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138 - Tao Zhang 2021
We construct double cross biproduct and bi-cycle bicrossproduct Lie bialgebras from braided Lie bialgebras. The main result generalizes Majids matched pairs of Lie algebras, Drinfelds quantum double, and Masuokas cross product Lie bialgebras.
243 - Zoran v{S}koda 2020
Consider any representation $phi$ of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra $g$ by derivations of the completed symmetric algebra $hat{S}(g^*)$ of its dual. Consider the tensor product of $hat{S}(g^*)$ and the exterior algebra $Lambda(g)$. We show that the representation $phi$ extends canonically to the representation $tildephi$ of that tensor product algebra. We construct an exterior derivative on that algebra, giving rise to a twisted version of the exterior differential calculus with the enveloping algebra in the role of the coordinate algebra. In this twisted version, the commutators between the noncommutative differentials and coordinates are formal power series in partial derivatives. The square of the corresponding exterior derivative is zero like in the classical case, but the Leibniz rule is deformed.
We find a formula to compute the number of the generators, which generate the $n$-filtered space of Hopf algebra of rooted trees, i.e. the number of equivalent classes of rooted trees with weight $n$. Applying Hopf algebra of rooted trees, we show that the analogue of Andruskiewitsch and Schneiders Conjecture is not true. The Hopf algebra of rooted trees and the enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of rooted trees are two important examples of Hopf algebras. We give their representation and show that they have not any nonzero integrals. We structure their graded Drinfeld doubles and show that they are local quasitriangular Hopf algebras.
194 - B. Feigin , E. Feigin , M. Jimbo 2018
We use the Whittaker vectors and the Drinfeld Casimir element to show that eigenfunctions of the difference Toda Hamiltonian can be expressed via fermionic formulas. Motivated by the combinatorics of the fermionic formulas we use the representation theory of the quantum groups to prove a number of identities for the coefficients of the eigenfunctions.
416 - Boris Shoikhet 2017
It is well-known that the Kontsevich formality [K97] for Hochschild cochains of the polynomial algebra $A=S(V^*)$ fails if the vector space $V$ is infinite-dimensional. In the present paper, we study the corresponding obstructions. We construct an $L_infty$ structure on polyvector fields on $V$ having the even degree Taylor components, with the degree 2 component given by the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket, but having as well higher non-vanishing Taylor components. We prove that this $L_infty$ algebra is quasi-isomorphic to the corresponding Hochschild cochain complex. We prove that our $L_infty$ algebra is $L_infty$ quasi-isomorphic to the Lie algebra of polyvector fields on $V$ with the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket, if $V$ is finite-dimensional.
191 - V.N. Tolstoy 2017
We discussed quantum deformations of D=4 Lorentz and Poincare algebras. In the case of Poincare algebra it is shown that almost all classical r-matrices of S. Zakrzewski classification correspond to twisted deformations of Abelian and Jordanian types . A part of twists corresponding to the r-matrices of Zakrzewski classification are given in explicit form.
287 - Travis Schedler 2016
We determine the Z-module structure of the preprojective algebra and its zeroth Hochschild homology, for any non-Dynkin quiver (and hence the structure working over any base commutative ring, of any characteristic). This answers (and generalizes) a conjecture of Hesselholt and Rains, producing new $p$-torsion classes in degrees 2p^l, l >= 1, We relate these classes by p-th power maps and interpret them in terms of the kernel of Verschiebung maps from noncommutative Witt theory. An important tool is a generalization of the Diamond Lemma to modules over commutative rings, which we give in the appendix. In the previous version, additional results are included, such as: the Poisson center of $text{Sym } HH_0(Pi)$ for all quivers, the BV algebra structure on Hochschild cohomology, including how the Lie algebra structure $HH_0(Pi_Q)$ naturally arises from it, and the cyclic homology groups of $Pi_Q$.
200 - Andrea Pulita 2016
We show that if a differential equations $mathscr{F}$ over a quasi-smooth Berkovich curve $X$ has a certain compatibility condition with respect to an automorphism $sigma$ of $X$, and if the automorphism is sufficiently close to the identity, then $mathscr{F}$ acquires a semi-linear action of $sigma$ (i.e. lifting that on $X$). This generalizes the previous works of Yves Andre, Lucia Di Vizio, and the author about $p$-adic $q$-difference equations. We also obtain an application to Moritas $p$-adic Gamma function, and to related values of $p$-adic $L$-functions.
We use a tensor C*-category with conjugates and two quasitensor functors into the category of Hilbert spaces to define a *-algebra depending functorially on this data. If one of them is tensorial, we can complete in the maximal C*-norm. A particular case of this construction allows us to begin with solutions of the conjugate equations and associate ergodic actions of quantum groups on the C*-algebra in question. The quantum groups involved are A_u(Q) and B_u(Q).
346 - V. Hinich 2015
In this note we explain that homotopy coherent simplicial nerve has to used intead of the standard definition in the authors papers on formal deformation theory. A convenient version of the notion of fibered category is presented which is useful once one works with simplicial categories.

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