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Integrating areas of current research into undergraduate physics labs can be a difficult task. The location of the magnetopause is one problem that can be examined with no prior exposure to space physics. The magnetopause location can be viewed as a pressure balance between the dynamic pressure of the solar wind and the magnetic pressure of the magnetosphere. In this lab sophomore and junior students examine the magnetopause location using simulation results from BATS-R-US global MHD code run at NASAs Community Coordinated Modeling Center. Students also analyze data from several spacecraft to find magnetopause crossings. The students get reasonable agreement between their results and model predictions from this lab as well as exposure to the tools and techniques of space physics.
Science is an inherently quantitative endeavor, and general education science courses are taken by a majority of college students. As such, they are a powerful venue for advancing students skills and attitudes toward mathematics. This article reports on the development and validation of the Quantitative Reasoning for College Science (QuaRCS) Assessment, a numeracy assessment instrument designed for college-level general education science students. It has been administered to more than four thousand students over eight semesters of refinement. We show that the QuaRCS is able to distinguish varying levels of quantitative literacy and present performance statistics for both individual items and the instrument as a whole. Responses from a survey of forty-eight Astronomy and Mathematics educators show that these two groups share views regarding which quantitative skills are most important in the contexts of science literacy and educated citizenship, and the skills assessed with the QuaRCS are drawn from these rankings. The fully-developed QuaRCS assessment was administered to nearly two thousand students in nineteen general education science courses and one STEM major course in early 2015, and results reveal that the instrument is valid for both populations.
The general problem of effectively using interactive engagement in non-introductory physics courses remains open. We present a three-year study comparing different approaches to lecturing in an intermediate mechanics course at the Colorado School of Mines. In the first year, the lectures were fairly traditional. In the second year the lectures were modified to include Socratic dialogs between the instructor and students. In the third year, the instructor used a personal response system and Peer Instruction-like pedagogy. All other course materials were nearly identical to an established traditional lecture course. We present results from a new instructor-constructed conceptual survey, exams, and course evaluations. We observe little change in student exam performance as lecture techniques varied, though students consistently stated clickers were the best part of the course from which they learned the most. Indeed, when using clickers in this course, students were considerably more likely to become engaged than students in CSM introductory courses using the same methods.
The basic notions of statistical mechanics (microstates, multiplicities) are quite simple, but understanding how the second law arises from these ideas requires working with cumbersomely large numbers. To avoid getting bogged down in mathematics, one can compute multiplicities numerically for a simple model system such as an Einstein solid -- a collection of identical quantum harmonic oscillators. A computer spreadsheet program or comparable software can compute the required combinatoric functions for systems containing a few hundred oscillators and units of energy. When two such systems can exchange energy, one immediately sees that some configurations are overwhelmingly more probable than others. Graphs of entropy vs. energy for the two systems can be used to motivate the theoretical definition of temperature, $T= (partial S/partial U)^{-1}$, thus bridging the gap between the classical and statistical approaches to entropy. Further spreadsheet exercises can be used to compute the heat capacity of an Einstein solid, study the Boltzmann distribution, and explore the properties of a two-state paramagnetic system.
We describe an interactive computer program that simulates Stern-Gerlach measurements on spin-1/2 and spin-1 particles. The user can design and run experiments involving successive spin measurements, illustrating incompatible observables, interference, and time evolution. The program can be used by students at a variety of levels, from non-science majors in a general interest course to physics majors in an upper-level quantum mechanics course. We give suggested homework exercises using the program at various levels.
Physics students now have access to interactive molecular dynamics simulations that can model and animate the motions of hundreds of particles, such as noble gas atoms, that attract each other weakly at short distances but repel strongly when pressed together. Using these simulations, students can develop an understanding of forces and motions at the molecular scale, nonideal fluids, phases of matter, thermal equilibrium, nonequilibrium states, the Boltzmann distribution, the arrow of time, and much more. This article summarizes the basic features and capabilities of such a simulation, presents a variety of student exercises using it at the introductory and intermediate levels, and describes some enhancements that can further extend its uses. A working simulation code, in HTML5 and JavaScript for running within any modern Web browser, is provided as an online supplement.
We present a study of active learning pedagogies in an upper division physics course. This work was guided by the principle of deliberate practice for the development of expertise, and this principle was used in the design of the materials and the orchestration of the classroom activities of the students. We present our process for efficiently converting a traditional lecture course based on instructor notes into activities for such a course with active learning methods. Ninety percent of the same material was covered and scores on common exam problems showed a 15 % improvement with an effect size greater than 1 after the transformation. We observe that the improvement and the associated effect size is sustained after handing off the materials to a second instructor. Because the improvement on exam questions was independent of specific problem topics and because the material tested was so mathematically advanced and broad (including linear algebra, Fourier Transforms, partial differential equations, vector calculus), we expect the transformation process could be applied to most upper division physics courses having a similar mathematical base.
Hundreds of thousands of astronomy education activities exist, but their discoverability and quality is highly variable. The web platform for astronomy education activities, astroEDU, presented in this paper tries to solve these issues. Using the familiar peer-review workflow of scientific publications, astroEDU is improving standards of quality, visibility and accessibility, while providing credibility to these astronomy education activities. astroEDU targets activity guides, tutorials and other educational activities in the area of astronomy education, prepared by teachers, educators and other education specialists. Each of the astroEDU activities is peer-reviewed by an educator as well as an astronomer to ensure a high standard in terms of scientific content and educational value. All reviewed materials are then stored in a free open online database, enabling broad distribution in a range of different formats. In this way astroEDU is not another web repository for educational resources but a mechanism for peer-reviewing and publishing high-quality astronomy education activities in an open access way. This paper will provide an account on the implementation and first findings of the use of astroEDU.
A simple experimental setup for measuring the Plancks constant, using Landauer quantization of the conductance between touching gold wires, is described. It consists of two gold wires with thickness of 0.5 mm and 1.5 cm length, and an operational amplifier. The setup costs less than $30 and can be realized in every teaching laboratory in two weeks. The usage of oscilloscope is required.
Being aware of the motivation problems observed in many scientific oriented careers, we present two experiences to expose to college students to environments, methodologies and discovery techniques addressing contemporary problems. This experiences are developed in two complementary contexts: an Introductory Physics course, where we motivated to physics students to participate in research activities, and a multidisciplinary hotbed of research oriented to advanced undergraduate students of Science and Engineering (that even produced three poster presentations in international conferences). Although these are preliminary results and require additional editions to get statistical significance, we consider they are encouraging results. On both contexts we observe an increase in the students motivation to orient their careers with emphasizing on research. In this work, besides the contextualization support for these experiences, we describe six specific activities to link our students to research areas, which we believe can be replicated on similar environments in other educational institutions.

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