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Are Advanced Potentials Anomalous?

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 Added by Michael Ibison
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors M. Ibison

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Advanced electromagnetic potentials are indigenous to the classical Maxwell theory. Generally however they are deemed undesirable and are forcibly excluded, destroying the theorys inherent time-symmetry. We investigate the reason for this, pointing out that it is not necessary and in some cases is counter-productive. We then focus on the direct-action theory in which the advanced and retarded contributions are present symmetrically, with no opportunity to supplement the particular integral solution of the wave equation with an arbitrary complementary function. One then requires a plausible explanation for the observed broken symmetry that, commonly, is understood cannot be met by the Wheeler-Feynman mechanism because the necessary boundary condition cannot be satisfied in acceptable cosmologies. We take this opportunity to argue that the boundary condition is already met by all expanding cosmologies simply as a result of cosmological red-shift. A consequence is that the cosmological and thermodynamic arrows of time can be equated, the direct action version of EM is preferred, and that advanced potentials are ubiquitous.

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In this work we suggest a simple theoretical solution of the Mpemba effect in full agreement with known experimental data. This solution follows simply as an especial approximation (linearization) of the usual heat (transfer) equation, precisely linearization of the second derivation of the space part of the temperature function (as it is well-known Newton cooling law can be considered as the effective approximation of the heat (transfer) equation for constant space part of the temperature function).
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A formulation of the one-way speed of light in three-dimensional Euclidean space is derived by a constructive approach. This formulation is consistent with the result of the Michelson-Morley experiment in that the harmonic mean of the outward and return speeds is equal to c, the standard value for the speed of electromagnetic radiation in vacuum. It is also shown that a shift in synchronization, proportional to the distance along the line of motion, renders this speed a constant along all directions.
In this paper we describe a video-camera recording of a (probable) ball lightning event and both the related image and signal analyses for its photometric and dynamical characterization. The results strongly support the BL nature of the recorded luminous ball object and allow the researchers to have an objective and unique video document of a possible BL event for further analyses. Some general evaluations of the obtained results considering the proposed ball lightning models conclude the paper.
271 - C. I. Christov 2009
We prove that, when linearized, the governing equations of an incompressible elastic continuum yield Maxwells equations as corollaries. Through judicious distinction between the referential and local descriptions, the principle of material invariance is established and shown to be a true covariance principle, unlike the Lorentz covariance, which is valid only for non-deforming frames in rectilinear relative motion. Thus, this paper establishes that electrodynamics can be fully explained if one assumes that it is the manifestation of the internal forces of an underlying elastic material which we term the metacontinuum. The new frame-indifferent formulation of electrodynamics is shown to incorporate the Lorentz force as an integral part of Faradays law, rather than as an additional empirical variable. Respectively, if the upper-convected derivative is added in Maxwells displacement current it can explain Biot-Savarts and Oersted-Amperes laws. An immediate corollary of the material invariance is the Galilean invariance of the model. The possible detection of the absolute continuum is also discussed. First, the famous experiment of Ives and Stilwell is reexamined with a modified Bohr-Rydberg formula for the emitted frequencies from a moving atom, and it is shown that the results are fully compatible with the presence of an absolute medium. Second, a new interferometry experiment is proposed in which the first-order Doppler effect can be measured, and thus the presence of a medium at rest can be unequivocally established.
115 - F. M. Paiva 2007
Extending physics/0701092, a light source of monochromatic radiation, in rectilinear motion under constant proper acceleration, passes near an observer at rest. In the context of special relativity, we describe the observed Doppler effect. We describe also the interesting discontinuous effect when riding through occurs. An English version of this article is available. ----- Da^urigante physics/0701092, luma fonto de unukolora radiado ^ce rekta movo ^ce konstanta propra akcelo pasas preter restanta observanto. ^Ce la special-relativeco, ni priskribas la observatan Doppleran efikon. Ni anka^u priskribas la interesan nekontinuan efikon se trapaso okazas.
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