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The origin of strong correlations and superconductivity in Na$_x$CoO$_2$

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 Added by G. Khaliullin
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose a minimal model resolving a puzzle of enigmatic correlations observed in sodium-rich Na$_x$CoO$_2$ where one expects a simple, free motion of the dilute $S=1/2$ holes doped into a band insulator NaCoO$_2$. The model also predicts singlet superconductivity at experimentally observed compositions. The model is based on a key property of cobalt oxides -- the spin-state quasidegeneracy of CoO$_6$ octahedral complex -- leading to an unusual physics of, {it e.g.}, LaCoO$_3$. We show that correlated hopping between $t_{2g}$ and $e_g$ states leads to the spin-polaron physics at $xsim 1$, and to an extended s-wave pairing at larger doping when coherent fermionic bands are formed.

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Band structure of metallic sodium cobaltate Na$_x$CoO$_2$ ($x$=0.33, 0.48, 0.61 0.72) has been investigated by local density approximation+Hubbard $U$ (LDA+$U$) method and within Gutzwiller approximation for the Co-$t_{2g}$ manifold. Correlation effects being taken into account results in suppression of the $e_g$ hole pockets at the Fermi surface in agreement with recent angle-resolved photo-emission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments. In the Gutzwiller approximation the bilayer splitting is significantly reduced due to the correlation effects. The formation of high spin (HS) state in Co $d$-shell was shown to be very improbable.
133 - Jean-Pascal Rueff 2006
We report on first investigation of the lattice dynamics in the novel superconducting material Na$_{0.35}$CoO$_2$$cdot$1.3H$_2$O and the non-hydrated parent compound Na$_{0.7}$CoO$_2$ by inelastic x-ray scattering. The measured phonon dispersion along the $Gamma-M$ direction show a marked softening with hole doping of two optical phonon branches close to the Brillouin zone boundary. The phonon spectra, dispersion, and softening are well reproduced by first-principle calculations. The calculations indicates that the soft branches are mainly composed of Co-vibration modes. The estimation of the critical temperature based on electron-phonon coupling mechanism undisputedly points to a non-conventional superconducting state in this material.
Combining symmetry based considerations with inputs from available experimental results, we make the case that a novel spin-triplet superconductivity triggered by antiferromagnetic fluctuations may be realized in the newly discovered layered cobaltide Na$_x$CoO$_{2}cdot y$H$_2$O. In the proposed picture, unaccessable via resonating-valence-bond physics extrapolated from half-filling, the pairing process is similar to that advanced for Sr$_{2}$RuO$_4$, but enjoys a further advantage coming from the hexagonal structure of the Fermi-surface which gives a stronger pairing tendency.
380 - D. Pillay , M.D. Johannes , 2008
The idea that surface effects may play an important role in suppressing $e_g$ Fermi surface pockets on Na$_x$CoO$_2$ $(0.333 le x le 0.75)$ has been frequently proposed to explain the discrepancy between LDA calculations (performed on the bulk compound) which find $e_g$ hole pockets present and ARPES experiments, which do not observe the hole pockets. Since ARPES is a surface sensitive technique it is important to investigate the effects that surface formation will have on the electronic structure of Na$_{1/3}$CoO$_2$ in order to more accurately compare theory and experiment. We have calculated the band structure and Fermi surface of cleaved Na$_{1/3}$CoO$_2$ and determined that the surface non-trivially affects the fermiology in comparison to the bulk. Additionally, we examine the likelihood of possible hydroxyl cotamination and surface termination. Our results show that a combination of surface formation and contamination effects could resolve the ongoing controversy between ARPES experiments and theory.
Magnetism of layered cobaltites Na$_x$CoO$_2$ with $x$ = 0.6 and 0.9 has been investigated by a positive muon spin rotation and relaxation ($mu^+$SR) spectroscopy together with magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements, using single crystal samples in the temperature range between 250 and 1.8 K. Zero-field (ZF-) $mu^+$SR measurements on Na$_{0.9}$CoO$_2$ indicates a transition from a paramagnetic to an incommensurate spin density wave state at 19 K(=$T_{sf SDW}$). The anisotropic ZF-$mu^+$SR spectra suggest that the oscillating moments of the {sf IC-SDW} directs along the c-axis. Since Na$_{0.6}$CoO$_2$ is paramagnetic down to 1.8 K, the magnitude of $T_{sf SDW}$ is found to strongly depend on $x$.This behavior is well explained using the Hubbard model within a mean field approximation on two-dimensional triangle lattice in the CoO$_2$ plane. Also, both the appearance of the {sf IC-SDW} state by the change in $x$ and the magnitude of the electronic specific heat parameter of Na$_{0.6}$CoO$_2$ indicate that Na$_x$CoO$_2$ is unlikely to be a typical strongly correlated electron system.
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