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Volatile organic compounds emitted by a human body form a chemical signature capable of providing invaluable information on the physiological status of an individual and, thereby, could serve as signs-of-life for detecting victims after natural or man-made disasters. In this review a database of potential biomarkers of human presence was created on the basis of existing literature reports on volatiles in human breath, skin emanation, blood, and urine. Approximate fluxes of these species from the human body were estimated and used to predict their concentrations in the vicinity of victims. The proposed markers were classified into groups of different potential for victim detection. The major classification discriminants were the capability of detection by portable, real-time analytical instruments and background levels in urban environment. The data summarized in this review are intended to assist studies on the detection of humans via chemical analysis and accelerate investigations in this area of knowledge.
It is known that the Arrhenius equation, based on the Boltzmann distribution, can model only a part (e.g. half of the activation energy) for retinal discrete dark noise observed for vertebrate rod and cone pigments. Luo et al (Science, 332, 1307-312, 2011) presented a new approach to explain this discrepancy by showing that applying the Hinshelwood distribution instead the Boltzmann distribution in the Arrhenius equation solves the problem successfully. However, a careful reanalysis of the methodology and results shows that the approach of Luo et al is questionable and the results found do not solve the problem completely.
One of the answers to the measurement problem in quantum theory is given by the Copenhagen-Interpretation of quantum theory (i.e. orthodox quantum theory) in which the wave function collapse happens in (by) the mind of observer. In fact, at first, great scientists like Von Neumann, London, Bauer and Wigner (initially) believed that the wave function collapse occurs in the brain or is caused by the consciousness of observer. However, this issue has been stayed yet very controversial. In fact, there are many challenging discussions about the survival of quantum effects in microscopic structures of the human brain, which is mainly because of quick decoherence of quantum states due to hot, wet and noisy environment of the brain that forbids long life coherence for brain processing. Nevertheless, there are also several arguments and evidences that emergence of large coherent states is feasible in the brain. In this paper, our approach is based on the latter in which macroscopic quantum states are probable in the human brain. Here, we simulate the delayed luminescence of photons in neurons with a Brassard-like teleportation circuit, i.e. equivalent to the transfer of quantum states of photons through the visual pathways from retina to the visual cortex. Indeed, our simulation considers both classical and quantum mechanical aspects of processing in neurons. As a result and based on our simulation, it is possible for our brain to receive the exact quantum states of photons in the visual cortex to be collapsed by our consciousness, which supports the Copenhagen-Interpretation of measurement problem in quantum theory.
116 - Liaofu Luo 2014
A model of genome evolution is proposed. Based on three assumptions the evolutionary theory of a genome is formulated. The general law on the direction of genome evolution is given. Both the deterministic classical equation and the stochastic quantum equation are proposed. It is proved that the classical equation can be put in a form of the least action principle and the latter can be used for obtaining the quantum generalization of the evolutionary law. The wave equation and uncertainty relation for the quantum evolution are deduced logically. It is shown that the classical trajectory is a limiting case of the general quantum evolution depicted in the coarse-grained time. The observed smooth/sudden evolution is interpreted by the alternating occurrence of the classical and quantum phases. The speciation event is explained by the quantum transition in quantum phase. Fundamental constants of time dimension, the quantization constant and the evolutionary inertia, are introduced for characterizing the genome evolution. The size of minimum genome is deduced from the quantum uncertainty lower bound. The present work shows the quantum law may be more general than thought, since it plays key roles not only in atomic physics, but also in genome evolution.
In addition to chemical and mechanical interactions between cells electromagnetic field produced by cells has been considered as another form of signaling for cell-cell communication. The aim of this study is evaluation of electromagnetic effects on viability of Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) without co-culturing. In this study, stem cells were isolated from human adipose tissue enzymatically and proliferated in monolayer culture. Then, 5.(10^4) adipose-derived stem cells were cultured in each well of the test plate. In the first row (4 wells), ADSCs as inducer cells were cultured in DMEM1 with 10 ng/ml Fibroblast growth factor (FGF). In adjacent and the last rows, ADSCs were cultured without FGF (as detector cells). After the three and five days the viability of cells were evaluated. Moreover, ADSCs were cultured in the same conditions but the inducer cells were placed once in the UV-filter tube and once in the quartz tube to see whether there is electromagnetic interaction among cells. Inducer cells caused significant cell proliferation in adjacent row cells (p- value<0.01) in the fifth day. However, using the UV-filter tube and quartz tube both reduced the effect of inducer cells on adjacent cells significantly. As a conclusion, we could detect distant cellular interaction (DCI) among adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs), but it was not electromagnetic signaling. Our results show that ADSCs affect each other via volatile signaling as a chemical distant cellular interaction (CDCI).
The Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model is a powerful model to explain different aspects of spike generation in excitable cells. However, the HH model was proposed in 1952 when the real structure of the ion channel was unknown. It is now common knowledge that in many ion-channel proteins the flow of ions through the pore is governed by a gate, comprising a so-called selectivity filter inside the ion channel, which can be controlled by electrical interactions. The selectivity filter is believed to be responsible for the selection and fast conduction of particular ions across the membrane of an excitable cell. Other (generally larger) parts of the molecule such as the pore-domain gate control the access of ions to the channel protein. In fact, two types of gates are considered here for ion channels: the external gate, which is the voltage sensitive gate, and the internal gate which is the selectivity filter gate (SFG). Some quantum effects are to expected in the SFG due to its small dimensions, which may play an important role in the operation of an ion channel. Here, we examine parameters in a generalized model of HH to see whether any parameter affects the spike generation. Our results indicate that the previously suggested semi-quantum-classical equation proposed by Bernroider and Summhammer (BS) agrees strongly with the HH equation under different conditions and may even provide a better explanation in some cases. We conclude that the BS model can refine the classical HH model substantially.
In this paper, we identify a radically new viewpoint on the collective behaviour of groups of intelligent agents. We first develop a highly general abstract model for the possible future lives that these agents may encounter as a result of their decisions. In the context of these possible futures, we show that the causal entropic principle, whereby agents follow behavioural rules that maximise their entropy over all paths through the future, predicts many of the observed features of social interactions between individuals in both human and animal groups. Our results indicate that agents are often able to maximise their future path entropy by remaining cohesive as a group, and that this cohesion leads to collectively intelligent outcomes that depend strongly on the distribution of the number of future paths that are possible. We derive social interaction rules that are consistent with maximum-entropy group behaviour for both discrete and continuous decision spaces. Our analysis further predicts that social interactions are likely to be fundamentally based on Webers law of response to proportional stimuli, supporting many studies that find a neurological basis for this stimulus-response mechanism, and providing a novel basis for the common assumption of linearly additive social forces in simulation studies of collective behaviour.
109 - Garri Davydyan 2014
Coordination in circular and longitudinal muscle motions are of crucial importance in the motor function of gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Intestinal wall motions depend on myogenic-active properties of smooth muscles layers of intestinal wall, which is the ability to create active contractile forces in response to distension. Considering the stress in the circular and longitudinal smooth muscles as a sum of passive, depending on muscle deformations, and active, depending on muscle tone, components, and also assuming that the change in the muscle tone depends on the current stress-strain condition, the system of four ordinary differential equations (ODE) is obtained, which describes filling-emptying cycle of intestinal segment as a process of coordinated activities of circular and longitudinal muscles of intestinal wall. A general approach in formulating the modelling conditions is based on the previously described model restricted to the circularly distensible reservoir of constant length. Obtained results illustrate the character of coordinated activities of two orthogonal muscle layers, which are alternating phases of reciprocally and uniformly changing modalities such as stretching of the wall and muscle tone. The results also contribute to the existing understanding of the roles of Auerbachs and Meisners intermuscular and submucous neural plexuses in regulations of autonomous intestinal motility, as well as clarify functional mechanisms of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in triggering of smooth muscle contractions.
90 - Garri Davydyan 2014
A notion of biologic system or just a system implies a functional wholeness of comprising system components. Positive and negative feedback are the examples of how the idea to unite anatomical elements in the whole functional structure was successfully used in practice to explain regulatory mechanisms in biology and medicine. There are numerous examples of functional and metabolic pathways which are not regulated by feedback loops and have a structure of reciprocal relationships. Expressed in the matrix form positive feedback, negative feedback, and reciprocal links represent three basis elements of a Lie algebra sl(2,R)of a special linear group SL(2,R). It is proposed that the mathematical group structure can be realized through the three regulatory elements playing a role of a functional basis of biologic systems. The structure of the basis elements endows the space of biological variables with indefinite metric. Metric structure resembles Minkowskis space-time (+, -, -) making the carrier spaces of biologic variables and the space of transformations inhomogeneous. It endows biologic systems with a rich functional structure, giving the regulatory elements special differentiating features to form steady autonomous subsystems reducible to one-dimensional components.
223 - Liaofu Luo 2013
A quantum model on the chemically and physically induced pluripotency in stem cells is proposed. Based on the conformational Hamiltonian and the idea of slow variables (molecular torsions) slaving fast ones the conversion from the differentiate state to pluripotent state is defined as the quantum transition between conformational states. The transitional rate is calculated and an analytical form for the rate formulas is deduced. Then the dependence of the rate on the number of torsion angles of the gene and the magnitude of the rate can be estimated by comparison with protein folding. The reaction equations of the conformational change of the pluripotency genes in chemical reprogramming are given. The characteristic time of the chemical reprogramming is calculated and the result is consistent with experiments. The dependence of the transition rate on physical factors such as temperature, PH value and the volume and shape of the coherent domain is analyzed from the rate equation. It is suggested that by decreasing the coherence degree of some pluripotency genes a more effective approach to the physically induced pluripotency can be made.

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