We obtain analytic formulae for the spacing between conductance peaks in the Coulomb blockade regime, based on the universal Hamiltonian model of quantum dots. New random matrix theory results are developed in order to treat correlations between two and three consecutive spacings in the energy level spectrum. These are generalizations of the Wigner surmise for the probability distribution of single level spacing. The analytic formulae are shown to be in good agreement with numerical evaluation.
We investigate the spin of the ground state of a geometrically confined many-electron system. For atoms, shell structure simplifies this problem-- the spin is prescribed by the well-known Hunds rule. In contrast, quantum dots provide a controllable setting for studying the interplay of quantum interference and electron-electron interactions in general cases. In a generic confining potential, the shell-structure argument suggests a singlet ground state for an even number of electrons. The interaction among the electrons produces, however, accidental occurrences of spin-triplet ground states, even for weak interaction, a limit which we analyze explicitly. Variaton of an external parameter causes sudden switching between these states and hence a kink in the conductance. Experimental study of these kinks would yield the exchange energy for the ``chaotic electron gas.
We review the quantum interference effects in a system of interacting electrons confined to a quantum dot. The review starts with a description of an isolated quantum dot. We discuss the status of the Random Matrix theory (RMT) of the one-electron states in the dot, present the universal form of the interaction Hamiltonian compatible with the RMT, and derive the leading corrections to the universal interaction Hamiltonian. Next, we discuss a theoretical description of a dot connected to leads via point contacts. Having established the theoretical framework to describe such an open system, we discuss its transport and thermodynamic properties. We review the evolution of the transport properties with the increase of the contact conductances from small values to values $sim e^2/pihbar$. In the discussion of transport, the emphasis is put on mesoscopic fluctuations and the Kondo effect in the conductance.
The conductance through a quantum wire of cylindrical cross section and a weak bulge is solved exactly for two electrons within the Landauer-Buettiker formalism. We show that this open quantum dot exhibits spin-dependent Coulomb blockade resonances resulting in two anomalous structure on the rising edge to the first conductance plateau, one near 0.25(2e^2/h), related to a singlet resonance, and one near 0.7(2e^2/h), related to a triplet resonance. These resonances are generic and robust, occurring for other types of quantum wire and surviving to temperatures of a few degrees.
We present Coulomb Blockade measurements of two few-electron quantum dots in series which are configured such that the electrochemical potential of one of the two dots is aligned with spin-selective leads. The charge transfer through the system requires co-tunneling through the second dot which is $not$ in resonance with the leads. The observed amplitude modulation of the resulting current is found to reflect spin blockade events occurring through either of the two dots. We also confirm that charge redistribution events occurring in the off-resonance dot are detected indirectly via changes in the electrochemical potential of the aligned dot.
We report the observation of Coulomb blockade in a quantum dot contacted by two quantum point contacts each with a single fully-transmitting mode, a system previously thought to be well described without invoking Coulomb interactions. At temperatures below 50 mK we observe a periodic oscillation in the conductance of the dot with gate voltage that corresponds to a residual quantization of charge. From the temperature and magnetic field dependence, we infer the oscillations are Mesoscopic Coulomb Blockade, a type of Coulomb blockade caused by electron interference in an otherwise open system.