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337 - Greg Friedman 2021
This is an expository introduction to simplicial sets and simplicial homotopy theory with particular focus on relating the combinatorial aspects of the theory to their geometric/topological origins. It is intended to be accessible to students familiar with just the fundamentals of algebraic topology.
We construct Heegaard Floer theory for 3-manifolds with connected boundary. The theory associates to an oriented, parametrized two-manifold a differential graded algebra. For a three-manifold with parametrized boundary, the invariant comes in two differe
99 - Marc Culler 2020
We give new information about the geometry of closed, orientable hyperbolic 3-manifolds with 4-free fundamental group. As an application we show that such a manifold has volume greater than 3.44. This is in turn used to show that if M is a closed orientable hyperbolic 3-manifold such that vol M < 3.44, then H_1(M;Z/2Z) has dimension at most 7.
We prove that various subgroups of the mapping class group $Mod(Sigma)$ of a surface $Sigma$ are at least exponentially distorted. Examples include the Torelli group (answering a question of Hamenstadt), the point-pushing and surface braid subgroups, and the Lagrangian subgroup. Our techniques include a method to compute lower bounds on distortion via representation theory and an extension of Johnson theory to arbitrary subgroups of $H_1(Sigma;mathbb{Z})$.
This is a collection of notes on embedding problems for 3-manifolds. The main question explored is `which 3-manifolds embed smoothly in the 4-sphere? The terrain of exploration is the Burton/Martelli/Matveev/Petronio census of triangulated prime closed 3-manifolds built from 11 or less tetrahedra. There are 13766 manifolds in the census, of which 13400 are orientable. Of the 13400 orientable manifolds, only 149 of them have hyperbolic torsion linking forms and are thus candidates for embedability in the 4-sphere. The majority of this paper is devoted to the embedding problem for these 149 manifolds. At present 41 are known to embed. Among the remaining manifolds, embeddings into homotopy 4-spheres are constructed for 4. 67 manifolds are known to not embed in the 4-sphere. This leaves 37 unresolved cases, of which only 3 are geometric manifolds i.e. having a trivial JSJ-decomposition.
112 - Mikhail Skopenkov 2019
We obtain a criterion for approximability by embeddings of piecewise linear maps of a circle to the plane, analogous to the one proved by Minc for maps of a segment to the plane. Theorem. Let S be a triangulation of a circle with s vertices. Let f be a simplicial map of the graph S to the plane. The map f is approximable by embeddings if and only if for each i=0,...,s the i-th derivative of the map f (defined by Minc) neither contains transversal self-intersections nor is the standard winding of degree greater than 1. We deduce from the Minc result the completeness of the van Kampen obstruction to approximability by embeddings of piecewise linear maps of a segment to the plane. We also generalize these criteria to simplicial maps of a graph without vertices of degree >3 to a circle.
The Nielsen Realization problem asks when the group homomorphism from Diff(M) to pi_0 Diff(M) admits a section. For M a closed surface, Kerckhoff proved that a section exists over any finite subgroup, but Morita proved that if the genus is large enough then no section exists over the entire mapping class group. We prove the first nonexistence theorem of this type in dimension 4: if M is a smooth closed oriented 4-manifold which contains a K3 surface as a connected summand then no section exists over the whole of the mapping class group. This is done by showing that certain obstructions lying in the rational cohomology of B(pi_0 Diff(M)) are nonzero. We detect these classes by showing that they are nonzero when pulled back to the moduli space of Einstein metrics on a K3 surface.
167 - Benjamin Audoux 2017
We define a grid presentation for singular links i.e. links with a finite number of rigid transverse double points. Then we use it to generalize link Floer homology to singular links. Besides the consistency of its definition, we prove that this homology is acyclic under some conditions which naturally make its Euler characteristic vanish.
Divergence functions of a metric space estimate the length of a path connecting two points $A$, $B$ at distance $le n$ avoiding a large enough ball around a third point $C$. We characterize groups with non-linear divergence functions as groups having cut-points in their asymptotic cones. By Olshanskii-Osin-Sapir, that property is weaker than the property of having Morse (rank 1) quasi-geodesics. Using our characterization of Morse quasi-geodesics, we give a new proof of the theorem of Farb-Kaimanovich-Masur that states that mapping class groups cannot contain copies of irreducible lattices in semi-simple Lie groups of higher ranks. It also gives a generalization of the result of Birman-Lubotzky-McCarthy about solvable subgroups of mapping class groups not covered by the Tits alternative of Ivanov and McCarthy. We show that any group acting acylindrically on a simplicial tree or a locally compact hyperbolic graph always has many periodic Morse quasi-geodesics (i.e. Morse elements), so its divergence functions are never linear. We also show that the same result holds in many cases when the hyperbolic graph satisfies Bowditchs properties that are weaker than local compactness. This gives a new proof of Behrstocks result that every pseudo-Anosov element in a mapping class group is Morse. On the other hand, we conjecture that lattices in semi-simple Lie groups of higher rank always have linear divergence. We prove it in the case when the $mathbb{Q}$-rank is 1 and when the lattice is $SL_n(mathcal{O}_S)$ where $nge 3$, $S$ is a finite set of valuations of a number field $K$ including all infinite valuations, and $mathcal{O}_S$ is the corresponding ring of $S$-integers.
316 - Andrew Putman 2017
We calculate the abelianizations of the level $L$ subgroup of the genus $g$ mapping class group and the level $L$ congruence subgroup of the $2g times 2g$ symplectic group for $L$ odd and $g geq 3$.

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