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The frequency distribution of DNA bases A, C, G, T exhibit fractal fluctuations ubiquitous to dynamical systems in nature. The power spectra of fractal fluctuations exhibit inverse power law form signifying long-range correlations between local (small-scale) and global (large-scale) perturbations. The author has developed a general systems theory based on classical statistical physics for fractal fluctuations which predicts that the probability distribution of eddy amplitudes and the variance (square of eddy amplitude)spectrum of fractal fluctuations follow the universal Boltzmann inverse power law expressed as a function of the golden mean. The model predicted distribution is very close to statistical normal distribution for fluctuations within two standard deviations from the mean and exhibits a fat long tail. In this paper it is shown that DNA base CG frequency distribution in Takifugu rubripes (Puffer fish) Genome Release 4 exhibit universal inverse power law form consistent with model prediction. The observed long-range correlations in the DNA bases implies that the non-coding junk or selfish DNA which appear to be redundant, may also contribute to the efficient functioning of the protein coding DNA, a result supported by recent studies.
Power spectra of human DNA base C+G frequency distribution in all available contiguous sections exhibit the universal inverse power law form of the statistical normal distribution for the 24 chromosomes. Inverse power law form for power spectra of space-time fluctuations is generic to dynamical systems in nature and indicate long-range space-time correlations. A recently developed general systems theory predicts the observed non-local connections as intrinsic to quantumlike chaos governing space-time fluctuations of dynamical systems. The model predicts the following. (1) The quasiperiodic Penrose tiling pattern for the nested coiled structure of the DNA molecule in the chromosome resulting in maximum packing efficiency. (2) The DNA molecule functions as a unified whole fuzzy logic network with ordered two-way signal transmission between the coding and non-coding regions. Recent studies indicate influence of non-coding regions on functions of coding regions in the DNA molecule.
The spatial distribution of DNA base sequence A, C, G and T exhibit selfsimilar fractal fluctuations and the corresponding power spectra follow inverse power law form, which implies the following: (1) A scale invariant eddy continuum, namely, the amplitudes of component eddies are related to each other by a scale factor alone. In general, the scale factor is different for different scale ranges and indicates a multifractal structure for the spatial distribution of DNA base sequence. (2) Long-range spatial correlations of the eddy fluctuations. Multifractal structure to space-time fluctuations and the associated inverse power law form for power spectra is generic to spatially extended dynamical systems in nature and is a signature of self-organized criticality. The exact physical mechanism for the observed self-organized criticality is not yet identified. The author has developed a general systems theory where quantum mechanical laws emerge as self-consistent explanations for the observed long-range space-time correlations, i.e. the apparently chaotic fractal fluctuations are signatures of quantum-like chaos in dynamical systems. The model provides unique quantification for the observed inverse power law form for power spectra in terms of the statistical normal distribution. In this paper it is shown that the frequency distribution of the bases C+G in all available contiguous sequences for Human chromosome Y DNA exhibit model predicted quantum-like chaos.
We propose a statistical mechanics model for DNA melting in which base stacking and pairing are explicitly introduced as distinct degrees of freedom. Unlike previous approaches, this model describes thermal denaturation of DNA secondary structure in the whole experimentally accessible temperature range. Base pairing is described through a zipper model, base stacking through an Ising model. We present experimental data on the unstacking transition, obtained exploiting the observation that at moderately low pH this transition is moved down to experimentally accessible temperatures. These measurements confirm that the Ising model approach is indeed a good description of base stacking. On the other hand, comparison with the experiments points to the limitations of the simple zipper model description of base pairing.
Data on the number of Open Reading Frames (ORFs) coded by genomes from the 3 domains of Life show some notable general features including essential differences between the Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, with the number of ORFs growing linearly with total genome size for the former, but only logarithmically for the latter. Assuming that the (protein) coding and non-coding fractions of the genome must have different dynamics and that the non-coding fraction must be controlled by a variety of (unspecified) probability distribution functions, we are able to predict that the number of ORFs for Eukaryotes follows a Benford distribution and has a specific logarithmic form. Using the data for 1000+ genomes available to us in early 2010, we find excellent fits to the data over several orders of magnitude, in the linear regime for the Prokaryote data, and the full non-linear form for the Eukaryote data. In their region of overlap the salient features are statistically congruent, which allows us to: interpret the difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes as the manifestation of the increased demand in the biological functions required for the larger Eukaryotes, estimate some minimal genome sizes, and predict a maximal Prokaryote genome size on the order of 8-12 megabasepairs. These results naturally allow a mathematical interpretation in terms of maximal entropy and, therefore, most efficient information transmission.
Atmospheric flows exhibit fractal fluctuations and inverse power law form for power spectra indicating an eddy continuum structure for the selfsimilar fluctuations. A general systems theory for fractal fluctuations developed by the author is based on the simple visualisation that large eddies form by space-time integration of enclosed turbulent eddies, a concept analogous to Kinetic Theory of Gases in Classical Statistical Physics. The ordered growth of atmospheric eddy continuum is in dynamical equilibrium and is associated with Maximum Entropy Production. The model predicts universal (scale-free) inverse power law form for fractal fluctuations expressed in terms of the golden mean. Atmospheric particulates are held in suspension in the fractal fluctuations of vertical wind velocity. The mass or radius (size) distribution for homogeneous suspended atmospheric particulates is expressed as a universal scale-independent function of the golden mean, the total number concentration and the mean volume radius. Model predicted spectrum is in agreement (within two standard deviations on either side of the mean) with total averaged radius size spectra for the AERONET (aerosol