregation models for small systems, in or out of equilibrium, around the critical point. By analogy with the time-dependent irreversible aggregation model, we infer that Zmax distributions are characteristic of the multifragmentation time-scale, which is largely determined by the onset of radial expansion in this energy range.
Odd-even staggering effects on charge distributions are investigated for fragments produced in semiperipheral and central collisions of 112Sn+58Ni at 35 MeV/nucleon. For fragments with Z<16 one observes a clear overproduction of even charges, which decreases for heavier fragments. In peripheral collisions staggering effects persist up to Z about 40. For light fragments, staggering appears to be substantially independent of the centrality of the collisions, suggesting that it is mainly related to the last few steps in the decay of hot nuclei.
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