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The magnetic and thermodynamic properties of spin-1/2 Heisenberg diamond chains are investigated in three different cases: (a) J1, J2, J3>0 (frustrated); (b) J1, J3<0, J2>0 (frustrated); and (c) J1, J2>0, J3<0 (non-frustrated). The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique is invoked to study the properties of the system in the ground state, while the transfer matrix renormalization group (TMRG) technique is applied to explore the thermodynamic properties. The local magnetic moments, spin correlation functions, and static structure factors are discussed in the ground state for the three cases. It is shown that the static structure factor S(q) shows peaks at wavevectors $q=api /3$ (a=0,1,2,3,4,5) for different couplings in a zero magnetic field, which, however in the magnetic fields where the magnetization plateau with m=1/6 pertains, exhibits the peaks only at q=0, $2pi /3$ and $4pi /3$, which are found to be couplings-independent. The DMRG results of the zero-field static structure factor can be nicely fitted by a linear superposition of six modes, where two fitting equations are proposed. It is observed that the six modes are closely related to the low-lying excitations of the system. At finite temperatures, the double-peak structures of the susceptibility and specific heat against temperature are obtained, where the peak positions and heights are found to depend on the competition of the couplings. It is also uncovered that the XXZ anisotropy of F and AF couplings leads the system of case (c) to display quite different behaviors. In addition, the experimental data of the susceptibility, specific heat and magnetization for the compound Cu$_{3}$(CO$_{3}$)$_{2}$(OH)$_{2}$ are fairly compared with our TMRG results.
The thermodynamic properties (magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, transverse and longitudinal correlation lengths, specific heat) of one- and two-dimensional ferromagnets with arbitrary spin S in a magnetic field are investigated by a second-order Green-function theory. In addition, quantum Monte Carlo simulations for S= 1/2 and S=1 are performed using the stochastic series expansion method. A good agreement between the results of both approaches is found. The field dependence of the position of the maximum in the temperature dependence of the susceptibility fits well to a power law at low fields and to a linear increase at high fields. The maximum height decreases according to a power law in the whole field region. The longitudinal correlation length may show an anomalous temperature dependence: a minimum followed by a maximum with increasing temperature. Considering the specific heat in one dimension and at low magnetic fields, two maxima in its temperature dependence for both the S= 1/2 and S = 1 ferromagnets are found. For S>1 only one maximum occurs, as in the two-dimensional ferromagnets. Relating the theory to experiments on the S= 1/2 quasi-one-dimensional copper salt TMCuC [(CH_3)_4NCuCl_3], a fit to the magnetization as a function of the magnetic field yields the value of the exchange energy which is used to make predictions for the occurrence of two maxima in the temperature dependence of the specific heat.
The ground state spin-wave excitations and thermodynamic properties of two types of ferrimagnetic chains are investigated: the alternating spin-1/2 spin-5/2 chain and a similar chain with a spin-1/2 pendant attached to the spin-5/2 site. Results for magnetic susceptibility, magnetization and specific heat are obtained through the finite-temperature Lanczos method with the aim in describing available experimental data, as well as comparison with theoretical results from the semiclassical approximation and the low-temperature susceptibility expansion derived from Takahashis modified spin-wave theory. In particular, we study in detail the temperature vs. magnetic field phase diagram of the spin-1/2 spin-5/2 chain, in which several low-temperature quantum phases are identified: the Luttinger Liquid phase, the ferrimagnetic plateau and the fully polarized one, and the respective quantum critical points and crossover lines.
Cu(pz)2(ClO4)2 (with pz denoting pyrazine, C4H4N2) is among the best realizations of a two-dimensional spin-1/2 square-lattice antiferromagnet. Below T_N = 4.21 K, its weak interlayer couplings induce a 3D magnetic order, strongly influenced by external magnetic fields and/or hydrostatic pressure. Previous work, focusing on the [H, T] phase diagram, identified a spin-flop transition, resulting in a field-tunable bicritical point. However, the influence of external pressure has not been investigated yet. Here we explore the extended [p, H, T] phase diagram of Cu(pz)2(ClO4)2 under pressures up to 12 kbar and magnetic fields up to 7.1 T, via magnetometry and 35Cl nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements. The application of magnetic fields enhances T_XY , the crossover temperature from the Heisenberg to the XY model, thus pointing to an enhancement of the effective anisotropy. The applied pressure has an opposite effect [dT_N/dp = 0.050(8) K/kbar], as it modifies marginally the interlayer couplings, but likely changes more significantly the orbital reorientation and the square-lattice deformation. This results in a remodeling of the effective Hamiltonian, whereby the field and pressure effects compensate each other. Finally, by comparing the experimental data with numerical simulations we estimate T_BKT, the temperature of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless topological transition and argue why it is inaccessible in our case.
Exactly solvable frustrated quantum spin models consisting of a diamond unit structure are presented. The ground states are characterized by tetramer-dimer states with a macroscopic degeneracy in a certain range of isotropic exchange interaction. The lower bound of the excitation gap is exactly calculated to be finite and the bulk entropy in the limit of zero temperature remains finite depending on the shape of the boundary of system. Residual entropy is in a range of 0~6.1% of the entropy at high temperature for hexagonal diamond lattice and 0~8.4% for square diamond lattice. These diamond lattices are generalized to any dimensions and it is likely to be synthesized experimentally.
We study the thermodynamics of an XYZ Heisenberg chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, which describes the low-energy behaviors of a one-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled bosonic model in the deep insulating region. The entropy and the specific heat are calculated numerically by the quasi-exact transfer-matrix renormalization group. In particular, in the limit $U^prime/Urightarrowinfty$, our model is exactly solvable and thus serves as a benchmark for our numerical method. From our data, we find that for $U^prime/U>1$ a quantum phase transition between an (anti)ferromagnetic phase and a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid phase occurs at a finite $theta$, while for $U^prime/U<1$ a transition between a ferromagnetic phase and a paramagnetic phase happens at $theta=0$. A refined ground-state phase diagram is then deduced from their low-temperature behaviors. Our findings provide an alternative way to detect those distinguishable phases experimentally.